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Astral Alignment: Atlantis
Series: Astral Alignment (4)

Few remember the antediluvian age since Earth's final destruction, and fewer still recall the Elders who shaped galaxies from a sleeping god's dream, but a forgotten world and a distant star take center stage in this two-part installment of the Astral Alignment universe, brought to you by the Historium Majoris.

In Lost World, the mad champion of Atlantis ventures out in search of an artifact to glorify his king. Yet, a young martian must keep it to save her dying race. At the same time, a tribal princess of Lemuria seeks allies against monsters from her homeland. She alone will plunge the ancient empires into war, but it is the brutal Atlantean who may see whole nations perish. He seeks the Staff of Hermes, a relic to reshape reality itself, and only an emotionless, unfeeling girl is there to stand in his way.

Elsewhere in the far-distant future, Arcturus is invaded by a machine that devours worlds. Fashioned by the Elder Race at the dawn of creation, Inquisitor is a probe sent to learn all that it can from the future. Whole planets will die in its crusade for knowledge, and the arcturians may be ill-equipped to vanquish such a powerful abomination. Indeed, their enlightened, tyrannical rulers in the Pleiades might rather let the whole species perish. And, failing that, they may finish Inquisitor's work on their own.

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Science Fiction, Horror
Ofrecido por
rsharpe03 (Autor)
Enero 2024
Comienza: 2024-01-03
Acabado: 2024-01-25
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