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Obras de Ivan Antic


Conocimiento común

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Esta reseña ha sido escrita para Sorteo de miembros LibraryThing.
This book was a gift for a review and I have it online.
RCrisp | otra reseña | Dec 4, 2023 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita para Sorteo de miembros LibraryThing.
Oh, my...I knew my curiosity would someday be my downfall. Disclaimer #1: I asked for a copy of this book, because I was curious. Disclaimer #2: I got a ebook from the author through a Member Giveaway here in exchange for a review, which he won't like, I'm sure, and I hope won't keep me from winning future offers on Library Thing...

Richard Dawkins coined an eponymous "law" he called Dawkins’ Law of the Conservation of Difficulty in The Devil's Chaplain:
...obscurantism in an academic subject expands to fill the vacuum of its intrinsic simplicity. Physics is a genuinely difficult and profound subject, so physicists need to – and do – work hard to make their language as simple as possible (‘but no simpler,’ rightly insisted Einstein). Other academics – some would point the finger at continental schools of literary criticism and social science – suffer from what Peter Medawar (I think) called Physics Envy. They want to be thought profound, but their subject is actually rather easy and shallow, so they have to language it up to redress the balance.

And then there are the, shall we say...spiritual...writers. Try this: "In every proportion the Divine divides itself over and over again, and forms the Divine of that particular proportion, once again in accordance with the holographic model, into smaller entities. This is how the Divine exists and rules all the galaxies, together with all the stars and all their planetary systems, as well as one Divine entity that rules every planet on which there is organic life." Language-d up, for sure. But balance not redressed.

Antić likes throwing out Laws...especially numerical Laws...with nothing behind them (okay, languaging up behind them...i.e., "A certain number of laws rule every proportion which impose a set of conditions upon the proportion.") Seems down from the Absolute, he says there are three laws for each layer (proportion) - galaxies, stars, Sun (apparently, not a star, as it has its own trinity of laws), planets, the Earth (again, not a planet because it, too, gets its own trinity of "laws", the Moon. Ending with "This should explain why life on Earth is the way it is, hard and conditioned." Explain? Yeah, not exactly.

Did you know that "Moon is a big electromagnet which with its motion induces the life energy on Earth." {Head shakes} No geodynamic magnetism, and certainly no electrodynamic magnetism, but there is some slight crustal magnetism, so weak as to be essentially zero effect on the Earth, but...just wow.

Or this, "
Souls incarnate in the smallest percentage in the so-called "primitive people" who, even to this day, seem to live a prehistoric life. They are incapable of developing culture of living nor do they develop themselves as personalities.
What the...? I'll bet that if he bothered to learn their complex languages, spend significant time with them, they might surprise him with their personalities and cultures of living. But the narrative smacks of typical exclusive myopia of "enlightened" ones.

How about this?
The very act of childbirth is not a trauma for the soul but for the body, mostly because the wrong way of giving birth which is done today under the influence of the wrong medicine. For this reason souls are usually not present during those unpleasant moments, but are waiting nearby, but the trauma of birth stays in the body that gathers all the impressions, and later on when there is a bigger identification of the soul with the body the initial trauma can affect the soul.

I'm not going to ask how he knows this (or anything else he's stream of conscience-ing...) On "Some of the Characteristics and Problems of Young Souls"
First of all, it should be understood that young souls are not
merely born in primitive societies, nor are they mentally retarded people. [What???]We have already said that the soul does not incarnate in its entirety. People in primitive communities are most often animated by the smaller percentage of the consciousness of the souls, less than necessary for the forming of the complete personality, barely sufficient to give them life. That is why they do not have a developed karma or the drama of life, their life is usually based on physical survival. Young souls with a real incarnation are born side by side the developed ones, in the conditions where they can form a personality and go through all the karmic plots of the drama of life. Actually, young souls get more often born near the more developed souls, in conditions where they will be able to learn easier and receive tutoring.

If you had any doubts as to the author's over-the-rainbow stream,...
Before people were so the conscious subjects were stars. They influenced the creation of matter in the form of planets on the cosmic plain. Planets then, as conscious subjects, influenced an even finer forming of matter into life energy, into all the living world on them, depending on its position and the connection with the other planets. The link between the micro and macrocosmic influences shows the science of astrology.
Yes, he said "science" of astrology.

This is not a simple read...oh, it reads like a simple read...but it is so deliberately obfuscatory, convoluted, meandering, incoherent that I wonder if the only one who thinks this makes any sense at all is the author. I'm pretty sure that the peyote of Carlos Castenada, the LSD of Robert Anton Wilson, or some other hallucinogenic/psychedelic won't help either. Reminds me of the Postmodernism Generator ('ll get a different "paper" with references(!) every time!

On the format, the epub I downloaded wouldn't open, and the PDF was unfortunately unsearchable on my iPad, but uselessly searchable on my desktop, as my notes were all on the tablet. Would have made it easier to cross check, but then, maybe the point was that a reader shouldn't do any checking.

If you are prohibited from using "evidenced-based" in your life, this. It will align perfectly. This really qualifies for one of my rather rare (24 out of 765 I've got on Goodreads) one star...but I'll be generous - two. Oh, and Disclaimer #3: I've never found evidence for any such thing as a soul, or the abnormal (some call it "paranormal"), or Divine, or anything similar, ... but there are extremely active imaginations...
… (más)
Razinha | otra reseña | Dec 17, 2017 |




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