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With a lot of imagination, I can see what this book tried to do.
I probably would've liked the book this would've been if an experienced writer had written it.
But in reality, the writing is worse than in your average fanfiction.

The book seems like someone gave the notes someone wrote in preparation of writing the first draft to an editor which tried his best to create something resembling a book from it.
omission | otra reseña | Oct 19, 2023 |
I had no idea this was a reverse harem. I hate that crap. I would've avoided it if I'd had known. That being said, this was an easy enough read. It flowed well, the action was constant and the writing enjoyable. The plot was a bit of a mess - I didn't really understand the world but it's easy enough to ignore my confusion. It kind of reminds me of a bad version of the Steel and Stone series by Annette Marie. Which had a lot of the same concepts but much better executed and without the reverse harem. The characters were a bit flat - they weren't really properly fleshed out and obviously, the connection between all of them was just insta everything. Didn't really ring true. So yeah, if we're going on tastes one star. But I don't rate on taste - I rate on readability and my objective opinion, in which case a solid 2 stars, maybe even 2.5. If instalove doesn't bother you 3 stars.
funstm | 3 reseñas más. | Feb 3, 2023 |
Absolutely addicting!!!!!

Such a treat... A welcome surprise to me. Most PNR books have very similar themes... However this was a breathe of fresh air. Morgan has zero knowledge or memory of her first ten years of life. Found surviving in the woods on her own by a legendary hunter, MacGregor takes her into The Academy where witches are then given training.... Hoping to keep her safe he was disheartened to find these same witches torturing and beating her whenever they could.. All because they could find no magic in her... Therefore she was useless in their eyes. LOL little did they know that was FAR from being true. MACgregor took it upon himself to train her... Something he never did for anyone. A highly respected warrior/hunter in his own right he made sure she could protect herself. Morgan knew she had magic within herself... She just had no way of accessing it thanks to the torque necklace that seemed to dampen any magic within her. That and the mysterious runes carved into her back are all she had when she was discovered. A lone wolf at the academy, as all the witches loathed and taunted her.... Morgan honed her own skills of hunting when time permitted.... She knew she was different from everyone. She just had no clue why, or what she was.

Little did she know that EVERYTHING was about to get turned on it's head. She learns that she's been asked to join the Academy of Assassins... Something which rarely happens. People attempt to get in and become trainees on their own... But for the Academy to reach out on it's own is exceedingly rare. Talk about a whole new world. MacGregor informs her it's a dual purpose.... For her training, and to help learn who is killing witches and carving the same runes from her back into these witches backs. The hunt is on....will she become the bait or remain the hunter? Who is behind all these killings, and what does it have to do with her?all kinds of intrigue, surprises, paranormal hapoenings, politics, mean girls, and hot guys all over the place are within these pages. See if she becomes.victorious....will she uncover her true heritage? Help cheer her on while you read this amazing book. I for one cant wait for the next in this awesome series!!
txbritgal | 3 reseñas más. | Apr 6, 2021 |
Killer intro to the series!!

Oodles and oodles of action, daemons, demi gods, evil scientists, soldiers and paranormals galore. Mysteries, deception and layers of intrigue pave the way in this epic read! One fierce female dubbed Valkyrie at the heart of it all. Desperate to save the innocent, and make the guilty pay even when she has no clue of her origins or what she is. Thrust into a game she knew little about, the terms are about to change. Who will come out on top? What a great first book...leaves the reader wanting oh so much more!!! Also leaves you with an epic spoilers
txbritgal | Apr 6, 2021 |
Tethered to the World was a one-night wonder from Stacey Brutger and I fell in love with yet another one of her books. Tethered to the World is much darker than her other books so I'm providing a warnings list at the end of the review for those of you who would prefer to be forewarned. (warning are available on my site : to avoid any possible spoilers)
Annora winds up at a paranormal university rooming with her new male teammates after she saves her boss' life one night, she makes her very first friend, gives a troll a hornjob (you read that right), and hits a mythical beastie in the Forbidden Zone all on her first day. Talk about eventful! As Annora and her new teammates learn to work together and trust one another, they work on solving the mystery of the disappearing college supernatural co-eds. And, oof! is that one a doozy.
I enjoy Ms Brutger's writing style, Tethered is fast-paced yet the story easily shifts from one scene to the next without leaving me behind wondering "wait, what about....?" I'm always left wanting just a little bit more of her characters every time. I love you, Xander! But I was dismayed that we had the 'infinite money' trope rear its well-disguised yet still ugly head, credit cards from the school or mega-rich packs and then we'd switch to Annora who's over there counting her pocket change and rationing food. There's a major difference in the power scale there and it makes me nauseous just thinking about it.
This may a relatively slow-burn romance series, but y'all. Reading this felt like that one time I was pulling my cast-iron skillet out of the oven and I forgot to grab a towel and grabbed it barehanded, then whacked my arm on the inside of the oven when I jerked back. Much with the burn. So, don't read this around folks if you blush easily. Those boys will destroy you and you'll love every second of it.
Overall, I give Tethered to the World 4 out of 5 stars and 4 flames of spiciness. If you're an openminded individual who likes some grit and bite to their colourful reads, I recommend Tethered to the World. I can't wait to read what happens next. No, really. This book ends on a cliffhanger. I need to know what happened!
OUATIReadABook | otra reseña | Sep 18, 2019 |
Gather round, readers, and let me tell you about this book that I've read four times. I am that in love with this series. I'm pretty scattershot in this review because #TeamNoSleep, so bear with me because I love this book.
Right from the beginning, Stacey Brutger plunges us into the suspense of Academy of Assassins with our heroine, Morgan Moran, dangling from the eaves of the coven's manor's rooftop as she watches a squadron of Hunters go off to what she knows in her gut to be their certain deaths in her woods if she doesn't go with them. She joins up with her hellhound partner, Ascher, and they battle the beasties that bump in the night and, while, things go awry, Morgan makes it through the night and back home in time to be summoned by her foster father. Her foster father is The MacGregor, the head Hunter at the coven house, and he assigns her to investigate a series of murders at the Academy of Assassins while she attends Hunter classes.
Some of my favourite characters of Academy of Assassins are Drayven, Morgan, Ascher, and Ryder. Drayven is a jovial supernatural (I'll let y'all learn what kind because eek!) who is quick to welcome Morgan when she comes to the academy. No stand-offish butthead behaviour from him, unlike some people. Morgan is in his friend circle tout de suite. Ryder has 'love at first scent', forget bonding, forget predestined mates the fates determine, he loves Morgan from that first moment that she intervenes on his behalf. Ascher is Morgan's rescued hellhound who becomes her partner in her solo Hunts for supes that cross over from the other side of the rifts. Tell me y'all know me enough by now to know that I will always root for the dog. Morgan has a simple outlook on life. To live is to to Hunt. Everything she does revolves around Hunting. She has two mysterious gifts from her unknown past, a line of fae runes carved into her back that act as a creature-detection device, and a torque that acts as a dampener for her magic. Since she's Amnesia Girl, she uses her gifts to Hunt. Go Morgan! Morgan also gives absolutely zero fig newtons about your status or species, if she claims someone as hers, be it family, friends, classmate, or fellow living being, she will dive headlong into any danger that pops up, not giving one figgy pudding iota about her safety if it means helping them. Morgan is goals.
One thing I disliked about Academy of Assassins was how easily it was to figure out who Morgan's harem members were going to be. I much prefer the romantic whodunnit guesswork style of harem books. A few chapters in and you know who's in, now it's just a matter of when they join the group. Another thing I disliked was Kincade's initial treatment of Morgan, he was a pretty big jerk about the 'women as Hunters deprives a man of his mate and it's selfish of her to do that' thing and I kept wishing Morgan would put a steel-toed boot in a certain place.
Overall, I'm rating Academy of Assassins a shiny 4 stars and 1 sexytimes flame. I'm not saying this is The Great American Novel, it's a paranormal reverse harem romance that's a smidgen predictable. But I love it and I enjoy it. If polyromance is something you're into, y'all should check this out.

This is a review by Once Upon a Time, I Read a Book and I hope y'all enjoyed it!
OUATIReadABook | 3 reseñas más. | Jun 7, 2019 |
Great Sequel!

This series is so action packed!
I love how we get a full length well edited book. It’s so rare these days (especially on KU) and I greatly appreciate it. I love the world building and how each book has built and shown us more of not only how this world was created but who Morgan is.

Sometimes I think Morgan is a little flat and her emotions aren’t completely conveyed. But I’m not sure if that’s just writing or a conscious choice since she had such a rough upbringing and had to hide so many of her emotions. I’m loving all the guys I do hope there are no more added though.
NerdyHousewifey | Feb 1, 2019 |
I thought this book was amazing! It had a great story line and world building and the Academy reminded me of Hogwarts. I fell in love with Morgan Moran and thougt she was a total bad*** .(and so did every other male at the Academy). I'm looking forward to a second book.
Jack Murphy
urph818 | 3 reseñas más. | Dec 30, 2017 |
I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review via Goodreads.

I am not normally one for heavy romance but I do enjoy the paranormal genre. I took a chance and was pleasantly surprised. The lead characters' stubbornness in denying their love for one another could have easily become dull and repetitive, but was prevented due to great characterization and an intriguing premise involving werewolves, magic, and ancestry. All in all, a solid paranormal romance!
clear_tranquil | Oct 10, 2014 |
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