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Jane Bingham (1) se ha aliado con Jane M. Bingham.

160 Obras 6,597 Miembros 36 Reseñas


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BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
A super short ebook available for free on Kindle Unlimited, it quickly describes the Triangle, the mysteries that have occurred there, the various theories, and the scientific explanations. It includes photos and illustrations. This book is meant for elementary level students but I really liked reading the very short simple explanations.
KarenMonsen | Nov 12, 2023 |
Medieval World is a non-fiction book aimed at middle school readers that provides an overview of the Medieval period of history from about 500-1500 AD. It covers European historical events starting with the Byzantine Empire and traveling through the centuries to include Viking conquests, the rise of Anglo-Saxons in England and their later defeat by the Normans, as well as Charlemagne’s Empire, and the Holy Roman Empire. It discusses the roles of knights, nobles, and peasants, along with what life was like in castles, villages, and towns. It tells of pilgrimages, the Crusades, and the Black Death. It also branches out to relate events in other parts of the world as well, including the Middle East, Africa, India, China, and Japan. Then it takes readers to North and South American, where we learns of the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas, as well as other Indigenous peoples. Then it wraps up with a discussion of the art, ideas, and inventions of the Renaissance period and the voyages of several famous explorers. It also has a glossary and is fully indexed, in addition to providing a handy timeline chart that shows how these events were happening in different parts of the world at the same time.

Medieval World is an excellent overview of the major events and players in the Medieval period of history. While it doesn’t go into great depth about these events, with each one only encompassing a page or two, it is very well put together. It must have been difficult to decide which events to include from a thousand years of world history, but I thought the author did a great job of choosing the most important ones and synopsizing each in such a way as to be understandable to the book’s target audience. Each page (or two) has a handy timeline to let the reader know what years are being covered and color coding to tell where in the world these things took place, as well as a map of the area being discussed for visualization and an important dates box to pare it down to a bare-bones quick reference. The book is also beautifully illustrated, not only with images of world leaders and other events, but also with detailed drawings of homes and villages, etc. to show what day-to-day life was like. These illustrations include cutaways to “see inside” and little side notes to show where things are located or to better describe what’s happening.

I also loved the diversity of the book. As a Caucasian person of European decent, when I hear the word medieval, I typically think of knights, castles, tournaments, and such, but of course there’s so much more than that. This book provides plenty of those things, but I was thrilled to discover that it also explores this period of history all over the world and how the different groups of people came to explore, trade, or learn more about each other. I thought this gave the book a very holistic and well-rounded feel. The only concerning thing I found is that it does talk about wars and people being killed and sometimes this is depicted in the illustrations as well. However, it’s usually no more than a brief mention, and aside from one bloody picture showing Aztecs making human sacrifices, I didn’t notice anything else particularly graphic, so overall, I’d say it’s appropriate for the middle-schoolers at which it’s aimed. Medieval World was an interesting read that I would definitely recommend for the young history buff. It even taught me a few things as an adult. I think it could also be a great way to gauge a child’s interest in certain events, providing a jumping off point for more in-depth learning. Medieval World is part of the Usborne World History series that has left me very interested in checking out the other periods of history that are covered in this series.
mom2lnb | 4 reseñas más. | Aug 27, 2023 |
Mustygusher | Dec 19, 2022 |
Mustygusher | Dec 19, 2022 |
Mustygusher | 2 reseñas más. | Dec 19, 2022 |
Mustygusher | 4 reseñas más. | Dec 19, 2022 |
Mustygusher | Dec 19, 2022 |
This was the kind of book that I loved as a kid. Combination of photographs and drawings show and explain to young readers how amphitheaters where built, the design features, and social uses. Really liked that the author include that there were women gladiators until Emperor Septimus Severus banned them in 200 CE.
Chris.Wolak | Oct 13, 2022 |
Dynastie Tudorovců vládla v Anglii po několik úspěšných a dynamických období. Na trůnu se střídali králové i královny a za jejich vlády se z druhořadé, nevýznamné Anglie stala jedna z vůdčích světových mocností. V průběhu několika desetiletí vlády Tudorovců došlo v zemi k velkému hospodářskému i kulturnímu rozvoji, ale také k válkám, náboženské perzekuci a veřejným popravám. K nejvýraznějším panovníkům patří Jindřich VII., známý svou šetrností, a hlavně jeho syn Jindřich VIII., pověstný svou zhýralostí a prostopášností. Panování katolické královny Marie I., přezdívané Krvavá Marie, bylo obdobím krutého pronásledování náboženských odpůrců z řad anglikánské církve. Během krátké vlády nechala Marie popravit upálením na tři stovky obětí z řad prostých lidí, ale i šlechticů a náboženských hodnostářů. Poslední významnou panovnicí této královské dynastie byla Alžběta I. Ta vládla z Tudorovců nejdéle, celých čtyřicet pět let (1558–1603), během nichž se v Anglii poměry uklidňovaly a nastal nebývalý rozkvět společnosti i umění. Kniha vyzdobená množstvím ilustrací přináší strhující i zábavný pohled na dobu, která bývá historiky nazývána „zlatý věk“ Anglie.
Hanita73 | Sep 27, 2021 |
lcslibrarian | 2 reseñas más. | Aug 13, 2020 |
Sarahgc | 5 reseñas más. | Nov 2, 2019 |
This is a cute retelling of the Norwegian folktale. My girls loved it.
StephCherry | Sep 22, 2018 |
With simple text and good illustrations, the development of train travel is traced from the first rails through the advent of the Maglev train in Germany and China, with the major emphasis on Europe. Explanations of how people solved problems encountered in tracks, bridges, and tunnels make the book engaging for curious children.
wichitafriendsschool | otra reseña | Feb 18, 2018 |
Het boek begint met een inhoudsopgave. Je kan dus kiezen wat je wilt lezen. De onderwerpen die behandeld werden waren:
- Boos zijn
- Hoe voelt het
- Wat maakt jou boos?
- Het verhaal van Tom
- Het verhaal van Jody
- Spijt hebben
- Woordenlijst
- Register
- Voor ouders en leerkrachten

Het is vooral een heel praktisch boek. Het vertelt in korte hoofdstukken de belangrijkste dingen over boos zijn.
Er wordt verteld hoe het voelt om boos te zijn en dat er verschillende manieren van boos zijn. Dit wordt benadrukt door de verschillende verhalen die in het boek staan. En wat je moet doen om het goed te maken als je boos hebt gedaan naar andere mensen toe.
Dan eindigt het met moeilijke woorden en waar je die woorden dan kan vinden.

Het is zeker geen boek voor de kleuterklassen maar meer voor groep 3 of 4. Dit komt omdat kinderen het vooral zelf moeten lezen. Dit is geen voorlees prentenboek maar een leer prentenboek om zelf te lezen of om samen te lezen. Juist doordat er achterin het boek nog een bladzijde staat over hoe je dit boek als leerkracht/ouder kan behandelen. Er zijn ook meerdere boeken in deze serie, elk boek gaat over een ander gevoel.
Hierom zou je het wel in de kleuterklassen kunnen gebruiken, om alleen het verschil te laten zien maar niet om daar voor te lezen.
Ik zou dit boek ook zeker aanraden omdat het heel duidelijk de emotie en de uiting ervan uitlegt op een taal die voor kinderen begrijpelijk is.

Dit boek heb ik uitgelezen in mijn bed.
IVD | Oct 1, 2017 |
It is a really really good!It is is really covered in facts.
BishopFamily | otra reseña | Jul 3, 2017 |
If you love history, suspense, and crazy fun facts this book is for you. This book talks about early Rome, the founding of Rome, all that. Also the Roman republic, with the conquest and the government. It talks about the empire as a whole, the citizens classifications, the army, to water systems and punishment. Everyday life is another subject, quite interesting actually, seeing how your life would be then in Rome. In detail, the endings of Rome are described as well.

I didn't particularly care for this book because I'm not a big fan of history. However it was informative and helpful. Especially since we are currently studying Rome. If you like history this is definitely something you should read. It did a good job of giving information. I rate it two and a half stars.½
PiperP.BG3 | otra reseña | May 30, 2017 |
I've enjoyed Roald Dahl's works quite a bit as a child and reading the biography of such a beloved author is not only enlightening, but inspiring. The author of the biography chose to focus highly on how each experience mentioned impacted the books Roald Dahl wrote later on. As both an aspiring children's author and child care worker, this makes me very happy. Each experience we have is important. This is what I would focus on as an educator. When we build on our own strengths and experiences, we can make beautiful things.
Jacki_H | Oct 30, 2016 |
In my opinion, this is a great book for young readers. It is appropriate in both its topic and its difficulty, and thus would be great for beginning readers. The plot was well-organized. It goes through different kids’ experiences of feeling sad, like being excluded or losing pets, and then emphasizes that it’s okay to be sad. It also goes beyond that and talks about how we can help other people when they’re sad. “If I see someone who looks sad, I try to comfort them. I don’t want anyone to feel as sad as I did.” The book also has good features. It includes a glossary for tough words like comfort, memories, or tease. Allowing kids to understand their feelings by relating the reader’s experiences to the characters’ is an important aspect of this book. Its big idea is that it’s okay to feel sad, but there are ways we can be happy again after sad things happen.
drobin24 | Sep 11, 2016 |
The main message of this book is to provide information about the Ancient Egyptians.
I thought this was an excellent informational book about Ancient Egyptians. It was set up very effectively and the informational flowed very nicely. I enjoyed that the first thing the book presented was “who were the Ancient Egyptians”. It was a nice introduction, allowing the reader to understand exactly whom the book is going to be about. The content page was a nice informative touch, allowing the reader to find the exact information they are looking for.
I also enjoyed the illustrations. There were illustrations on every page that helped the reader to better understand the Ancient Egyptians and their life style. The hieroglyphs that are scattered through the book also help the reader to better understand how the Ancient Egyptians communicated, lived, and expressed themselves. I also enjoyed the use of maps through the book, allowed the reader to understand where exactly the Ancient Egyptians lived and their surroundings.
graceberry | Nov 21, 2015 |