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OakGrove-KFA | Mar 28, 2020 |
While I enjoyed the photographs on each page and the idea behind this book, it was not my favorite. I liked that the book briefly acknowledged special education and support services. I thought the author did this in a way that did not at all dwell on disabilities, but rather made connections throughout the book between many individuals. However, I did not like the "Dave and Skippy" pieces sprinkled throughout the text. I admit, this could be due to my dislike of ventriloquist dolls. I did feel that if the author chose to continue bringing the two in and out of the story, he or she could have given a little more of an explanation of the couple's relationship with Dustin. All the reader gets is that Dustin is obviously fond of them and thqt Dave went to school with Dustin's father. I wanted to know more about Dustin and some of the reasons why Dave and Skippy were such an important part of his life.
Jessica.Kirkland | 29 reseñas más. | Mar 5, 2020 |
This small little book is full of courage. A great way to explain to children how to deal with health issues that can be life changing and permeates throughout ones life. The story is told from the perspective of a child diabetes, Natalie. She explains how she must have routine check of her blood sugar level often and how she must take insulin shots. Very realistic book with real images of Natalie and her sister Kelsey. Great book to introduce children to this health issue.½
saylore | otra reseña | Feb 20, 2020 |
The first thing I noticed was the illustration; it was pictures. This wasn’t very surprising when I opened the book since the cover was a picture as well. I wonder why this was the choice? To show that Dustin has Down syndrome and other children with Down’s could relate? I’m guessing this was a real story that took place to get all of the pictures. Overall, I liked this book. It showed how the other students got just as excited as Dustin did about Dave and Skippy coming to school. The book also demonstrated how inclusion works in the classroom. As well as the resources that are in place to meet Dustin’s needs. I would use this book to talk about how all students have the same excitement even if they are different.
krichard | 29 reseñas más. | Feb 19, 2020 |
This book was really cute. This book was about a little boy, Dustin, who has down syndrome. Dustin has two very special visitors coming to his school. Dustin and his friends wait impatiently for Dave and Skippy to arrive. I like that this book does not have Dustin isolated or looked down upon. The author presents Dustin as a character who can interact with the general education classroom, but he does have to go to a speech therapist and other special teachers.
ogonzales | 29 reseñas más. | Oct 30, 2019 |
I really enjoyed reading about Dustin's big day. Dustin is exited for Dustin and Skippy, a man and his puppet, to visit the school. He is so excited he has trouble focusing all day long. The part that I loved the most about this book is that it is never explicitly stated that Dustin has any form of disability, it is shown through pictures alone. This helps remind us that Dustin is just a little boy, just like other boys. Dustin is not his disability and he lives his life in that manner.½
JasmineMcBride | 29 reseñas más. | Oct 25, 2019 |
Filled with excitement and joy, Dustin is ready for his "big day" at school as he is going to see Dustin and Skippy. Dustin is his dad's friend who has a puppet named Skipping and both perform for the students. The book describes Dustin's day and how he has a bit of trouble focusing in one of his lessons because he is so excited to meet Skippy. It is never addressed that Dustin is mentally handicap, although you can tell through the pictures that he is, rather it focuses on his excitement which brings a joyful tone to the book. The real life pictures make this book very relatable to the readers and helps to illustrate the day's happenings.
clittle1 | 29 reseñas más. | Oct 7, 2019 |
I really enjoyed this book. I especially liked how the pictures were real life pictures from Dustin's life. Dustin is a little boy who has down syndrome and he goes to school one day waiting for two very special guests. The special guest were Dave and Skippy. Skippy was a puppet and he put on an assembly at the end of the day for Dustin. Dustin was so excited to meet him.
AlexaBavido | 29 reseñas más. | Sep 23, 2019 |
Short 151 pages quick read coming of age story. Started out optimistic about inventing at beginning but this faded into a capture of several important personal perspectives on historical trends. Enjoyed the logging and wood carving efforts.
scottshjefte1 | Sep 6, 2019 |
I loved this book because not once did it mention Dustin’s disability. It only mentioned the excitement he had at school to see Dave and Skippy. I loved this book.
A.Bode | 29 reseñas más. | Apr 10, 2019 |
This book is all about Dustin going to school and waiting anxiously all day for a special surprise. The reader gets to go through Dustin's day with him, seeing all of the things he does in class during the school day. Dustin does special class work like speech therapy and occupational therapy, but Dustin is also in a mainstream classroom where he goes to music and library and learns about the weather and days of the week with all of the other kids his age. This book is also unique because it is illustrated through pictures, and it shows Dustin learning in school. Students can learn from this book because they can see what fellow classmates who have down syndrome do throughout the school day, and perhaps it could allow them to connect with a friend they know who has down syndrome.½
oleger | 29 reseñas más. | Mar 31, 2019 |
This story is about a boy who has down syndrome, but this is in no way the main point of the story. Instead, Dustin's day at school is pretty much like every other child, but with the exception of seeing two separate therapists for extra support. Everything about this book was enjoyable. I felt just as anxious as Dustin waiting for that special surprise at the end of the book. I think it is important for children to read this book because it shows the day to day life of a student with down syndrome.
agreenwald | 29 reseñas más. | Feb 21, 2019 |
Dustin goes through his normal school day and we are included through this journey of occupational therapy, speech therapy, and inclusion classrooms. The kids all treat Dustin the same and are super excited for his guest to arrive at the school. I noticed musical therapy works well for children with down syndrome and am glad that his emotions showed excitement within music class. Through the whole book, I wondered who Dave and Skippy might be. When he races down the hall with thrill and the man brings out his puppet I realized he was a ventriloquist and my heart warms when seeing Dustin's happiness when they sing to him.½
mprochnow | 29 reseñas más. | Oct 7, 2018 |
Today is a big day for Dustin at school. His friends Dave and Skippy are coming to school. Dusting is in second grade and has down syndrome. The book shows him going to separate teachers during the day to work for occupational therapy and to work math and reading. Dustin has a hard time focusing throughout the day because he cannot contain his excitement. Finally, Dave and Skippy arrive and even play a special song for Dustin! This is an awesome story! It shows how Dustin participates with the other children but also how he has times where he does different classes for himself. This would be a good book for a child with down syndrome to read. I enjoyed reading this and the pictures were great.
eritzmann | 29 reseñas más. | Apr 21, 2018 |
Today is a very important day: Dustin's friends (Dave and Skippy) are going to his school!
Dustin is in a Special Ed class and him and all his friends are really excited... and I was too. everyone seems to know who Dave and Skippy are and I was dying to know.
At the end we find out Skippy is a puppet and Dave his ventriloquist. I love seeing books where diversity is shown. Dustin is a young boy with Down syndrome, and although we do notice it in the pictures and in different scenes, it is not really focused on Dustin's disability but on his exciting day at school.He and his friends are not victimized nor glorified for their disabilities.
MonikaNicole | 29 reseñas más. | Apr 9, 2018 |
This book is about a little boy with down syndrome and his new baby brother. This book addresses how big brother Dustin is different and helps kids cope with this and grasp this idea.
ClaraAnn | 9 reseñas más. | Nov 25, 2017 |
I enjoyed the pictures in this book. The real life photographers helped me picture the day in the life of Dustin as he was going through it. I think this book is good for children and for acceptance for people who look different then themselves. Dustin was in a regular education class for most of the subjects, but pulled out for extra help on reading and math, and speech. I like how the teacher gave him his own words to copy down in the class where everyone else was copying from the board. Dustin learns at his own pace, and it is nice to see the teachers helping him to improve in his own way.
rmajeau | 29 reseñas más. | Nov 14, 2017 |
The author uses person first to describe events that take place in school for Dustin. Also, it portrays Dustin as a normal school child. He goes to all of the classes and learns what the others are learning, then he goes to his certain classes that he also needs for assistance.
kmparnell | 29 reseñas más. | Nov 8, 2017 |
I thought this was a very nice book for juvenile historical non fiction. Personally my favorite page was the photo of all of the generals in the battle, I thought it served as a nice info sheet. If you are looking for a nice historical non ficiton juvenile book on Gettysburg, this is it, because It does not sugarcoat anything and tells the battle for what it was.
payneloverreviews | otra reseña | Aug 23, 2017 |
Stretching Ourselves features Emily, Nic and Tanner, three upbeat kids who have varying degrees of cerebral palsy. This was a very interesting read because of how informational it was. All kids affected by it go to physical therapy but in some, more severe cases, speech therapy is also necessary. All three kids have their ups and downs but the book never focused on what they couldn't do, just what they like to do and can do and what they do exceptionally well. I'd recommend this book for anyone interested or curious about CP.
ilonon | 7 reseñas más. | Mar 31, 2017 |
This book is about a young boy, named Dustin, who has down syndrome. Dustin is excited because he finds out that there are two special visitors (Dave and Skippy) coming to his school. In the book, teachers use examples of Dave and Skippy in math problems and language arts activities. At the end of the story, readers finally get to meet Dave and Skippy, the two visitors everyone is so excited about meeting. Dustin even gets called out of class to greet the two. In the book, Dustin sees many therapists, showing what it may be like to have down syndrome.
Eayyad | 29 reseñas más. | Mar 29, 2017 |
Dustin was excited for a very special day at school. He was waiting for a visit from Dave and Skippy the entire day. Before he spends time with Dave and Skippy, we get to see what Dustin does at school. He has down syndrome and spends time in class with his second-grade teacher. He also attends music class, visits the speech therapist, and visits the occupational therapist. Most importantly, Dustin could not contain his excitement to see Dave and Skippy. When the time finally arrives, Dustin rushes to the gym. There he meets Dave and Skippy, but Skippy isn't a real person. He is a puppet. Dave puts on a wonderful show for the students in the gym. Not only do we get a story about Dustin, but we get a look at what school may be like for someone that has down syndrome. He visits many people every day that work with him to get better. I strongly feel that the book about Dustin accurateIy depicts what life with autism is like, especially the fact that he has to see multiple therapists. I hope every school day is special for Dustin, just like this one.
Sierra.Coupel | 29 reseñas más. | Nov 6, 2016 |
Today is the day that Dave and Skippy are coming to Dustin's school! We follow Dustin, a young boy with down syndrome, throughout his school day as he anxiously awaits the arrival of Dave and Skippy. He does stuff with all of the other students, goes to class, lunch and recess. He also goes to classes just for him to work on things like speech and reading comprehension. This story shows how children with down syndrome have all the same interests as every other child. This is a great book to read to children, because not all children are aware of this syndrome. I really like that this book uses real pictures so the children can see how Dustin is just like them. I really love this book and think it holds a great lesson.½
bethanygc | 29 reseñas más. | Oct 3, 2016 |
"Dustin's Big School Day" by Alden Carter is a book about a student with down syndrome who is excited about the special guests who are going to visit the school. The book follows Dustin, a student with down syndrome, around school as he talks to everyone he knows about the special guests that are to visit school. The reader is able to get a glimpse on what a child with down syndrome's school day might be like. Dustin works with special teachers to work on fine-motor and speaking skills. Dustin also participates in classes with other students who do not have down syndrome. Dustin has friends, plays and has fun just like any other child his age. At the end of the book, Dustin is given a special treat to introduce the school's special guest, a puppeteer and his puppet, to the school for the performance. This book would be good for students to get a better understanding of other children with down syndrome.
olivia.sanchez | 29 reseñas más. | Apr 25, 2016 |