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Gérard de Villiers (1929–2013)

Autor de The madmen of Benghazi

306+ Obras 1,499 Miembros 26 Reseñas 1 Preferidas

Sobre El Autor

Gérard de Villiers was born in Paris, France on December 8, 1929. After his military service, he wrote for France Soir and other newspapers in the 1950s. During a reporting assignment in Tunisia, he agreed to do a favor for a French intelligence officer and discovered he was a pawn in an mostrar más assassination scheme. His first novel, S.A.S. in Istanbul, was published in 1965 and became the first book in the S.A.S. series, which may be the longest-running fiction series ever written by a single author. In recent years, he would write five books a year. His last book, La Vengeance du Kremlin, was published in October 2013 and was his 200th book. He died of cancer on October 31, 2013 at the age of 83. (Bowker Author Biography) mostrar menos
Créditos de la imagen: Gerard de Villiers, poses during a portrait session in Paris, France on 03/10/1993


Obras de Gérard de Villiers

The madmen of Benghazi (2012) 49 copias
Malko: West Of Jerusalem (1969) 26 copias
Dossier Kennedy (1969) 19 copias
SAS à Istanbul (1965) 19 copias
L’Homme de Kabul (1973) 19 copias
Kill Kissinger (1974) 17 copias
A Game of Eyes Only (1980) 17 copias
Amok auf Bali. (1901) 15 copias
Malko #5: Angel of Vengence (1973) 14 copias
Death in Santiago (1975) 14 copias
アテネ殺人事件 (1976) 14 copias
La panthere d'hollywood (1981) 13 copias
The Countess & The Spy (1974) 13 copias
Le printemps de Varsovie (1975) 13 copias
Croisade à Managua (1979) 12 copias
Checkpoint Charlie (1973) 12 copias
Visa pour Cuba (1989) 11 copias
Hinderlaag op de Khaiberpas (1983) 11 copias
Panique au Zaïre (1978) 11 copias
SAS Cyclone à l'ONU (1972) 11 copias
Rendez vous a san francisco (1966) 11 copias
Die Erben des Terrors (1975) 10 copias
SAS 195 - Panique à Bamako (2012) 10 copias
L'Espion du Vatican (1998) 10 copias
Opération matador (1979) 10 copias
Le Disparu de Singapour (1976) 10 copias
Tod auf der Themse (1977) 10 copias
De gehangenen van Bagdad (1979) 10 copias
SAS: Shangai-Express (1979) 10 copias
SAS Tornade sur Manille (1981) 9 copias
SAS Embargo (1979) 9 copias
Piege a Budapest (1980) 9 copias
Carnage a Abu Dhabi (1980) 9 copias
SAS 109 Mission Sarajevo (1994) 8 copias
La Traque Carlos (1977) 8 copias
Geheimmission in Saigon. (1975) 8 copias
SAS: 11 settembre (2002) 8 copias
La blonde de pretoria (1985) 8 copias
Jacht in Zimbabwe (1976) 8 copias
Le complot du Caire (1981) 8 copias
Der Goldschatz des Negus (1977) 8 copias
Duel in Barranquilla (1980) 8 copias
Alerte plutonium (1992) 7 copias
SAS: sua altezza la spia (1974) 7 copias
De kanonnen van Bagdad (1990) 7 copias
Les tueurs de Bruxelles (1988) 7 copias
Hetzjagd auf Samoa (1969) 7 copias
Sas le roi fou du nepal (2002) 7 copias
Putsch à Ouagadougou (1984) 7 copias
Samba voor SAS (2000) 7 copias
Sterben für Sansibar (1973) 7 copias
Mission in Moscow (1990) 7 copias
Le gardien d'Israël (1978) 7 copias
SAS : Le Plan Nasser (1986) 7 copias
SAS: rosso granata (1982) 7 copias
La manip du Karin A (2002) 7 copias
Murder Inc. Las Vegas (1978) 7 copias
Operatie Reagan (1982) 6 copias
Angola a ferro e fogo (2009) 6 copias
Tuerie à Marrakech (1995) 6 copias
SAS AUX CARAIBES (1978) — Autor — 6 copias
Le beau Danube rouge (2013) 6 copias
SAS : Zaïre adieu (1997) 6 copias
Massacre à Amman (2003) 6 copias
Vlucht 007 antwoordt niet (2012) 6 copias
Mort à Beyrouth (1982) 5 copias
SAS : Mort à Gandhi (1986) 5 copias
La source Yahalom (1999) 5 copias
Rouge Dragon: 2 (2011) 5 copias
SAS: il drago della droga (1983) 5 copias
SAS Aventure au Surinam (1983) 5 copias
Tuez Iouchtchenko ! (2005) 5 copias
Voir Malte et mourir (1979) 5 copias
Rouge dragon, Tome 1 (2011) 5 copias
SAS: vendetta a Beirut (1993) 5 copias
Crisis in Colombia (1992) 5 copias
Enquête sur un génocide (2000) 5 copias
Des armes pour Khartoum (1981) 5 copias
SAS 177 Pirates ! (2009) 5 copias
La manipulation Yggdrasil (1998) 4 copias
Commando sur Tunis (2012) 4 copias
SAS: Assalto a Istanbul (2001) 4 copias
Embrouilles a Panama Sas (1987) 4 copias
SAS: furore d'Olanda (1984) 4 copias
SAS: morire alla giornata (2008) 4 copias
KGB contre KGB (1992) 4 copias
Au nom d'Allah (1993) 4 copias
Arnaque à Brunei (1989) 4 copias
La veuve de l'ayatollah (1985) 4 copias
Bombes sur Belgrade (1999) 4 copias
SAS 183 Renegade T01 (2010) 3 copias
SAS:m'arma o non m'arma (1998) 3 copias
Polonium 210 (2011) 3 copias
Tu tueras ton prochain (1996) 3 copias
L'Or d'Al-Quaïda (2003) 3 copias
SAS 102 La solution rouge (1991) 3 copias
L'otage d'Oman (1987) 3 copias
Otages en Irak (2005) 3 copias
Mausolee galactique (1987) 3 copias
Coup d’Etat à Tripoli (1992) 3 copias
L'Or de Moscou (1994) 3 copias
Opération Lucifer (1996) 3 copias
Papillon Épinglé (1970) 2 copias
SAS Le Dossier K. (2006) 2 copias
Les soucis de si-siou (1968) 2 copias
SAS 184 Renegade T02 (2010) 2 copias
SAS 161 Le programme 111 (2019) 2 copias
S.A.S., Contre C.I.A. (1965) 2 copias
SAS: la talpa di Langley (1988) 2 copias
De schat van Saddam (2) (2010) 2 copias
Planlagt mord 1 copia
Dood aan Grandi! (1987) 1 copia
Hurtig død 1 copia
Gidslet 1 copia
Buddha's tand 1 copia
Ontmoeting in Gibraltar (1988) 1 copia
Retour à Shangri-La (2008) 1 copia
Eternelle jeunesse (1987) 1 copia
SAS 1 copia
Les amants de singapour (1983) 1 copia
Otages: la vérité (2005) 1 copia
Cycle malko 2 101196 (1993) 1 copia
Armageddon (2002) 1 copia
Que la bête meure (2006) 1 copia
SAS L'ange de Montevideo (1976) 1 copia
SAS: renegade 1 copia
˜La œChine s'éveille (1979) 1 copia
Märkt för mord (1980) 1 copia
Leve Che Guevara (1987) 1 copia
L'Asie en feu (2005) 1 copia
Gijzeling in Oman (2001) 1 copia
Dossier Karadzic (2010) 1 copia

Obras relacionadas

Paramilitary Plot (1984) — Editor, algunas ediciones40 copias


Conocimiento común



archivomorero | Dec 15, 2022 |
This was absolutely terrible. In a word: Trashy James Bond -- the uninspired kind you want to avoid.

The main character in this series, Malko, is an Austrian nobleman who moonlights as a freelance special agent for the CIA, who drop him into various spy/thriller scenarios. In this instalment he is posing as a US Aid worker dealing with refugees in Cambodia, when the Khmers Rouges are besieging Phnom Penh. Malko is shown around the city, which seems little more than a giant black market where decadence, alcohol, opium and prostitutes make up daily life. Corruption is rife as Cambodian state forces, the Americans and the Khmers Rouges are making deals behind the scenes.

At least the bare trappings of a by-the-numbers spy thriller are there. The Big Bad is an evil general; his main henchman is an amputee named Phuong, who is an admirable fighter despite the lack of his legs. And of course Malko is introduced to a number of sexy asian ladies (SALs), who are all a little bit mysterious, very pretty with small breasts, and upon meeting Malko they all default to the role of helpful assistant who intensely desires the sexy white male.

If this sounds like a setup for a minor James Bond film with at least a modicum of promise, the book is actually much worse. De Villiers writes with a limited vocabulary that is repeated ad nauseam (guns fire only in rafales, explosions déchiquetent people). There are awkward sex scenes of questionable Gary-Stu quality. The Big Bad is said to be the Big Bad, but is not given a chance to show his evilness; and so there is no real tension. Several non-white characters express themselves in even less than Hulk Speak, particularly a Chinese action girl with the very un-Chinese name of Monivanh (number one = "good”, number ten = "bad”; no sweat / beaucoup sweat = "no problem / big heap problem”, tic-tic = ”have sex”). And worst of all: Malko is almost entirely passive in this book and takes virtually no initiative. For most of the book he gets carted around by CIA agents and by the SALs and is introduced to various people; he doesn’t speak any of the local languages, which means that many setups for the grand finale go through an intermediary -- the aforementioned agents and SALs; his assassination attempt (really his only action scene) goes wrong in the clumsiest of untrained amateur ways and a SAL has to rescue him; his master plan is executed by someone else; and in his final action scene his weapon, his transport, his intel and his exit strategy have all been handed to him by a SAL. Some action hero! In fact, if Malko were any random red-blooded male who imagines themselves capable of withstanding a little torture before the cavalry show up, this book's plot would not only play out exactly the same, but there’d be at least some kind of excuse for Malko’s lack of initiative.

And then there are facepalm-worthy passages such as the following. After Monivanh has fought off evil henchman Phuong (Malko, of course, was knocked semi-unconscious almost immediately), she takes Malko back to his hotel and gives him a divine blowjob which, incidentally, involves a cup of tea. Then we get this (my translation):

Flirtant avec l’infarctus, Malko était incapable de répondre. C’était encore plus éprouvant que le combat avec Phuong… Monivanh avait vraiment des ressources très diversifiées. Elle savait peut-être même faire la cuisine...

Feeling close to a coronary, Malko was unable to respond. This was even more grueling than the fight with Phuong… Monivanh’s skills really were quite diverse. Perhaps she even knew how to cook...


This is a shockingly bad book -- the kind of trashy that makes me feel I wasted my time on it. It doesn’t really use the tropes of flashy spy fiction efficiently, it merely mentions their external trappings and bets that that will be enough to keep people interested. I would say it even fails to clear the very, very low bar that is cheap self-insert fantasy: its protagonist is too passive and the stakes he faces are too low.
… (más)
Petroglyph | May 29, 2019 |
Tipica storia alla SAS: veloce e godibile, attenta a fotografare bene il paesaggio e il contesto politico più che nello sviluppare una storia intricata e complessa. La narrazione avanza più per continue complicazioni che per altro, scorre abbastanza bene senza particolari punti morti, e presenta almeno due avvenimenti abbastanza evocativi (il rapimento iniziale da parte della monaca ed il suicidio di un personaggio più avanti nella storia). I personaggi sono tutti caratterizzati più per tratti particolari che per approfondimento psicologico, riservato solamente a Flor e Laura Iglesias. Una volta di più, fallisce il tentativo di rendere SAS un personaggio empatico e in cui è facile immedesimarsi, la sua freddezza, in questo caso, è controproducente.… (más)
AlbertoAmoruso998 | Oct 18, 2018 |
I recently rediscovered the spy adventures of Prince Malko Linge. They were huge in Germany where about 150 novels were published and even bigger in France where more than 200 were written, usually about four a year, until the author's relatively recent death.

In English only a handful were ever translated in the 1970s.

Malko Linge is an Austrian prince who in order to renovate his castle occasionally works for the CIA all around the world. Though usually mainly remembered for its often excessive sex scenes what impressed me most are their incredible attention to detail when it comes to the international locations. It's clear that author was personally familiar with most of the places he wrote about. And the books also have an often surprisingly cynical world view.

DEATH ON THE RIVER KWAI may not be the best of the recent Malko reads and loses a bit of impact by Malko being constantly left in the dark when searching for a missing friend in Thailand but it's still a wonderful example of an espionage series I want to continue exploring more of.
… (más)
IrishHolger | Jan 10, 2017 |

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½ 3.5

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