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Obras de Sophie Dawson

Giving Love (Cottonwood) (2012) 5 copias
Cool Camping (2010) 4 copias
Lord's Love (Cottonwood) (2012) 4 copias
Rescued By Love (2016) 3 copias
An Agent for Wilhelmina (2018) 3 copias


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When Kyria's place of employment explodes she's caught in the blast. Seriously injured, Kyria's physician, Dr. Mark Jenner, finds she touches something deep inside him. Released after months, Kyria's instructed to have home aid. When her weekend aid hates cats, does nothing, and leaves in an hour and a half, she tells the agency she has made other arrangements. Bad idea Kyria. A serious, yet hilariously written, crisis occurs bringing Dr. Jenner back into her life. The reader follows Mark and Kyria through trials, gossip, hurt, a noisy family, mold, and romance as they head towards happily ever after. My Christian romance book review follows.


This is a sweet clean romance filled with emotion. Reading about Kyria's injuries and pain, I could almost fill her suffering. How wonderful her doctor's a devoted Christian who prays for his patients. Dawson shows how man, medicine, and God work together to heal the sick.

Mark's a faithful Christian man who tries to always seek God's will, yet, he's human and feels hurt and pain as we all do. Dawson developed Mark's character to his full potential as she led him through a time of trials. As a Christian he faced gossip and innuendo about his and Kyria's character; seeking counsel from his brother-in-law, who is a pastor, he prays for God's guidance.

Also, Dawson shows how unfounded gossip can not only hurt the people involved, but cause serious injury to reputations; as Christians, we should always give the benefit of the doubt, pray upon the situation, and wait for God's counsel. How sad that Christians would spread gossip and condemn without proof. She also shows how the accused should continue following God, pray, seek his counsel and continue living right.

Dawson included humor in her story. I laughed out loud when Kyria's doped up on pain killers, as well as, Mark reaction to all her antics. Kyria's characters grows out a sheltered existence and matures as she journeys through trials, adversity, the loud noisy Jenner family, and love. Every good story needs a villain, Dawson created a dilly in Julie. I wanted to jerk her silly, as my mother would say. With well-developed characters, secondary characters which added depth to the story, and varied plot threads, I found Mold and Marriage an entertaining read.


Additionally, I borrowed this book from kindle unlimited and chose to voluntarily review the book with an honest romance book reviews. Lastly, book reviews of any novel are dependent on the book review author’s opinion. Consequently, all book reviews on-line and on my blog, are my opinions. Without hesitation I can say, no one influenced my voluntary romance book reviews.
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vera_mallard | May 10, 2018 |
A good historical fiction transports it readers back in time, to live, breathe and see through another person's eyes. We should feel that we are right there living the life of our fictional characters, walking in their footsteps and feeling what they feel. Seeing the Life is this type of fiction. The author, Sophie Dawson, successfully transports us back 2,000 years to the time of the Roman Empire at its peak. We get to peer through the eyes of a young couple, Dassa and Micah, who at the opening of this story live in Bethlehem, Israel.

Micah Ben Perez was a scribe by trade. He worked for many business owners on their books and accounts, but his first love was copying the Tanahk. He loved God with all his heart. Dassa bat Eli lived with her parents at their Inn. She grew up learning how to cook and serve meals for large crowds. She was at the Inn when Mary and Joseph arrived for the census. She was present at Yeshua's birth and was astounded when the impossible happened: a virgin gave birth to a baby boy. When she told Micah, he knew exactly which Scriptures referred to this incident. He kept this knowledge in his heart.

This story's events are familiar to us, especially once Jesus had begun his ministry as rabbi at the age of 30. Micah kept record of these milestones after Joseph shared with the family what they experienced in Egypt and when they moved again to Nazareth. The author allows us to see these events through Micah and Dassa's eyes. By having the couple's children, now young people themselves, follow Yeshua's steps, we get an up close and personal view of how the family and other local Jewish people viewed his words and actions. Because of the typical mindset of the times, so many were baffled by Jesus' teachings and healings. Was he preparing for a physical kingdom here on earth to deliver them from the Romans or wasn't he?

The most memorable part of the book for me was the ugly realism of the events of Jesus' final weeks on earth. We experience the horror of those days anew as we see them through the lives of Jesus' close friends and family. Their suffering becomes our pain throughout His betrayal, the torture and His death on the Roman cross. We feel with Mary when Dassa rushes to her side to comfort her.

In contrast, the author's retelling of the forty days after Yeshua's resurrection expresses the wonder of discovery, believers' new sense of purpose and hope, and the new direction for believers when they were first called Christians and had begun to be persecuted for their beliefs in Jesus as their Lord and God.

I am impressed with the amount of detailed research the author employed in building this incredible historical fiction. At times it was heartwarming and filled with the love of family, intriguing as some of Yeshua's followers sought to build up a stash of weapons in case He wanted to start His kingdom on earth, and exciting to see new birth, new life when people placed their trust in Him after His resurrection. This book fired up my imagination and challenged me to view familiar biblical events with a fresh perspective.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical fiction, especially with works that feature biblical events. The usual precaution needs to be expressed here for the reader to be sure to separate the facts from the fiction and speculation by reading about the actual occurrences in the Scripture. In fact, a really good historical fiction should create in us a desire to read God's Word for ourselves. I believe this books does this successfully.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary review copy of this book from The Story Cartel on behalf of the author. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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Beverlylynnt | Jul 7, 2014 |
Timothy Dillion is a Deputy U.S. Marshal traveling with Marshal Nathan Ryder (also know as the Preacher) from Redemption, New Mexico to Cottonwood, Iowa, to visit his aunt Aggie and find peace from a situation in Redemption. When they get Cottonwood, they're surprised to find that Diamond Dale has struck again and he's kidnapped Nell Shaw. Nell Shaw is a nurse who has no appreciation for men since fleeing her father's advances and going to live with Aggie Cuttler. She soon discovers her father has returned and is terminally ill, expecting her to care for him. Now, because of Diamond Dale, she has Tim following her around everywhere to protect her and she hates it, though she is drawn to him and thinks he's handsome. For Tim, protecting Nell is particularly hard because he's already lost two women he's loved at the hands of Diamond Dale. He doesn't want Nell to be the third. Can two hurting souls overcome the past to perhaps find a future together? Will Diamond Dale find his mark? What does Aggie think about Nell's father returning? Will Nathan find the peace he's looking for?

Redeeming Love is a really great story! One that truly comes to life in your mind as you're reading; like watching a movie in your head. It was such a great mix of romance, suspense and interaction with folks you just come to love. I got to know a little about Nugget Nate Ryder (Nathan's grandfather) in Leah's Peace. A character I loved! So it was fun to get to know his grandson. Redeeming Love brings together two different series by two different authors. The Redemption Series by George Mc Vey and The Cottonwood Series by Sophie Dawson. I haven't read either of these series but I can promise you I will be soon. Both are excellent writers who know how to bring a story to life, with living, breathing characters, and when you get to the end, makes you crave more. I appreciated the way faith was so naturally a part of this story not just something tacked on as an after-thought. That doesn't mean they didn't have struggles and failures, because they did, but faith was part of who they were. I am looking forward to reading both series soon and catching up with both Redemption and Cottonwood. You'll find at the end of this book that another Redemption story will be coming soon. If you enjoy a good old-fashioned western with folks you love (and some you don't), then I highly recommend a trip to Cottonwood to find out what Redeeming Love is all about. It's enjoyable as a stand alone but I for one want to read the other books!

*This complimentary copy was provided by Sophie Dawson in exchange for an honest review*

To find out more about this book or other books in the Cottonwood Series I encourage you to visit Sophie Dawson's website To find out more about other books in the Redemption Series I encourage you to find George McVey on amazon.
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love2readnovels | Mar 17, 2014 |
Norie Chase is returning home to Stones Creek after finishing school and taking care of her dying aunt. She loves her father's ranch and is anxious to once again ride her beautiful stallion across the open fields. You can imagine her surprise when she suddenly finds herself pulled from her horse. Norie pulls a knife on him only to find out it's Linc Pierce, her father's new foreman. He reprimands Norie for being on a horse that is dangerous. Norie explains to Linc that that has been her horse for a long time. As they get to know each other, Linc discovers that Norie can ride, throw knives and shoot better than most men he knows, but it's things that girls just shouldn't be doing. Norie is fed-up with the way Linc is always trying to keep her from what he thinks might be harmful. Why can't he see her for who she is? A friendly challenge between Linc and Norie just might be the answer.

Chasing Norie was an extremely fun story from start to finish. I fell in love with Norie and Linc in the first book (Leah's Peace) so was anxious to hear their tale. Chasing Norie and Leah's Peace are parallel stories which is really a neat way to do a series. It's basically the same story from a different point of view. I don't think I've read stories like that before but REALLY liked it. Linc and Norie are a hoot. Their banter and antics kept me smiling and even laughing out loud sometimes. Along with the laughter though, you'll find touching moments too. There was certainly a lot of chemistry between them, which is always a plus for me. For as spirited as Norie was, she always wanted to be pleasing to the Lord, which I appreciated. One person I really liked in this story was Norie's father, Wes. I thought the way he handled things was really neat. You have to read the story to understand what I mean. I honestly hated to see this tale come to an end but I did like the ending. If you enjoy books by Mary Connealy then I think you would definitely enjoy Chasing Norie.

Series: Stones Creek
Paperback: 278 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (May 29, 2013)
ISBN-10: 1489593659
ISBN-13: 978-1489593658

*This complimentary copy was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*

For information on this book or Sophie Dawson's other books, I encourage you to visit her website at
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love2readnovels | Oct 17, 2013 |


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