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Karice BoltonReseñas

Autor de Awakening

44 Obras 946 Miembros 43 Reseñas 2 Preferidas


it was ok, nothing i am real excited about finishing the series. to be honest, the story is too clean for me, I like a little more sex in my stories.

i wasn't planning on finishing the series, but realized i already bought the first book of the series that follows this one.

Hopefully the stories will get better.
ckelship | 2 reseñas más. | Oct 10, 2021 |
still not a fan of the series, was planning on NOT finishing the series; however, i discovered i already purchased the book that follows the end of this set of stories.

so i will read until i get to the book i already purchased and then decide if i want to finish the next series.
ckelship | otra reseña | Oct 10, 2021 |
izzied | otra reseña | Oct 29, 2020 |
The sort of conclusion to the trilogy though there is Mia's book but i think i will give up here.
izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
So many books are ending without an ending so you will buy another it is getting ridiculous . If you are going to write a book that has a sequel there needs to be some anticipation on what is going to happen. So many books are ending without an ending so you will buy another. I have no interest in any of these characters.
SA_Jane | Feb 18, 2017 |
Totally unreadable. I couldn't finish this. Yikes.
khinman7 | 10 reseñas más. | Feb 6, 2017 |
Bad editing and irritating characters killed it.
benandhil | 6 reseñas más. | Sep 28, 2016 |
While the cover art made me initially expect a book on faeries, the premise was intriguing and I couldn't turn away a free read. From the start I was drawn in by the fresh setting, the older heroine and the chilling darkness that haunts her. It was an interesting take on a well explored genre, yet there were a few things that felt a bit too formulaic. Perfect family finds average girl and welcomes them into their immortal life, while the perfect man sweeps her off her feet. I was bothered at times by Athen's perfectionism and wished he would be a little more rough around the edges. And I was furious with Ana by the end of the book because she pretty much let everything happen, for inevitably selfish reasons. But I'm very interested to see what happens next in the series. Some aspects to this story were familiar but I have a feeling the rest of the series will shine bright as its protagonists.
JSilverwood | 10 reseñas más. | Aug 27, 2016 |
Definately worth the download.. And as soon as I finished it I was so intrigued with the story line I purchased the second in the serioes Legions! For a new author I definately give her credit for having such a powerful story line and book!
Angel.Carter | 10 reseñas más. | Aug 11, 2016 |
The story is different which compelled me to keep reading. White magic vs black magic and the ramifications on the practitioner; the moral dilemma.

But it is directed more to a young adult maturity and therefore became frequently implausible and annoying. Would I recommend this book? I don't think so. For me the characters never developed enough for a connection and the romance was too contrived and kept interfering with what little plot there is,
Bettesbooks | 6 reseñas más. | Jul 9, 2016 |
RecruitZ by Karice Bolton is the first fantastic zombie novel of the Afterworld Series.

I love the awesome cover by Phatpuppy, showing the kickass protagonist, Rebekah.

Not only is RecruitZ a zombie novel, you will find some science fiction thrown in that will have you thinking, could this really happen?

I borrowed the book from Laura, my sister, some time ago. I was staying at her house while we were taking care of my older sister. I loved this book so much, I signed up for this tour and reread the book so I could share it with you. Plus, I now have Book II, AlibiZ, to read and review. Be sure and stay tuned for that.

The action starts from the first page and never lets up. Just imagine you are trapped in a self-driving car that will not listen to your commands. Add to that a horde of zombies that are determined to get in. This should not be happening! The action is graphic and horrifying. I found myself gripping my Kindle as if MY life depended on it.

Would you resign yourself to the fact you are going to die or would you fight to the death? I always try and put myself into the characters shoes and wonder what I would do in their place?

Things are not as they should be and Becca is determined to get answers, at all costs.

The Afterworld is what they are calling this new world that has developed since the outbreak. Her friends thought she had lost it since the death of her husband, Gavin. If she wasn’t careful, they would report her to the authorities and that would be the end of her. She couldn’t let it go, but she would pretend to her friends that she was moving on with her life.

The devastation left behind is eerie; empty shops and restaurants waiting for owners that would never return were found in every city and town.

Rebekah’s first order of business is going to Shackles, a bar that she thinks will have some answers. Here is where she meets the bartender, Preston. For sport, they had cockfighting, only in place of roosters there were zombies, some of them being New RecruitZ. Imagine the gruesome and bloody sight that will be. Would you participate?

The New RecruitZ were different than the zombies that took down civilization, much more dangerous. How can that be? Zombies are not capable of thought and reasoning, or are they?

Is there more going on than meets the eye? Could there be a conspiracy?

Marcus heads the agency that oversees the remaining humans. Does he have an ulterior motive? Rebekah learns more from Preston, the bartender she met at Shackles. She finds they have a lot in common and teams up with him.

As the danger revs up, so does my anticipation.

I love the characters, especially, of course, Rebekah. I would only hope I could be like her if something were to happen in our world. She is strong, with a capital S. She is smart, determined and will do whatever is necessary to find out why her Gavin had to die. The more she learns, the bigger the danger becomes.

I love a strong female protagonist and like to watch as the character grows and develops into their own. She slowly begins to rebuild her world, sometimes not even aware she is doing it.

Karice is an excellent writer. The words flow smoothly and she creates a tension that never lets up. The pacing will have you on the edge of your seat as you wonder who will survive. As the battle continues and I reach the end of RecruitZ, I can hardly wait to pick up and continue Rebekah’s story in AlibiZ, Book II of the Afterworld series. This is an author that I will be following, eagerly anticipating each new release, plus catching up on some of her other work.

The first time I read the book, I borrowed it. To review for the tour, I reread a copy I received in return for an honest and unbiased review.
sherry69 | 3 reseñas más. | Jan 25, 2016 |
I really struggled to get into this book. I enjoy reading Paranormal but there are times when the story isn't polished enough to pull me in. That would be the case with this book. I don't believe the character's introduced into the story...I am a reader that has to be able to develop a relationship of sorts with the characters...It doesn't matter if I hate them, like them, despise them...I want to relate. This didn't happen here.
Terry_Mitchell | 10 reseñas más. | Feb 20, 2015 |
****I received an arc in exchange for an honest review *****

Karice has written yet another fantastic read. This is a fresh new story and a fantastic read.

The story line is a fantastic one and the characters are so lovable.

A well written book and I strongly recommend this to read.
Obsessed-by-Books | 2 reseñas más. | Dec 7, 2014 |
****I received an arc in exchange for an honest review *****

Karice has written yet another fantastic read. This is a fresh new story and a fantastic read.

The story line is a fantastic one and the characters are so lovable.

A well written book and I strongly recommend this to read.
Obsessed-by-Books | 2 reseñas más. | Dec 7, 2014 |
In a world that has supposedly recovered from a zombie outbreak, Rebekah and her husband a trying to rebuild their life until Rebekah's husband is targeted and killed by a strange-acting group of zombies. Rebekah fears that these zombies were different than the rest and the attack was planned due to her husbands research. In her grief, she determines that there is a conspiracy and Rebekah turns to revenge. Meanwhile, Rebekah has to put up a facade of normalcy, or else be taken away. Rebekah sets out to place herself into the world of the dangerous people who train these strange-acting zombies, with the help of a bartender, Preston, she finds more than she thought possible.

I liked that the story takes place in the 'afterworld'- a world that is recovering from a zombie apocalypse. There is still danger, but it is from an unlikely source, the one that Rebekah and Preston are determined to bring down in revenge for their loved ones. Now, zombies are being trained to fight one another or a specific target, essentially being used as weapons. This gave the story a unique plot with something other than just killing all the zombies. There is also a science-fiction twist with the idea of cloning going on. From the prologue, I knew that this story would be good, an emotional opening, but one that fuels Rebekah's intentions. Rebekah is an extremely tough character and I enjoyed seeing her increase her skills in an attempt to uncover the conspiracy. Preston is a nice balance to her character, sweet but tough and smart. Preston and Rebekah sort through conspiracies and cover-ups offering up there are plenty of thrills, action sequences and emotional roller coasters

This book was received for free in return for an honest review.
Mishker | 3 reseñas más. | Nov 28, 2014 |
RecruitZ by Karice Bolton is the first fantastic zombie novel of the Afterworld Series.

I love the awesome cover by Phatpuppy, showing the kickass protagonist, Rebekah.

Not only is RecruitZ a zombie novel, you will find some science fiction thrown in that will have you thinking, could this really happen?

I borrowed the book from Laura, my sister, some time ago. I was staying at her house while we were taking care of my older sister. I loved this book so much, I signed up for this tour and reread the book so I could share it with you. Plus, I now have Book II, AlibiZ, to read and review. Be sure and stay tuned for that.

The action starts from the first page and never lets up. Just imagine you are trapped in a self-driving car that will not listen to your commands. Add to that a horde of zombies that are determined to get in. This should not be happening! The action is graphic and horrifying. I found myself gripping my Kindle as if MY life depended on it.

Would you resign yourself to the fact you are going to die or would you fight to the death? I always try and put myself into the characters shoes and wonder what I would do in their place?

Things are not as they should be and Becca is determined to get answers, at all costs.

The Afterworld is what they are calling this new world that has developed since the outbreak. Her friends thought she had lost it since the death of her husband, Gavin. If she wasn’t careful, they would report her to the authorities and that would be the end of her. She couldn’t let it go, but she would pretend to her friends that she was moving on with her life.

The devastation left behind is eerie; empty shops and restaurants waiting for owners that would never return were found in every city and town.

Rebekah’s first order of business is going to Shackles, a bar that she thinks will have some answers. Here is where she meets the bartender, Preston. For sport, they had cockfighting, only in place of roosters there were zombies, some of them being New RecruitZ. Imagine the gruesome and bloody sight that will be. Would you participate?

The New RecruitZ were different than the zombies that took down civilization, much more dangerous. How can that be? Zombies are not capable of thought and reasoning, or are they?

Is there more going on than meets the eye? Could there be a conspiracy?

Marcus heads the agency that oversees the remaining humans. Does he have an ulterior motive? Rebekah learns more from Preston, the bartender she met at Shackles. She finds they have a lot in common and teams up with him.

As the danger revs up, so does my anticipation.

I love the characters, especially, of course, Rebekah. I would only hope I could be like her if something were to happen in our world. She is strong, with a capital S. She is smart, determined and will do whatever is necessary to find out why her Gavin had to die. The more she learns, the bigger the danger becomes.

I love a strong female protagonist and like to watch as the character grows and develops into their own. She slowly begins to rebuild her world, sometimes not even aware she is doing it.

Karice is an excellent writer. The words flow smoothly and she creates a tension that never lets up. The pacing will have you on the edge of your seat as you wonder who will survive. As the battle continues and I reach the end of RecruitZ, I can hardly wait to pick up and continue Rebekah’s story in AlibiZ, Book II of the Afterworld series. This is an author that I will be following, eagerly anticipating each new release, plus catching up on some of her other work.

The first time I read the book, I borrowed it. To review for the tour, I reread a copy I received in return for an honest and unbiased review.
sherry69 | 3 reseñas más. | Nov 20, 2014 |
I have to say that when I saw that I could be apart of the blog tour and review Released Souls, I jumped at the chance. I love Karice’s books and with each new book I think she just keeps getting better and better.

While reading Released Souls I had an array of emotions going on. They ranged from excitement, a little disappointment and then there was of course the ending. Being that this is the third book in the series I will no my best not to put any spoilers in here but it will be hard as there is just so much to talk about.

I have to say that I love this series but, the farther into I get and the more Triss and Logans relationship develops I really wish it was more of an NA/Adult than a YA. This is where the disappointment comes into play, I really want to know what is going on behind those close detail. Maybe I just like getting to see the raw feelings behind the love that people share and I feel it can bring you closer to the characters. But this is just my option of course and it doesn’t take away from the book I just enjoy that aspect of books when it is done right. I guess it is a good thing we don’t have to much detail since Triss isn’t even 20, which is another good thing.
I felt that this book was more about Triss and her development with her skills and her love with Logan. We learn a good bit about what type of witch Triss is, her talents, her passion for logan and her feelings for her family. The situations that ensue throughout the book while, connecting it to the overall story to destroy the Praedivinus order and restore the Covens, Triss learns so much about herself and what she is willing to do for everyone around her. The action was there but it wasn’t as intense as I was expecting it to be. Triss is coming into her own now and she knows she will stop at nothing to make sure that the balance between good and evil is restored and the Covens can practice how they want without fear, this includes putting her own life on the line. I have to say that even though I have times where I just want to tell Triss to stop being so stubborn, I really enjoy her character, she is a strong person overcoming obstacles few people have to. Logan is still the loving guy he has been and proud of his girl. With their families save they have plenty of time to spend alone and to practice as each new power ascends to Triss. I am looking forward to the next book with all the lead up that this one has. There are so many questions I need answers too. I am just a fan girl when it comes to this series.

If you haven’t started reading this series yet and you love witches and magic you should go and grab Lonely Souls now, while it is still Free at Amazon. While not everyone likes the same things, I enjoyed this book and recommend this to you if like Ya’s.

I received this book from the author for my honest review.
Hbeck | 2 reseñas más. | Aug 19, 2014 |
I have to say that when I saw that I could be apart of the blog tour and review Released Souls, I jumped at the chance. I love Karice’s books and with each new book I think she just keeps getting better and better.

While reading Released Souls I had an array of emotions going on. They ranged from excitement, a little disappointment and then there was of course the ending. Being that this is the third book in the series I will no my best not to put any spoilers in here but it will be hard as there is just so much to talk about.

I have to say that I love this series but, the farther into I get and the more Triss and Logans relationship develops I really wish it was more of an NA/Adult than a YA. This is where the disappointment comes into play, I really want to know what is going on behind those close detail. Maybe I just like getting to see the raw feelings behind the love that people share and I feel it can bring you closer to the characters. But this is just my option of course and it doesn’t take away from the book I just enjoy that aspect of books when it is done right. I guess it is a good thing we don’t have to much detail since Triss isn’t even 20, which is another good thing.
I felt that this book was more about Triss and her development with her skills and her love with Logan. We learn a good bit about what type of witch Triss is, her talents, her passion for logan and her feelings for her family. The situations that ensue throughout the book while, connecting it to the overall story to destroy the Praedivinus order and restore the Covens, Triss learns so much about herself and what she is willing to do for everyone around her. The action was there but it wasn’t as intense as I was expecting it to be. Triss is coming into her own now and she knows she will stop at nothing to make sure that the balance between good and evil is restored and the Covens can practice how they want without fear, this includes putting her own life on the line. I have to say that even though I have times where I just want to tell Triss to stop being so stubborn, I really enjoy her character, she is a strong person overcoming obstacles few people have to. Logan is still the loving guy he has been and proud of his girl. With their families save they have plenty of time to spend alone and to practice as each new power ascends to Triss. I am looking forward to the next book with all the lead up that this one has. There are so many questions I need answers too. I am just a fan girl when it comes to this series.

If you haven’t started reading this series yet and you love witches and magic you should go and grab Lonely Souls now, while it is still Free at Amazon. While not everyone likes the same things, I enjoyed this book and recommend this to you if like Ya’s.

I received this book from the author for my honest review.
Hbeck | 2 reseñas más. | Aug 19, 2014 |
I liked the concept of this book and the writing was good, but it took too long for the author to get to the point. I liked it, but I didn't have the patience to finish it.
1 vota
eheinlen | 10 reseñas más. | Jul 25, 2014 |
Cataclysm is the final block in this trilogy, and it didn't fail one iota. BUT if you have not read Awakening or Legions, the first two books, please read them now. There are massive spoilers below if you chose not too.

The final leg picks up right where Legions left off. Arie is gone, and Cyril is on his way back to Athen and Ana to begin the awakening process. The hoards of dark demons are also increasing in their numbers, and this leaves much to be answered for. The dark demons are now actively recruiting innocent humans to join their ranks under false pretense and hopes of immortality.

Ana is torn between the secret Arie has forced her to keep in order to save Cyril from turning to the dark side, or coming clean to end his pain. The truth is Arie made the conscience choice to be reborn in hopes to divert his attention from trying to sacrifice himself. In doing this she also gets to test out the memoirs, which have always been thought a myth, to see if they help to speed up the awakening process. If successful it could turn years apart into mere days, and this could become a major turning point in the fight against the dark demons.

Will our loving quad of white demons suceed in over throwing evil once in for all? Does Cyril forgive Arie for her deciet? Can Ana come to terms with creating an army of white demons to even the playing field? Will she find the good in the darkness, no matter how evil the person or demon may be? You all know the drill!

I was really, really saddened knowing that this was the final book. I teared up at the end knowing I would never read about Ana, Athen, Arie, Cyril or even the adorable Matilda. But I know all good things must come to an end, and thus with tear filled eyes I said good-bye to these characters who I have felt were enticing, interesting, beloved, and well written. Throughout the series I've been a bit angered when I've read the views of others who have compared them to another popular paranormal book. I'd like to say that I disagree with them, and I do wonder if they actually read the stories.

If you remember from my review of Awakening (and later Legions), I had pointed out that I was unsure about a story on fallen angels. Karice Bolton has changed much of my view with her stories alone. It's not that I fear stories based upon religion, mythology, or any of that. I just never expected such a heart lifting story about love, compassion, and doing what is right for the greater good to come out of one trilogy based upon a race of immortals that were shut out of Heaven. The white demons do what is right, with no reward, all in the name of love. If we humans could only do so much we could make this world a much better place.
AuthorRaeZRyans | 3 reseñas más. | May 24, 2014 |
Going back to where it all it began this novella is a must read for fans of the Watcher's trilogy. It also makes a wonderful starting point for those unfamiliar with Ana, Athen, Cyril, or Arie. They are the white demons, angels, helping to protect and guide mankind.

This story brings us forward, showing us life before the Awakening, and the events that led up to it. We get a sneak peak at the undying love that is exchanged, but also the power and strength of it. In between is Ana and the gang as their usual dark demon, butt-kicking selves as they attempt to disrupt another massive plan of the underworld.

It is an adventure to love for those who have read the Watcher's trilogy, and wanted more. For anyone just beginning the journey, it makes for a quick introductory that entertains, pulls you in, and makes you crave more.
AuthorRaeZRyans | otra reseña | May 24, 2014 |
Triss and Logan are still at it, and I love every bit of what makes them, them. I wonder if they will ever be able to take a breath and really get to enjoy the love they have, or if they'll be forever cursed with their stolen moments. Still, I can relate. while i may not have dark and evil witches to dodge, I have kids and they love to interrupt and ruin :)

I really loved the changes we see in Triss. She grows more, I think, in this book than we have seen before. The inner battle of dark vs grey magic really comes through. Logan is by her side through it all, even when she fights with herself over the best course of action. Even with everything that has happened in the past, he remains the rock that she fears losing more than herself. So what happens when it is Logan whose life hangs by a thread?

I love reading along with Karice's books. As her characters and stories progress, you just get sucked in. Escaping into her stories is quickly becoming a favorite pastime as I've now read her works for over a year, and I'll continue to read as long as she writes.
AuthorRaeZRyans | 2 reseñas más. | May 24, 2014 |

Usually zombies genre is not my cup off tea. But I got RecruitZ and start to read it fearing horror disgusting scenes. The fast-paced and action-packed book, just draw me in. So In short:

They had been told that their world was once again safe from the creatures that were destroying their world, they tried to return to normal sure that a vaccine they got will protect them. In fact, rouge Zombies were still out there, lurking, waiting and trying to attack. In the afterworld, zombies have decimated the population and change all life as it once was. And yet…every one attempted to revive normalcy; they are going back to college, fixing their homes up, spending their survivor bonuses from the government, and getting married, and so on.

But when Rebbecca's husband, Gavin, was murdered right in front of her eyes by Zombies creatures, She knew that in this attack something was not right. Those zombies didn't attack her, their only target was her beloved husband.

But No one believes her story of what happened at that fateful horrific day when her husband was murdered. Even her best friends thought, that she must be suffer from the horrific event. They all thought that she's losing it.

Is Something, or someone behind these zombie attacks? she's determined to find out! She's on the hunt for answers, and there's no one will stop her, even if it means alienating herself from her friends.

Along the way she meets Preston, who in turn helps her in her search of answers. What they find is beyond anything they could ever imagine. Zombies clones that trained to fight and kill. The people in this afterworld are pitting them against each other in the ring and some people are even using them for their own nefarious purpose.

The link between Rebbecca's husband,and Preston's sister deaths is that they are scientist who work at the same Lab. The first mission of these new zombies was to kill the scientists who were trying to find a cure to the disease that made the zombie in the first place.

I could say so much more but I don't want to give anything away! And it is worth the gamble if you don't typically read from this genre!!
yahalomi65 | 3 reseñas más. | Apr 28, 2014 |
This was a free book I picked up from Pixel of Ink for my kindle. Not knowing it was a series book, I got it. (Now they alert you that these are series book. I'll take credit for that since I made a suggestion!).

This is more of a teen book. It's not complex. It is was a super fast read. I had read it in a matter of a day and a half. (I have a family, so cooking, chores and life play a factor in my time).

This book takes you through the mystery angels verses demons. How the demons die, the angels get recycled. It is a good book. Not my first choice of books. But a good book. Warning... There are 3 books in this series!
cbilbo | 10 reseñas más. | Apr 8, 2014 |
This was a free book I picked up from Pixel of Ink for my kindle. Not knowing it was a series book, I got it. (Now they alert you that these are series book. I'll take credit for that since I made a suggestion!).

This is more of a teen book. It's not complex. It is was a super fast read. I had read it in a matter of a day and a half. (I have a family, so cooking, chores and life play a factor in my time).

This book takes you through the mystery angels verses demons. How the demons die, the angels get recycled. It is a good book. Not my first choice of books. But a good book. Warning... There are 3 books in this series!
cbilbo | 10 reseñas más. | Apr 8, 2014 |