Imagen del autor

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881–1955)

Autor de El fenómeno humano

152+ Obras 6,886 Miembros 98 Reseñas 14 Preferidas

Sobre El Autor

Born in Sarcenat, France, Teilhard de Chardin was the son of a landowner and was educated at a Jesuit school. In 1911 he was ordained a Jesuit priest, but also became interested in geology and paleontology. In 1918 Teilhard de Chardin became professor of geology at the Institut Catholique in Paris. mostrar más Between 1923 and 1946, he went on paleontological and anthropological expeditions to China and Central Asia, where he helped discover Peking Man in 1929. His work in Cenozoic geology and paleontology earned him widespread recognition, including the French Legion of Honour (1946). Early Man in China, one of his writings from his period as a scientist, is still available. Teilhard de Chardin's lively mind moved beyond science to speculative cosmology. He ranks as an interpreter of naturalistic evolution within a broadened framework of spirituality. During his lifetime his writings were disapproved by the authorities in his order and the church; however, their posthumous publication in the wake of Vatican II catapulted Teilhard into the very center of attention, by intellectuals and philosophers throughout the world. Although his views seem insupportable to many more cautious minds, they have been taken seriously and have stimulated considerable discussion. Teilhard's system on philosophy has been ably epitomized by J. E. Bruns in his review of Phenomenon of Man: ""The story of life is not more than a movement of consciousness veiled by morphology.' These words of the author, referring to consciousness as related to organic structure, express the essential theme of his book. . . . Evolution has not run its course. Geogenesis led to biogenesis, "which turned out in the end to be nothing else than psychogenesis. . . . Psychogenesis has led to man. Now it efficaces itself, relieved or absorbed by another and a higher function---the engendering and subsequent development of all the stages of the mind, in one word noogenesis noogenesis.' Noogenesis implies the production of a "superabundance of mind' and looks forward to the ultimate earth, a "universe of conscious substance.' Teilhard envisions mankind, through an ever increasing psychosocial unity, concentrating on the transcendent center of this psychic convergence---God---until it reaches the "Omega point,' the "fulfillment of the spirit of the earth,' a detachment of the mind from its material matrix and an abandonment of its organoplanetary foothold" (Catholic World). (Bowker Author Biography) mostrar menos

Obras de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

El fenómeno humano (1955) 2,038 copias
The Future of Man (1959) 660 copias
Hymn of the Universe (1961) 486 copias
Cartas de viaje (1923-1939) (1900) 225 copias
Christianity and Evolution (1971) 199 copias
The Heart of Matter (1976) 158 copias
Building the Earth (1756) 156 copias
La activación de la energia (1963) 148 copias
La aparición del hombre (1956) 117 copias
Toward the Future (1677) 111 copias
Como yo creo (1969) 102 copias
Human Energy (1962) 99 copias
Let Me Explain (1966) 94 copias
La visión del pasado (1957) 87 copias
Science and Christ (1836) 59 copias
Writings in Time of War (1965) 52 copias
The Prayer of the Universe (1973) 37 copias
Cartas de Egipto (1963) 37 copias
On love (1732) 31 copias
Letters to Leontine Zanta (1967) 29 copias
On Love and Happiness (1984) 28 copias
On happiness (1960) 21 copias
Album (1966) 17 copias
Etre plus (1994) 10 copias
Auswahl aus dem Werk (1964) 8 copias
La messa sul mondo (1962) 6 copias
De mens in de evolutie (1962) 5 copias
In the field with Teilhard de Chardin — Letters and Illustations — 5 copias
Escritos esenciales (2002) 3 copias
Como yo creo 2 copias
Briefe an Frauen (1991) 2 copias
Rien n'est profane (2013) 2 copias
Benne élünk (2005) 1 copia
Mon univers 1 copia
Mein Weltbild (1975) 1 copia
L'evoluzione convergente (1995) 1 copia
Journal (1975) 1 copia
Teilhard önmagáról (1999) 1 copia
Il sacerdote 1 copia
Briefe an eine Marxistin (1971) 1 copia
O Meio Divino 1 copia

Obras relacionadas

Ants, Indians, and little dinosaurs (1975) — Contribuidor — 191 copias
The Sheed and Ward Anthology of Catholic Philosophy (2005) — Contribuidor — 28 copias


Conocimiento común



Librería 1. Estante 6.
atman2019 | 16 reseñas más. | Jul 9, 2019 |
atman2019 | 17 reseñas más. | Jun 28, 2019 |
atman2019 | 2 reseñas más. | Jun 28, 2019 |

Sota el titol global de "L'Himne de I'Univers" presentem un recull de treballs de
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin de caràcter espiritual. A part els dos petits estudis:
"El Crist dins la matèria" i "El poder espiritual de la matèria", hi trobareu una
part dedicada a "Pensaments", escollits per Fernande Tardivel, interessantissima
selecció de textos, molts d'ells d'obres completament inèdites, i finalment el
famós estudi: "La missa sobre el món'" del qual un agnòstic com Julian Huxley ha
dit: "Un veritable assaig poètic i, al mateix temps, místic, realista, religiós i

Aquesta meditació fou inspirada al pare Teilhard per la impossibilitat en què es
trobà de celebrar la missa, en ple desert dels Ordos, durant una expedicio cientifica.
Sembla que era el dia de la Transfiguració,* festa que li era particularment estimada
Llavors reflexionà sobre l'expandiment de la Presència Eucaristica dins l'Univers.
Certament, no confonia aquesta Presència, fruit de la Transsubstanciació pròpiament
dita, amb la Presència universal del Verb. La seva fe en el Misteri Eucaristic no solament
era ardent: era també precisa i ferma.

Però, justament, aquesta fe era prou forta i realista per a descobrir-n'hi les conseqüències o,
com ell deia, les "prolongacions" i les extensions. En un temps en què l'individualisme
disfressava encara correntment, en aquest punt, l'ensenyament total de la tradició catòlica,
ell escrivia (era el mateix any en què fou redactada La Messe sur le Monde)
"Quan el Crist baixa sacramentalment dins cada
un dels seus fidels, no és solament per conversar
amb ell .), quan diu, per mitjà del sacerdot: ....
… (más)
FundacionRosacruz | 6 reseñas más. | Nov 7, 2018 |



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