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Fireball (River Street Bar Book 1) by Nazarea Andrews  

Dempsey and Taite don't know how to be subtle. There is no love lost between the town bad girl and the resident goody two shoes. He irks her and she gets him all hot and bothered. There will be blood. Hearts are racing. Sparks are flying. Danger is up ahead. Will they fight to the death or finally give in to their heart's desires. Fireball is an explosively, spicy curve ball of a read that keeps readers on their toes the whole way through.

Lashea677 | Feb 16, 2019 |
Sloe Screw focuses on what's important. Andrews is a puppet master when it comes to pulling heartstrings. Vivian and Matteo discover there are three sides to every story. Heartache, regret and the hope for a brighter day. Vivian is running from heartbreaking disappointment. Matteo has suffered through tragic loss. What begins in obligation becomes a game changer for a couple of lost souls. Vivian is searching for adventure. Matteo needs a reason to hope. Can they step away from the pain and take a risk on forever? A courageous tale of healing that tempts it's way into the heart.
Lashea677 | Feb 16, 2019 |
We are more than the sum of our mistakes. Rusty Nail stays true to that theme. Ms. Andrews engrosses readers in a tale of heartache, past mistakes and new beginnings. Olivia has spent most of her life trying to outrun the label that continues to haunt her every waking moment. Aidric is the golden boy living the good life, no strings attached, until one appears out of the blue. With much to prove to themselves and the people around them, nothing will stop these young hearts from finally growing up. Inspiration tale of realistic temptation. Unforgettably relatable romance.
Lashea677 | Feb 16, 2019 |
What happens when your secret crush, becomes your relationship of convenience? MAYHEM! And perhaps a little magic. Blurred Lines is the stuff of romance novels. It's dreamy, cheesy and delicious entertainment. Ethan lost his heart, the moment her met Spencer. Unfortunately Spencer is clueless to the way Ethan feels. Or is he? Blurred Lines is a story about being true to one's heart despite the odds. Ms. Andrews is a positive force for equal rights in love and laughter. The surprises are endless and the romance is timeless.
Lashea677 | Feb 16, 2019 |
ARC Review: Wicked Charming (Wicked Ever After) by Nazarea Andrews

Wicked Charming dares to be bold. An edgy modern, sensual twist to a tale as old as time. Ms. Andrews adds her melodic voice to a story that lives in the heart of most every woman. Jazzing it up with a lot of spice but keeping the heart of the story. With Wicked Charming, she dared to be different and that is why the characters, delivery and writing stand out. Never have I heard a fairy tale told quite like this.
Lashea677 | Feb 16, 2019 |
I was drawn into this story from the very first page, as Sabah's story slowly unfolded in front of me. Raised in a world where the Commission reigns, poisonous animals and plants are commonplace, and one wrong step can get you killed, Sabah is instantly a strong character. She blazes into the book with equal parts fierce temper and loving heart. I instantly fell in love with her personality. Even if there were no other fabulous characters, I would've continued to read just because of her.

Luckily though, there are other wonderful characters. Berg, with his sweet and honest love for Sabah. Arjun, with his savage looks and yet kindness lurking beneath. Even the Mistress who is shrouded in darkness. Each of these characters bring their own flavor to the story. It all weaves together into a beautiful tapestry of darkness vs. light and love vs. survival. I wish I could say more, but you won't get any spoilers from me!

Rounding it all out was the landscape that Andrews builds for her characters to inhabit. This isn't a hospitable place, but it is beautiful in its own right. I felt like I was right there with Berg, Sabah and Arjun, and it made it so much easier to become immersed in their story. What I enjoyed most of all was that the author never gives her characters the easy way out. They fight, they love, and sometimes they feel like failures. The raw emotion allowed for the romance to be so much more delicious.

What I'm attempting to get across, in a rather jumbled manner I'm sure, is that Edge of the Falls was a sincerely enjoyable read. Ah, what a tale. Love, danger, and the power of friendship against all odds. This, and so much more, is what you'll find between the pages of Edge of the Falls. I am sincerely glad that this book was offered to me for review. Otherwise I might have missed this gem! Nazarea Andrews is definitely a force to be reckoned with.
roses7184 | Feb 5, 2019 |
Enjoyed the book, but not enough to reread.
JennyR-WY | May 27, 2018 |
Enjoyed the book, but not enough to reread.
JennyR-WY | 2 reseñas más. | May 27, 2018 |
Enjoyed the book, but not enough to reread.
JennyR-WY | May 27, 2018 |
Enjoyed the book, but not enough to reread.
JennyR-WY | otra reseña | May 27, 2018 |
This is a hard review for me. Based on the blurb for this book, it sounds extremely intriguing. It is, but not as much as I hoped.

Overall, the story is good. Between the twists and turns of events and the back and forth relationships throughout the book, it was good. However, it was very confusing. I had a hard time firguring out what character I was reading and when. The book didn't flow and was very choppy in parts.

I wasn't keen on the characters of this story. They were hard to connect with and follow for most of the book. The story itself was good, but the delivery didn't do much for me.
AmberGoleb | 2 reseñas más. | Mar 13, 2018 |
Wow. This book is full of unexpected surprises and twists. I thought I had it all figured out until the last few pages.
annmwilson09 | 2 reseñas más. | Aug 9, 2016 |
This is a hard review for me. Based on the blurb for this book, it sounds extremely intriguing. It is, but not as much as I hoped.

Overall, the story is good. Between the twists and turns of events and the back and forth relationships throughout the book, it was good. However, it was very confusing. I had a hard time firguring out what character I was reading and when. The book didn't flow and was very choppy in parts.

I wasn't keen on the characters of this story. They were hard to connect with and follow for most of the book. The story itself was good, but the delivery didn't do much for me.
UANBookAddict | 2 reseñas más. | Dec 3, 2015 |
BeegPanda | 5 reseñas más. | Aug 5, 2015 |
A forbidden-in-so-many-ways love story:
Older (28yrs), married (dah-rool worthy)professor and uni student AND she works for him.
AND his fluent-in-stupid wife is still hanging around.
AND the heroine is very vulnerable and hurting before she even meets him.

I liked it. Kept re-reading scenes to drag out the book a bit longer and then flying through some scenes cos I couldn't wait to see what was gonna happen next. It slowed a bit in the middle for me, but it certainly didn't put me off.

Love the way she knocks him off his sorry arrogant ass and how he gets under her skin despite her inability to commit. Off the charts chemistry and sexual tension. Love the way they connect on an emotional level. I liked the way his character developed throughout the book. How possessive and protective he is.

Book 2 is next - [bc:Beautiful Broken|18377638|Beautiful Broken (University of Branton, #2)|Nazarea Andrews||25486700] - the story of his younger sister and his best friend.
I hope she kicks HIS arrogant ass cos he is a horrid alpha in this book.
A real screw and bolt it kinda douchebag, from what I can see. Cant wait to see if she takes him down.
BeegPanda | 3 reseñas más. | Aug 2, 2015 |
Very good book..... Wasn't predictable like a lot of other zombie books... I read it in a few hours I couldn't put it down

** I received this book for free through a first reads promotion.
lilnursesuhy | 2 reseñas más. | Mar 4, 2015 |
The Horde Without End picks up where the first book ended, with Finn and Ren’s ongoing journey to find Ren’s brother, Collin and her boyfriend, Dustin. The enigmatic Finn is Collin’s best friend and his two main priorities are keeping Collin and Ren alive. After surviving their arduous trek to obtain medication for Dustin, who was injured during their escape from a zombie invasion of their Safe Haven or home in the first book, they must now face the wide open, zombie-infested terrain to find and reunite with Collin and Dustin…unsure whether the two are still even alive. Hope can be a dangerous thing, but it’s all Ren has to keep moving forward with Finn, a man she both loathes and desires.

If you thought the passion brimming beneath the antagonism between Finn and Ren was intense in the first book, you will find the continued friction and sexual tension between them now has grown so taut that it’s only a matter of time before it all explodes. A central question is whether they trust each other enough to survive the aftermath. As I discovered in the first book, whereas Ren is fiery, Finn is just as icy, and their characters continue to clash in this second installment even when they try to resist their temptation for each other.

Similar to the first book, the pace of the story picks up quickly and is full of mystery and action and danger as complications continue rise and pose obstacles for the two as they get closer to finding Collin and Dustin and try to warn the other Havens about the increasing zombie hordes. It appears the virus that infected them is continuing to mutate and the zombies are adapting and becoming more successful in their attacks.

Both Ren and Finn alternately narrate the story in the first person POV using the present tense, which is commonly found in new adult fiction. Using the present tense gives a sense of immediacy and intensity to the situation and is an effective technique for the plot of this series. Also, readers begin to discover more details about Finn’s secretive past and why he is so reluctant for anyone to get close to him. I also now realize why it is so important for Finn to have Ren’s trust even though he continues to withhold so much information from her.

While I had a good idea of how the first book would conclude, I was shocked by the climactic cliff-hanger of this book. The ending left me clamoring for more, and I hope Andrews won’t keep her readers waiting too long. As a fan of post-apocalyptic zombie fiction, I really enjoyed reading these first two books, and they must be read in sequence to understand the storyline. I especially liked the unusual twist to the typical zombie plot that Andrews adds in the first book, which describes how and why a cult-like group called the Order organizes a “celebratory tribute” every year on the anniversary of the initial outbreak that occurred 20 years prior. This story thread continues in the series since the Order continues to pose a threat to Ren. So far, these first two books in the series are riveting and entertaining from start to finish.

Those who plan to start the series should be aware that the books contain graphic violence, sexually explicit scenes, and coarse language. With those caveats in mind, readers who like new adult fiction that juxtaposes the sexy and the dark may like this series as well.

Source: I received an ARC of this book from the author to provide an honest review.½
Sunmtn | otra reseña | Aug 6, 2014 |
Nazarea Andrews has taken new adult romance out of the college classroom and moved it into a post-apocalyptic world where survivors of a world-wide virus outbreak struggle to survive the terror of zombie hordes that surround them. They thought they were safe behind the walls and barbed wires fencing of their Havens, but the hordes have grown much larger in number and the walls are beginning to crumble. No Haven in what's left of the U.S. is safe from the zombies headed their way. If you want to spice up your romance with a bit of zombie action and violence, then you should definitely check out The World Without End series.

The two main characters featured in this series are Ren and Finn. Ren was born on the day of the virus outbreak and has grown up in this post-apocalyptic world without ever knowing what life was like before. However, her older brother Collin and his best friend, Finn remember the country and the beauty and conveniences it once offered. Now the survivors live in Havens across the country, but as the story progresses, it becomes evident that a political structure and hierarchy similar to pre-zombie society continues to exist, and the vices that people once openly engaged haven’t disappeared; they’ve just moved underground. Even though this is a different world, people still try to hold on to their old lifestyles.

Ren and Finn have an antagonistic but desire-driven relationship throughout the entire book. Finn has many secrets about his past that he refuses to disclose, and Ren has always been a bit jealous of his closeness to her brother. She doesn’t understand Finn and becomes even more frustrated when they have to journey together to another Haven in search of medicine for her best friend/boyfriend, Dustin. Although Collin has remained behind, he knows Finn is the best person to protect Ren. Finn needs Ren to trust him, but will never answer any of her questions. Through their travels together, Ren learns bits and pieces about Finn’s life from her observations of his interactions and behavior toward others they encounter. As a reader, just when I thought I had begun to figure out who Finn really is, later scenes would bring up even more questions for speculation. Ren and Finn’s proverbial tug of war is one of the main aspects that make this book so enjoyable. Through their relationship, Andrews explores the fine line between love and hate and the passion that simmers beneath, waiting to explode. The sexual tension between the two is intense to say the least.

Another aspect that I liked is that Andrews provides an unusual twist to the typical zombie plot by describing how and why a cult-like group called the Order organizes a “celebratory tribute” every year on the anniversary of the initial outbreak that occurred 20 years prior. Readers are given clues early in the book that Ren is somehow different, but as the story progresses, her threat to the order and the danger she faces during the anniversary events are revealed, and it’s quite a shocker.

Andrews brings to life this fictitious and dangerous world that brings out both the best and the worst in humanity. As a reader, be prepared for scenes that contain graphic violence, rough language, and sexual situations. Despite the intermittent proofreading errors I found throughout the book, I still found this to be a very enjoyable read.

Source: I received a copy of this book from the author to provide an honest review.
Sunmtn | 2 reseñas más. | Aug 6, 2014 |
ARC provided in exchange for an honest review for SMI Bookclub.

Whew, and with that, we start off with a bang! Beautiful Broken is an apt title for this book, because they characters are oh so broken, but at the core have such beautiful souls. This story was stocked FULL of angst, heart, longing, forgiveness, acceptance, and honesty. It was simply delicious!

She’s asleep in minutes, and I’m left in the dark, holding her. Wondering how I became her safe place, and wondering how the hell I’m going to keep from screwing it up.

I have never read a couple that inspired such trust in each other, in all of us. Dean and Scout are just…… how to put into words? Look up knight in shining armor, and you will find a picture of Dean Guillot. Here is a man who would literally do ANYTHING for this woman, no matter the cost to his safety or sanity, and has time and time again. He is the one constant in her life. Her life full of disappointments, feelings of being unworthy, and general turmoil and avoidance. She has been written off by nearly everyone in her life, but Dean is her one true constant.

“You’re safe – you always have been. You keep the nightmares away.”

The pain radiates off Scout in waves. To everyone else it comes off as being self important, and a user, but Dean sees the truth. He sees it in her, and he sees the likeness in himself. These are two peas in a pod, perfectly made for each other, neither willing to relent and give in to the passion, neither believing they are worth it.

I look at her, clean and healthy, a little weight on her, hair adorable and falling in her face. Eyes clear and questioning as she meets my gaze. This is the girl I fell I love with without trying.

Dean fights the inevitable. Atticus has been his best friend and like a brother for as long as he can remember. The Grimes family took him in when his own worthless parents could care less. Dean carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, guilt from what happened to Scout, to not being able to save his mother and sister. Because of this guilt he pushes everything and everyone away. Women are for sex, not feelings. If you don’t let anyone in, they can’t get hurt, and you aren’t responsible for any choices they make. Once those walls start to come down, the swoon really starts!

“You aren’t the only one with issues, Scout. I’ve got my own to deal with – maybe it’s time you quit deciding what I need and accept that you’re what I want.”

These two fight each other at every turn. It is exhausting, exhilarating, and damn good reading! They come to realizations in their own times, usually not at the SAME time. You will want to throw your e-reader, and then grab it, give it a big hug, and apologize. Nazarea has this beautiful way of writing that allows you to BE THERE with the characters. I could hear the music, feel the angst and heartache, rejoice in the love. I didn’t want for it to end!

I’ve never been held like this – like I am the only thing keeping him from falling completely apart.

What we come to realize, long before Dean or even Scout does, is that she is as much his rock as he is hers. These foundations are what make a strong, lasting relationship. All the elements for success are present, these two hard headed individuals just continue to fight the inevitable.

“Scout. You know what I love about you? I love that you have been through hell and you still fight. You know that you’re broken and you still try. You want to be strong for people even when you don’t realize how strong you are. You’re amazing – I wish I could be as strong as you.”

I ADORED this book and would have happily read a couple hundred/thousand more pages of their story! According to the author, there will be more stories to come, even though this had a clear ending, and I cannot wait. Definite 5 star read for me!!!

“I’m not strong Dane. I’m a mess – a broken, fu**ed-up mess.” “You’re beautiful broken. I wish I could let you see through my eyes. See how strong you are.”
BooksToBreathe | 5 reseñas más. | Jul 2, 2014 |
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Until the cover was revealed and I read the synopsis, I had NO clue that was going to be a triad book. I am a lover of ALL things Branton and to find this out only excited me all the more! Warning: do NOT read this book on your lunch break at work as you will find it extremely hard to concentrate for the rest of the afternoon.

I am a big proponent of reading books in order in series, even when it is stated they CAN be read as standalones. That being said and this is the first, and maybe ONLY time you will hear me say this; I can safely state that you CAN read this as a standalone. Our connection to the rest of Branton comes from our feisty redhead Megan. She is the sister of Nicole, who is Atti’s ex-wife, from the first book. Since that is our connection to Branton and Nicole isn’t a huge player, you are safe. That being said, you SHOULD read the other books in the series because I LOVE them! Especially Dane. Oh Dane….. I digress. Back to this story…

Megan is a PA for Asher, having moved out to Hollywood to escape the small town trappings of becoming just like her sister. Asher is a talented actor who just kind of fell into the profession. While he loves his job, he detests the social aspects that come with it; the notion that everyone is allowed a piece of him at will. Luca is our final player. He has been close friends with Megan since she moved to California, and has always harbored a deep affection for her, though she has never let him act on it. Through fate and circumstance, our players merge into one, and when it happens, it’s magic. The buildup was catamount for me. The sexual tension, the will they won’t they, it was all delicious to read, and as I stated earlier, don’t read it while at work ;-) Andrews weaves into words what the characters can’t always voice and the result is truth, honesty, and love. Raw sexual energy is on top of that, but at the core, those three fundamental emotions remain.

Yes, this book is hot, but beyond that it had heart. This wasn't some kinky sex fest with a story line on the side. No, there was depth of emotions as these three navigated what they didn't know at the beginning would become something so beautiful. I appreciated that this was approached as something that could last, and not just a quick sex party. This was an easy read, and one that I enjoyed EVERY second of. Forewarned: there will be a second part to the story but it does NOT end on a cliffhanger. For me, it ended on the possibility of hope. Andrews got me interested on the first book, I fell in LOVE with her on the second, and by the third, I was a goner; hook line and sinker. I eagerly (impatiently) await the next installment and cannot wait to see how their story ends!
BooksToBreathe | 3 reseñas más. | Jul 2, 2014 |
“I’m not giving up my secrets to some good looking boy with a pirate’s smile and a fleeting affection for my roommate.”

This is a fantastic retelling of Peter Pan, it is creative and the original tale is artfully interwoven into the story. I’m ranking this up there as one of my favorite retellings.I love when an author has an appreciation for the darkness that is in fairytales. That is how the plot approaches the Island and the lost boys. I also like how Gwens sanity is in question. If someone came back and insisted that they were on an island with some questionable characters wouldn’t you give the side eye and think they were off their rocker. it makes sense.

I love the way Nazarea has created her versions of the characters. Mixing them with them with the modern world. Peter has that sweet, childlikeness to him but he also has the darkness and immaturity. Gwen tends to balance him out a bit. The “frat brothers” that surround Peter and do his bidding. How they refer to her as Gwendy often. I liked James and Orchid, nice play on the flower reference. How James personality manages to fit into some shady activities. I thought Nazarea did a good job at aging them as well. It was like she took them apart and put them back together again adding her own elements.

So the ending...I thought it was perfect and I also wanted more. Just because I really wanted more but every time I think about it in my head, I know how perfect the ending is.
JenWitch | Jun 30, 2014 |
Absolutely loved this!
I was in a bit of a reading funk
this book pulled me out!

Full review to come!
Courtney_Chance | 3 reseñas más. | Jun 19, 2014 |
Im not really sure how to rate this book.
I am very upset, and while I might have not liked
this book, I am sure others will.
will post review tomorrow (march 27, 2014)

I just need to get my thoughts together.
Courtney_Chance | 3 reseñas más. | Jun 19, 2014 |

I love Atticus- who couldn't love someone with a name like that right?
His best friend Dane seemed to get under my skin as well. I got a few surprises in this book- Nik was one, really wasn't expecting her to as drop dead beautiful not to mention what she did to Atticus. Avery she just is the girl next door- the kind of girl that is beautiful but doesn't know it or flaunt it. What Josh did to her I didn't see coming either. There story is all about finding love when you least except it or even want it which turns out to be one sticky situation. Lots hot juicy sex scenes.
Great ending but I won't lie I totally want to know more about what the future holds for Atticus & Avery.
iloveladyporn | 3 reseñas más. | Dec 6, 2013 |