Serie editorialPublic Cultures of the Middle East and North Africa

Anthropology of the Middle East and North Africa: Into the New Millennium por Sherine Hafez 10 copias
Arab Masculinities: Anthropological Reconceptions in Precarious Times por Konstantina Isidoros 1 copia
The Arab Revolts: Dispatches on Militant Democracy in the Middle East por David Mcmurray 8 copias
Berbers and Others: Beyond Tribe and Nation in the Maghrib por Katherine E. Hoffman 4 copias
The Calls of Islam: Sufis, Islamists, and Mass Mediation in Urban Morocco por Emilio Spadola 7 copias
Connected in Cairo: Growing up Cosmopolitan in the Modern Middle East por Mark Allen Peterson 14 copias, 1 reseña
Egypt in the Future Tense: Hope, Frustration, and Ambivalence before and after 2011 por Samuli Schielke 11 copias, 1 reseña
Encountering Morocco : fieldwork and cultural understanding por David Crawford 5 copias
Everyday Life in Global Morocco por Rachel Newcomb 0 copias
Fantasmic Objects: Art and Sociality from Lebanon, 1920-1950 por Kirsten L. Scheid 4 copias, 1 reseña
The Gnawa Lions: Authenticity and Opportunity in Moroccan Ritual Music por Christopher Witulski 2 copias
The Invisible Palestinians: The Hidden Struggle for Inclusion in Jewish Tel Aviv por Andreas Hackl 3 copias
Jaffa Shared and Shattered: Contrived Coexistence in Israel/Palestine por Daniel Monterescu 6 copias
Latinos in Israel: Language and Unexpected Citizenship por Alejandro I. Paz 3 copias
Learning in Morocco: Language Politics and the Abandoned Educational Dream por Charis Boutieri 4 copias
Memorials and Martyrs in Modern Lebanon por Lucia Volk 8 copias
The Middle East and Brazil: Perspectives on the New Global South por Paul Amar 4 copias
Moroccan Noir: Police, Crime, and Politics in Popular Culture por Jonathan Smolin 5 copias
Music and the Armenian diaspora : searching for home in exile por Sylvia Alajaji 2 copias
Music and the Armenian Diaspora: Searching for Home in Exile por Sylvia Angelique Alajaji 2 copias
The Outside: Migration as Life in Morocco por Alice Elliot 2 copias
Palestinian Music and Song: Expression and Resistance since 1900 por Moslih Kanaaneh 4 copias
The pearl of Dari : poetry and personhood among young Afghans in Iran por Zuzanna Olszewska 4 copias
Performing al-Andalus: Music and Nostalgia across the Mediterranean por Jonathan Holt Shannon 8 copias
The Politics of Suffering: Syria's Palestinian Refugee Camps por Nell Gabiam 5 copias
Saharan Frontiers: Space and Mobility in Northwest Africa por James McDougall 5 copias
The Scandal of Continuity in Middle East Anthropology: Form, Duration, Difference por Judith Scheele 0 copias
Shi'i Cosmopolitanisms in Africa: Lebanese Migration and Religious Conversion in Senegal por Mara Leichtman 3 copias
Space and mobility in Palestine por Julie Peteet 4 copias
Staging Cultural Encounters: Algerian Actors Tour the United States por Jane E. Goodman 1 copia
Syria's Democratic Years: Citizens, Experts, and Media in the 1950s por Kevin W. Martin 2 copias
Women of the Midan: The Untold Stories of Egypt's Revolutionaries por Sherine Hafez 4 copias
The wretched of France : the 1983 March for Equality and against Racism por Abdellali Hajjat 2 copias

