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Obras de Laer Carroll


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Carroll, Laer. Voyages of the Orphan. Space Orphan No. 3. Kindle, 2020.
In the third, and possibly last, volume of the Laer Carroll’s Space Orphan series, Jane moves quickly up the ranks of the Space Force and discovers alien artifacts at Earth’s Lagrange points and in the asteroid belt. Her integration with her AI grows stronger so that she becomes a supercomputer with a biological component, rather than a girl with a built-in computer. As she discovers why there is so much alien hardware scattered around the solar system, she is more convinced than ever. Using technologies that she and her team jumpstart, she discovers who she really is and prepares humanity to join the galactic community. Well, we knew where this story was going, but it was fun watching it get there. 3.5 stars.… (más)
Tom-e | Sep 7, 2021 |
Carroll, Laer. The Orphan in Near Space. Space Orphan No. 2. Kindle, 2019.
Jane, an alien girl who can pass for human, has studied at the Air Force Academy, joined the Space Force, learned how to generate loyalty in others, made several Nobel-worthy discoveries and is off to explore strange events in the asteroid belt, if she can outwit some pesky Chinese agents. No contest. Will she get humanity well established in space before the menace from space shows up? Again, I know where the smart money is. The series is entertaining, but I have seen all the tropes in other indie science fiction recently. 3 stars.… (más)
Tom-e | Sep 4, 2021 |
Carroll, Laer. The Eons—Lost Orphan. Space Orphan No. 1. Kindle, 2018.
So, yes, bad title. Do we really need eons? In the series title, how about something less banal than space. The rest of the book is a bit better. We have a routine alien supergirl YAF. And, yes, such things are now routine. An eons-old spacecraft uses its last gasp to deposit a naked 14-year-old alien girl with temporary amnesia in an urban park. Soon discovered to be prodigy, she is adopted by a physics professor and his wife who respect her intellect and nurture her gradual assimilation into human culture. With the help of an implanted or inbred artificial intelligence, she begins to remember that she has a mission to save humanity from an alien menace. Fifth Element, anyone? Even so, the girl is likeable, and I was mildly entertained. 3 stars.… (más)
Tom-e | Aug 29, 2021 |
Carroll, Laer. Lady Death. Confederation Tales No. 1. Kindle, 2019.
Lady Death is less the first number of its series than a prequel novella to pitch the series. It is an extended character sketch and world building without much of a plot. It does a good enough job of setting up its high concept premise—a modern-day heiress becomes a genetically enhanced warrior goddess who trains heroes and dispenses justice. There is potential here, but I wish Kage Baker was still around to do it better. 3 stars.… (más)
Tom-e | Aug 27, 2021 |

