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Fire Magic & Ice Cream
Series: Casual Magic (1)

Quinn Byrne is rare even among fire elementals, with her powers hard-wired into her arousal. She can't touch herself without setting the sheets ablaze. With an incendiary sex drive, Quinn's dating life is dryer than the desert that surrounds her hometown of Phoenix, Arizona. She'd give anything to have a normal romantic relationship, even settle for a water elemental with a frat boy personality. But she knows one thing for sure: human men are out of the question. No exceptions. Not even if the guy is trying to woo her with delicious ice cream.

August Nord is new to town, building a business that involves things staying cold. His whole life has been one, long icy stretch, until a fiery redhead saunters into his ice cream shop. Quinn seduces him with her freckled cheeks and take-no-shit attitude. Plus, she's the hottest accountant he's ever met, and a small business owner would be stupid not to hire a professional to review their finances, right? August has a secret that should keep him far away from her, but temptation overwhelms both of their good senses.

As the two approach their attraction with wary steps, the sparks flying between them are all too real. Quinn struggles to keep her supernatural skills from hurting the first man she's let herself lust over in years, all while August doubts his ability to build something long lasting after so many failed attempts in his past. When fire meets ice cream, will passion turn into a melted mess or dessert flambé?

MOBI, EPUB (downloadable via BookSprout or StoryOrigin, free signup required)
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City Owl Press (Editorial)
(User: CityOwlPress)
julio 2022
Comienza: 2022-07-05
Acabado: 2022-07-25
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