For BookCrossers: reduce MTBR 2015 Challenge

Este grupo está oficialmente inactivo. A veces ocurre. Si quieres reactivar este grupo o crear un grupo nuevo sobre el mismo tema, consulta esta página.

In 2014 I've had fun challenging myself and reading about progress other group members make in reducing MTBR.
That's why I've started a new group for 2015, hoping that many will join again and that new members will find us too.

If you have any ideas, recommendations, comments about the group organisation, things we do or don't do that you would like to share with the group, please do so.
I'll make a seperate thread for it, then all members can post, read and comment.

Like many other avid readers I have a Mountain of Books that need To Be Read. My mountain never seems to get any smaller. The reasons for that are many gifts of generous BookCrossers and an uncontrolable urge to buy BOOKS, even when I go into town for something completely different.

Are you a BookCrosser?
Do you have the same 'problem'?
Do you want to read and journal (part of) that mountain of books that were not registered by you?
Maybe you even want those books to go on a journey again?

Is the answer to all or most questions a 'YES', then you've come to the right place :-)

Here's how it works:
1. Post on January 1st (or later when you join during the year) the amount of books registered by others on your TBR-shelf.
2. Post the number of books from this selection that you want to read in 2015.
3. Keep us informed about the progress you make.
(Only list books that were on you shelf before January 1st, 2015 and that were registered by other BC-members.)

Please remember to use your member name in the thread's title. That way it's less difficult for people to find you.

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