EtiquetaSociedad de Naciones

Etiqueta en inglés: League of Nations (mejora la traducción)

Incluye: League of Nations, league of nations, League of nations, The League of Nations, League of Nations (1919-46), League of Nations., Nationernas förbund, League Of Nations, league of Nations, League-Of-Nations, the League of Nations, Liga de las Naciones, leagueofnations, LEAGUE OF NATIONS, nationernas förbund, international league of nations, The league of Nations, the league of nations, league of nations., liga de las naciones, Leagueofnations, league of nations (1919-46), league-of-nations
Traducciones: Ліга Нацый, Общество на народите, Völkerbund, Sociedad de Naciones, Société des Nations, Liga naroda, Þjóðabandalagið, Società delle Nazioni, Tautu Savienība, Tautų Sąjunga, Népszövetség, Volkenbond, Folkeforbundet, Liga Narodów, Sociedade das Nações, Societatea Națiunilor, Лига Наций, Spoločnosť národov, Друштво народа, Kansainliitto, Nationernas förbund, Milletler Cemiyeti, Societat de Nacions

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