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All God's Creatures
E-book review copy but this title available in trade paper, too. James Herriott's books are frequently mentioned as comparisons to All God's Creatures, and a recent promotion of this title at brought even more Herriott comparisons plus rave reviews, including this one from Pennsylvania librarian Heidi Marshall: "I just finished the last sentence of this excellent book, and just had to write about how good it is! . . . . The Veterinarians and animals that they care for were wonderful to read about. Even the sad bits (which are inevitable where animals are concerned) were not too bad to read about. McSparren's writing has a way of easing the pain. Honestly I cannot think of anything negative to say about this book. The human interest in this book also holds some interest for all ages. The reader gets involved with the lives of Maggie, her husband, children and friends. This book is unique and will be a tough act to follow. I savored every word, laughed and cried. I highly recommend it to anyone that loves all of God's creatures." Author Carolyn McSparren is a veteran romance novelist and also writes the Merry Abbott Carriage-Driving Mysteries series. McSparren, an avid horsewoman who trains and shows carriage horses, based All God's Creatures on stories she gathered from Tennessee veterinarians, most of them women. This is a 2004 trade paperback that we are re-launching in light of the fantastic response to the earlier promotion.
General Fiction, Fiction and Literature
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BelleBooks (Editorial)
(User: debbsmith)
February 2010
Comienza: 2010-02-08
Acabado: 2010-02-26
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29 revisado, 11 marked received, 38 marked not received
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