SeriesSeeley Lectures

Autoría de la Serie: Richard Tuck

1 Obra Popularidad 92,438 (28 Miembros) 30 Libros 0 Reseñas


17th century(2) 18th century(2) 2016 07 Accessions(2) Aristotle (Aristotélēs) 384-322 BCE(1) Bodin(2) constitutional referendum - evolution(1) democracy(2) democracy & government - managing state debts(1) democracy - deliberation decisionmaking government(1) Dorr's Rebellion [Rhode Is] 1841-2(1) Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès ('Abbé Sieyès') 1748-1836 [Directoire 1799;](1) Francis Lieber c1798/1800-1872(1) French constitutions 1791-1804(1) Grotius - public identity(1) Henry Vane 'the younger' 1613-62 [Gov Massachusetts Bay Colony 1636-37](1) history(2) history of political philosophy - sovereignty government democracy(1) HLA Hart 1907-92(1) Hobbes(2) Hobbes - deliberation(1) Hobbes - democracy(1) Hobbes - democratic sovereign & sleeping monarch(1) Hobbes vs Rousseau(1) Hugo Grotius (Huig de Groot) 1583-1645(1) Jacques-Pierre Brissot de Warville ('girondin') 1754-93(1) James Burgh 1714-75(1) James Madison 1751/1809-17/1836 US President [Sec of State 1801-09](1) Jean Barbeyrac 1674-1744(1) Jean-Baptiste Salle 1759-94(1) Jean-Joseph Mounier 1758-1806(1) John Alexander Jameson 1824-90(1) jurisprudence - originalism(1) Jérôme Pétion de Villeneuve 1756-94(1) Montesquieu (Charles-Louis de Secondat baron de Montesquieu) 1689-1755 [](1) Nicolas de Condorcet 1743-94 marquis [Ac.scs 1769;](1) political theory(2) political theory - custom(1) Pufendorf (Samuel v Pufendorf) 1632-94(1) Pufendorf - Hobbes(1) Pufendorf - sovereignty(1) read in 2016(2) Rousseau(2) Rousseau - sovereignty(1) Sieyès - representation & pouvoir constituant(1) sovereignty(2) sovereignty & power of veto(1) St George Tucker 1752-1827(1) tacit legislation(1) US & American states C18th - constitutions & referenda(1) US state constitutions(1)

Miembros Principales
