SeriesCambridge Studies in Eighteenth-Century English Literature and Thought

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17th century(3) 18th century(4) Anthony Ashley Cooper 1671-1713 3rd earl of Shaftesbury(2) Augustus (C. Octavius) 63 BCE/27 BCE-14 CE 1st Roman emperor(1) Bolingbroke (Henry St John 1st viscount) 1678-1751 [SecWar 1704-08; Sec Nthern 1710-13; Sec Southern 1713-14](2) books about books(2) books about church music(1) Bossuet (Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet) 1627-1704 [](1) British(3) Charles Leslie 1650-1722(1) Coleridge - Gibbon(1) Constantine I the great (Fl. Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Aug) c272/306-337 57th Roman emperor(1) David [legendary king of Israel C11th-10th BCE](1) David Womersley 1957-(1) Defoe - dissent & monarchy(1) Defoe - Jure Divino [1707](1) Defoe - parliament(1) Defoe - political languages 1689(1) Defoe - Reflections upon the Late Great Revolution [1689](1) Defoe - Robinson Crusoe & politics(1) Defoe - society government kingship(1) Defoe as defender of the King 1689-1701(1) Diocletian (C. Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus Aug) 245/284-305/311 51st Roman emperor(1) English-language political philosophy C17th-18th(1) EngLit C17th-18th - Defoe(1) Fisher Library(2) Flavius Belisarius (Belisarios) gen c500-565(1) French philosophes C18th(1) Gilbert Burnet 1643-1715 bishop of Salisbury(1) history(4) Hume - style & historical narrative(1) January 2019(1) JGA Pocock 1924-2023(1) John Dryden 1631-1700 [FRS 1662-66; Poet Laureate 1668-88; Historiographer Royal 1670-89](1) Jonathan Swift(2) Julian the apostate (Fl. Cl. Iulianus Aug) c331/361-63 Roman emperor [Constantinian dynasty](1) Livy (T. Livius Patavinus) c59 BCE-17 CE(1) Manuel R Schonhorn(1) Montesquieu (Charles-Louis de Secondat baron de Montesquieu) 1689-1755 [](1) non-fiction(4) Saul [legendary king of Israel C11th BCE](1) Schonhorn - Defoe's Politics [1991](1) Tacitus (P. Cornelius Tacitus) c56-117+(1) Trajan (Caesar M. Ulpius Nerva Traianus) 53/98-117 13th Roman emperor(1) VK42 Dav(1) Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet) FRS 1694-1778 [](1) William III & II of Orange-Nassau 1650/1689-1702 king of England Scotland & Ireland [William III Stadtholder 1672-1702](1) William Warburton 1698-1779 [bishop of Gloucester 1759-79](1) women(2) Womersley - Transformation of 'Decline & Fall' [1988](1)

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