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Créditos de la imagen: From her website (

Obras de Laurel Braitman

Obras relacionadas

A Velocity of Being: Letters to a Young Reader (2018) — Contribuidor — 240 copias


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Lugares de residencia
Washington, D.C., USA
Sausalito, California, USA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (PhD|history of science)
Biografía breve
MIT PhD in the history of science, Laurel Braitman has written for Pop-UP Magazine, The New Inquiry, Orion, and other publications. Laurel is currently an affiliate artist at the Headlands Center for the Arts and lives on a houseboat in Sausalito, California. [from Animal Madness, 2014]



I'm not going to rate this, because it's not a bad book, the author has impressive credentials, and with all the notes and the index, I might have gotten involved if I had persisted, but I found it rather basic and couldn't get into it. It has a large number of recommendations from organizations: Amazon Best Book of the Month, for example. The continuing thread is the emotional problems of the Braitman's anxiety ridden dog, Oliver. It is a very personal book, of the style where the reader more or less follows the author around and there's a lot of chatting, and not so much research. Maybe I should have skipped to the animal anecdotes.

As an example, the author visits with physician Phil Weinstein professor of neurosurgery and the president emeritus of the Society of Neurological Surgeons at the University of California, San Francisco. The main thing that we learn is that the underlying brain structures responsible for both animal and human emotion are very similar, which the reader who has much interest in animal behavior and emotion probably already knows. Professor Weinstein has a dog with canine Alzheimer's, which has different underlying causes than the human variety, given a dog's shorter lifespan, and extreme OCD in humans (but not other animals, thus far) can be controlled by selectively destroying certain brain cells. Interesting, but I'm sure there is much more that we could have learned.

I'd consider this much at least, as more suited to readers who want a basic introduction to the subject. Maybe it gets better, but I'm just not engaged, and at my age, I'm sticking to books that engage me from the beginning. I don't need convincing that we share a lot mental states with animals - my pets did that, particularly the one that my friends called "the little man in the dog suit."

My tolerance for chatty books diminished sharply after reading a books In which authors go off on tangents, like describing the purchase of a perfectly ordinary cup of coffee in a coffee shop (a highlight of Brazil) or talking about the typical hotel (including the room number) that they stayed in ten years ago, or pages of a pointless argument or the meaning of pictographs (with no illustration) with patient hosts (it's A, no it's B, No it's A . . .) , in popular science books.

So, I guess it comes down to a matter of taste and interests.
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PuddinTame | 6 reseñas más. | Apr 28, 2023 |
كيف يمكن للحيوان أن يكون واهماً إن لم يمتلك وعياً؟ أو مكتئباً إن كان مجرداً من الشعور بذاته ونفسه؟ أو ممتلكاً لإرادة الانتحار بدون إدراك لمفهوم الموت والحياة؟
لطالما اعتقد البشر أن الحيوانات غبية لدرجة تجعل إصابتها باضطرابات عقلية واعتلالات نفسية أمراً غير ممكن. لكن خلال العقود الأخيرة، بينت الدراسات والتجارب امتلاك فصائل حيوانية كثيرة معدلات ذكاء أعلى من المتوقع، وبالتالي أعطت تفسيرات جديدة للسلوك الحيواني.
ما الذي يدفع غوريلا مثلاً إلى الانتحار؟ أو أنثى كنغر لضرب صغارها بدون سبب ظاهر؟ ولماذا كانوا قديماً يحكمون بالإعدام شنقاً على فيل قتل صاحبه فجأة؟
أمثلة كثيرة على نقاط مهمة يطرحها الكتاب في معرض تناوله ”جنون الحيوانات“ وأمراضها النفسية. ينصح به لكل محب للحيوانات وراغب في معرفتها بشكل أعمق.
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TonyDib | 6 reseñas más. | Jan 28, 2022 |
Animals sometimes display a wide variety of mental and emotional distress very similar to what humans can experience. The author describes this both first-hand in an account of her adopted dog’s extreme separation anxiety (and how she failed to alleviate it despite trying many many different things) and more widely, drawing from historical and anecdotal accounts as well as personal interviews and travels to visit different places and see for herself how animals are faring.

There are in this book many sad and upsetting stories about animals abused or mistreated, traumatized by seeing their parents killed, terrorized by thunderstorms, completely lacking social skills due to being removed from their mothers too early and/or isolated, self-mutilating (feather-plucking parrots and paw-licking dogs), lashing out in violence or exhibiting repetitive behaviors (probably from the frustration of being locked up in cages, bored out of their minds, or forced to learn inane tricks) and the list goes on and on. In some cases, clear parallels can be drawn between the animals’ disorders and human psychiatric diagnoses, although nobody will actually call it “mental illness” in animals because we can’t actually know what they are thinking or feeling. In other cases, odd behavior displayed by animals still has no explanation.

There are sea lions and whales that behave strangely, due to absorbing toxins from red tides, or ingesting mercury up the food chain. There are dogs that snap at invisible flies, horses that chew on wood or suck air, apes that pull out their own hair. Much like people with anxiety or OCD. Sections of this book that explained how our understanding of human emotional and/or mental ailments has changed over time due to our own growing knowledge of the mind and how to treat such things, was pretty interesting....

And all the explanations of how unhappy, stressed and crazy animals get when confined and unable to do things really made me feel glum. The author points out that enhanced zoo exhibits for example, often only make the viewers feel better about the animals’ environment, because plants are fake or have to be guarded by electric wires so the animals don’t actually eat or pull them apart. For the animal that’s just frustrating. She pointed out so many behaviors seen in zoo animals that are due to the stress they suffer, no matter how great things are it will never be like a free life, that I now feel guilty for ever enjoying a zoo visit. It went a bit extreme I think, saying that all zoos should be done away with. Yet several stories in here describe great efforts zoo staff went to, helping animals adjust and overcome their problems. Some it took years. This included things like changing the environment, carefully monitoring which animals interacted, behavior modification training, and giving them psychoactive drugs . . .

Well. This book felt a bit repetitive to me at first, because it has some material I've read elsewhere. Also it’s kind of jumpy- switching suddenly back and forth between telling about the author’s dog, to wild animals, to other domestic animals, to what happened to her dog later on, then back to some of his earlier treatment, in a way that was hard to keep track of sometimes. Though I’m not sure I always agree with the author’s conclusions, it had a lot to make me think, and made me realize again how closely we are related to the other animals in our world (emotions and brain chemistry so very much the same). And we often don’t treat them well. I’m saying this in general. I was pretty curious if there were cases of animals displaying mental illness in the wild? but it wasn't discussed.

A lot I can’t mention here, there was actually tons of material in this book- and much of it fascinating. Not all depressing- many stories of animals having a full recovery too- some which are remarkable. Animals often appear to have a lot more resilience than we do, to emotional stress or trauma. I just mentioned the ones that leaped out at me right now. And why is that always the dramatic negatives..?

more at the Dogear Diary
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jeane | 6 reseñas más. | Dec 28, 2021 |
Those of us who are pet owners and consider our animals to be a part of the family have no trouble believing that animals do possess the consciousness that means they are capable of independent thought and the ability to feel emotions. But this also means that we believe that they possess the capability to suffer from mental illness, much in the way that human beings do. It is this sad idea that Laurel Braitman explores in her book, Animal Madness.

Braitman and her then husband adopted a Bernese Mountain dog named Oliver. He was being surrendered by his current family but Braitman was given little information about why. It turned out that Oliver suffered terribly when left alone, even going so far as to jump out of a closed window in their apartment, plummeting to the cement below. Miraculously, he survived his fall but his anxiety and terror didn't abate at all. Although they tried everything to help Oliver, nothing worked to calm him. His clear, unmanageable, life long distress sent Braitman on a search into the origins and treatments of mental illness in animals.

In addition to her own dog and other canines, Braitman looked at whales, dolphins, elephants, birds, horses, and primates, among others, and the documented problems they suffer as domesticated or captive animals. Taking newspaper reports, interviews with keepers, and communications with experts in the fields of animal behavior, veterinary medicine, and mental health, Braitman discusses the problem of diagnosing animals without anthropomorphizing them, the ways in which their diagnoses parallel human mental health biases of the time, the option of medicating or changing the behavior of the animals, and the ways in which human interference with wild animals has led to so many of the atypical, extreme behaviors we need to control or alleviate.

Using anecdotal stories to support the wider neurological theory underpinning her conclusions, Braitman covers animals suffering from mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, OCD, and PTSD and even discusses the idea of whether or not animals can be suicidal. Although the book purports to suggest that understanding animals will help us understand ourselves, there is only a very tenuous link to that idea. Since animals cannot tell us what they are feeling, human beings must extrapolate solely from observations what is going on. It is therefore not surprising that it is all framed in the same terms that human mental illness is described.

All of these observations have, by necessity, taken place on animals either living in captivity or that have been domesticated to one extent or another rather than factoring in any animals in the wild who manifest the same behaviors. Is this because they don't have these issues in the wild? Is it because it is too hard to study the same wild animals over extended amounts of time? Is it because these animals don't survive long in the wild? These are questions that Braitman doesn't address or acknowledge, making the book less complete than it should be for the conclusions it draws. There is certainly no doubt that the ways in which we bend animals to be what we want and expect of them, in zoos, parks, and our homes, does them no favors mentally and her indictment of our role in animals' mental anguish is not without basis for sure but as she cautioned in the very opening pages of the book, she seems to be anthropomorphizing quite a bit herself. It is sad to read about the variety of ways that animals harm themselves and others of their species and interesting to read about the ways, some more palatable than others, that we people try to help them conquer these atypical behaviors. Over all, the book opens a small window into the discussion about the well being of animals, specifically those under human care, living lives we don't recognize as normal, rich, and satisfying for them.
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whitreidtan | 6 reseñas más. | Jan 5, 2015 |



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