Earl of Oxford vs. Shakespe[a]r

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This challenge will not diminish with time. The Oxfordians, holding out in the educational and biographical evidence but the Stratfordians remain favoured in academia (except Harvard, under Marjorie Gardner, and Prep Schools/High Schools [selected]}. I would like to see more works considered, pro and con., as or ex., Peter Sammartinoʻs The Man Who Was William Shakespeare (Cornwall, l990): after 14 short, succinct and brief chapters, there is a 3 page summary. There is already a Group that has read and commented on another book, Edward de Vere is Shakespeare, but only 5 reviews. There is a UTUBE talk by a British Oxfordian --with no love of academicians whom he treats frankly as idiots (which does not enhance his argument). Henry James, Walt Whitman,Mark Twain, Ralph W. Emerson, Ezra Pound do and they do so AS WRITERS, which is my interest as an Oxfordians. (Sigmund Freud agreed, needlessly aggressively.) We NEED TO HEAR FROM The SHAKESPEAREANS, consider their evidence. This is a matter not just of literature but of its integrity in truthtelling. What Malone, Chambers, Kittredge saw is not as one Oxfordian says, ridiculously, "amateur" work. They were the best for the time, and their analyses of the plays themselves remain true, even if the authorship was not suspected; so they are giants (in my view) and ought to be honoured, as ought the non-Oxfordians who have given their lives to enrich ourʻs to this day. In order to start this , I will try to post the arguments for Oxford from a Writerʻs view, taking Peter Sammartinoʻs book as a starter -- because he has received no reviews in the LT and he writes simply and clearly, with respect for his opponents who do have the right to be wrong. All books on the subject should be considered, including a little known work by a Swarthmore Professor of English who was convinced that S was a poet even more than a dramatist -- which is another issue, but possibly germane to ourʻs here. Please begin. (It may take a while to learn how to post the review, as a writer, but using Sammartinoʻs study.)

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