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Took about 2/3s of the way through the book to actually pick up, but it finished with a decent flourish. Backstory about K-Pop band/TV show was a little annoying in a 'girls can be catty at times' kind of way, but the rest of the story settled in.
Kerrazyscott | 9 reseñas más. | Feb 26, 2024 |
I have often felt that YA horror is a grossly overlooked genre that needs more attention. I am glad to say that not only is "Gorgeous Gruesome Faces" a good addition to said genre, but it is also a great addition for diversity in horror literature, both from an Asian and LGBT representation perspective. Is it a bit campy? Perhaps. But that is part of where the fun lies!

The best way for me to describe this book is to think of the sapphic vibes of "Jennifer's Body" (with thankfully less queer-baiting), the uber capitalistic/exploitative themes of "Squid's Game," and the horror elements of another great YA book I read recently "I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast is Me" all joined together. If any of those elements appeal to you, then more likely than not, "Gorgeous Gruesome Faces" will as well, regardless of whether you are into the K-pop/K-drama scene.
shrrawat | 9 reseñas más. | Jan 17, 2024 |
Sunny Lee was once part of a popular teen pop girl trio with fans all over the world. Her stardom cratered when she was involved in a cheating scandal with a male pop star. Additionally, her trio dissolved when, Mina, one of the three group members inexplicably committed suicide. Sunny, humiliated, traumatized and devastated, withdrew from the public eye.
Two years later, Sunny, seeking answers about the past, joins a competitive K-Pop performance workshop when she hears that her former bandmate and best friend Candy has signed up.
Gorgeous Gruesome Faces is a queer, contemporary, dark horror novel with a slow start but a fast paced, tense second half. I enjoyed the Asian folklore/mythology that underpinned the story and the eerie unsettling, claustrophobic atmosphere. This book offered insightful social commentary about damaging female beauty standards and the pressures of stardom especially in the cutthroat world of K-Pop. It felt a bit muddled at times but overall, a compulsively readable thriller. 3 1/2 stars rounded up. Thank you to BookishFirst for a copy to review.
PennyOlson | 9 reseñas más. | Jan 14, 2024 |
I Love the glittery cover and makeup on the cover of the book which is what made me want to read the first look and then I discovered it was also going to be about K-pop EEK!

I don't listen to K-pop but I do love crazy fandom people because I just learned about Harry Styles Stans and I am in Kansas City so the Swifties crew has been some interesting tea as well. They are in their football era for sure and also I am not a fan of her I don't hate her and I love how angry she makes all the dad brads and chads. I have a prima that is a k-pop fan and she is going to be a bookish first reader because I made this book suggestion to her so I am def recommending this read to all K-pop fans and fans of fandoms or fan fics. TBH that's all my cousin reads so I was surprised that she actually wanted to read a book instead of the internet stuffs she usually does.

Music lovers book for sure~
ikarladee | 9 reseñas más. | Dec 22, 2023 |
I expected more from this book than I got. The timing was weird, the pacing was awful, the flashbacks increasingly annoying, the details overdone in some areas and almost none in others. The supernatural events--okay, fine. The author would do a plot point neatly and concisely, then drag it out. I don't think this was to pad word count. I think she wasn't sure how to link things neatly, since she kept doing it in a particular way. The repeated "enemies to friends" was annoying at first, then frustrating, then finally enraging. Shut up! This was a poor portrayal of Kpop stardom and its fallout. "Kpop Confidential" by Stephan Lee handles these themes much, much better and is a far more engaging novel. It's a better debut to a series, too, unlike this one. This will develop into a series, but why? I was glad to finish this in any regard. Sigh.
iszevthere | 9 reseñas más. | Dec 8, 2023 |
I really liked the concept of this one and felt the author was pretty original in the storyline. We followed two different timelines that focused on the same two - sort of three - characters in each. Personally, the current timeline was much more entertaining and I wish had more face time. Both timelines did feel a bit disjointed, and some of the build ups didn’t really pay off (especially the plot twists in the first timeline). That being said, this was fun overall. The characters were pretty entertaining as well as seeing their hidden motivations play out. I liked the supernatural elements as well. The only main critique is the writing style just didn’t pack the punch I wanted it to. It was good, definitely. But I think it just lacked a certain lyricism that draws me in and keeps me turning the pages. Overall, Gorgeous Gruesome Faces is a solid 4/5 for me.
thelibrarywasbooked | 9 reseñas más. | Nov 21, 2023 |
I really enjoyed this! Probably one of my favorite YA titles I've read this year, and it's an excellent thriller with horror elements as well. It first caught my attention because it has the most eye-catching, gorgeous, and somewhat unnerving covers of the year. It exceeded my expectations, though. I really loved Sunny, and the exploration of her complicated relationship with Candie. The story moves back and forth between "Now" and four years "Before" to depict how they got to know each other, and how they fell apart amidst the pressures of stardom and the third girl in their group jumping to her death... The horror elements were less prominent than I thought they would be, and the ending was also not all that satisfying, and I'm not thrilled to learn that it's the first book in a series. I would still read something else by this author though! Really enjoyed this.
alliepascal | 9 reseñas más. | Nov 8, 2023 |
I was looking forward to reading Gorgeous Gruesome Faces. For me it was ok. It was a fast read and the characters were enjoyable. The relationship between the main characters was developed well. The storyline was good and I did enjoy the dual timelines. The author brought the dual timelines together very well. The story in the present at the workshop was good and had you wondering what was going to happen next. The book did pick up for me as it went along. This book is listed as a sapphic thriller and I was hoping for a lot more of that. I enjoyed the ending when everything started to come together and you learned more about Candies history. I liked how the friendship between Sunny and Candie overcame hard times and how they were there for each other. Overall I think young adults would enjoy this book. I would definitely recommend this book and would try the next book.
lkatz59 | 9 reseñas más. | Nov 7, 2023 |
Too much

This novel takes the reader "behind the scenes" into the world of competitive K-Pop and all the exhaustive physical work, mental stamina, and drama these performers are subjected to personally and publicly. I enjoyed the dual time line and development of Candie's and Sunny's characters.

The try-outs for the latest K-Pop sensation and elimination rounds reminded me of watching reality television shows. I really wanted to find out the answer to Mina's mysterious death.

What bothered me was how Sunny had been out of the music industry for two years and had no difficulty popping right back in with her physical stamina or musical singing abilities. Going from couch to hours of dancing while singing with little problem is not believable and I couldn't suspend my belief that any person could achieve this feat.

This book covered the high costs of fame--the sex scandals, the cancel culture, the price of being beautiful--and did this well. But I think it tried to do too much in one novel with the romance, mythology, and revenge plot lines also intermingled. Often I felt like big parts were missing.
This novel takes the reader "behind the scenes" into the world of competitive K-Pop and all the exhaustive physical work, mental stamina, and drama these performers are subjected to personally and publicly. I enjoyed the dual time line and development of Candie's and Sunny's characters.

The try-outs for the latest K-Pop sensation and elimination rounds reminded me of watching reality television shows. I really wanted to find out the answer to Mina's mysterious death.

What bothered me was how Sunny had been out of the music industry for two years and had no difficulty popping right back in with her physical stamina or musical singing abilities. Going from couch to hours of dancing while singing with little problem is not believable and I couldn't suspend my belief that any person could achieve this feat.

This book covered the high costs of fame--the sex scandals, the cancel culture, the price of being beautiful--and did this well. But I think it tried to do too much in one novel with the romance, mythology, and revenge plot lines also intermingled. Often I felt like big parts were missing.
DanielleHammelef | 9 reseñas más. | Nov 7, 2023 |
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