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Paulo Coelho (1947–2024)

Autor de El Alquimista

223+ Obras 89,751 Miembros 2,029 Reseñas 237 Preferidas

Sobre El Autor

Paulo Coelho was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on August 24, 1947. As a teenager, he wanted to become a writer, but his parents wanted him to pursue a more substantial and secure career. At the age of 17, his introversion and opposition to his parents led them to commit him to a mental mostrar más institution. He escaped three times before being released at the age of 20. Once released, he abandoned his ideas of becoming a writer and enrolled in law school to please his parents. He stayed in law school for one year. In 1986, Coelho walked the 500-plus mile Road of Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain, a turning point in his life. On the path, he had a spiritual awakening, which he described in his book The Pilgrimage. Before becoming a full-time author, he worked as theatre director and actor, lyricist, and journalist. He wrote song lyrics for many famous performers in Brazilian music including Elis Regina, Rita Lee, and Raul Seixas. His first book, Hell Archives, was published in 1982. He has written over 25 books since then including The Alchemist, Brida, The Fifth Mountain, The Devil and Miss Prym, Eleven Minutes, The Zahir, The Witch of Portobello, Like a Flowing River, and Adultery. He received numerous awards including Las Pergolas Prize, The Budapest Prize, Nielsen Gold Book Award, and the Grand Prix Litteraire Elle. In 1996, he founded the Paulo Coelho Institute, which provides aid to children and elderly people with financial problems. In 2007, Coelho was named a Messenger of Peace to the United Nations. (Bowker Author Biography) mostrar menos


Obras de Paulo Coelho

El Alquimista (1988) 39,431 copias
Veronika decide morir (1998) 7,136 copias
Once Minutos (2003) 5,352 copias
El Zahir (2005) 4,199 copias
La bruja de Portobello (2006) 3,771 copias
El demonio y la señorita Prym (2000) 3,737 copias
Brida (1990) 2,582 copias
La quinta montaña (1996) 2,539 copias
Manual del guerrero de la luz (1997) 2,329 copias
Valquirias (1992) 1,813 copias
El vencedor está solo (2008) 1,447 copias
Aleph (2010) 1,143 copias
Manuscript Found in Accra (2013) 833 copias
The Spy: A novel (2013) 808 copias
Hippie (2018) 420 copias
The Archer (2008) 343 copias
Vida (2007) 273 copias
The Supreme Gift (1994) 96 copias
The Essential Paulo Coelho (2018) 51 copias
And on the Seventh Day (2001) 47 copias
Unterwegs. Der Wanderer. (2004) 46 copias
The Paulo Coelho Collection (1997) 13 copias
Casus (2016) 7 copias
Enigma: 2008 calendar (2007) 7 copias
Moments 2012: Diary (2011) 6 copias
Freedom: Day Planner 2018 (2017) 4 copias
O Mosteiro Pode Acabar (1999) 4 copias
Biografia d'un narrador (2003) 4 copias
O Arqueiro (2023) 3 copias
Eleven Minutes 3 copias
Mãe 3 copias
ZAHIRI 3 copias
Rukopis otkriven u Akri (2014) 3 copias
The Complete Collection (2010) 3 copias
Preljuba (2014) 2 copias
Besinci Dag (2020) 2 copias
Lukostřelec (2023) 2 copias
Maktub. Destino 2 copias
Le Don suprême (2023) 2 copias
Paulo Coelho (2015) 2 copias
Goncalo Byrne, 1941-... (2011) 2 copias
Secrets: Day Planner 2020 (2019) 2 copias
VIDA (SELECCION DE CITAS) (2008) 2 copias
Amicizia. Agenda 2017 (2016) 2 copias
Duvvumin maktub (2004) 2 copias
Keemiyagar 1 copia
MEKTUB 1 copia
Courage: 2016 Calendar (2015) 1 copia
El Alquemista 1 copia
Simyaci Ciltli (2007) 1 copia
MALI I PESTE 1 copia
BRIDA 1 copia
Strelac 1 copia
The Classic Collection (2018) 1 copia
Nha gia kim 1 copia
MATURIA 1 copia
Por ele mesmo 1 copia
Hipík (2018) 1 copia
Força 2023 1 copia
The alchemist 1 copia
Seierherren står alene (2009) 1 copia
مکتوب 1 copia
Szerelem (2009) 1 copia
Aldatmak - Mini Kitap (2016) 1 copia
Paths: Day Planner 2019 (2018) 1 copia

Obras relacionadas

Siddharta (1945) — Introducción, algunas ediciones27,980 copias
Paulo Coelho : las confesiones del peregrino (1999) — Narrador — 179 copias
Veronika Decides To Die [2009 film] (2009) — Original book — 10 copias
Beyond Our Differences [2008 film] (2008) — Interviewee — 5 copias


Alemán (395) Amor (349) Autoayuda (219) Aventura (235) Brasil (385) brasileño (218) Buddha (209) Budismo (1,110) Clásico/a (448) Clásicos/as (566) Coelho (270) En propiedad (214) España (374) espiritual (473) Espiritualidad (1,479) Fantasía (506) Ficción (8,003) Ficción histórica (251) Filosofía (1,963) Fábula (308) Goodreads (246) India (373) Inspirador (502) Journy (254) Kindle (224) Leído/a (1,001) Libro electrónico (302) Literatura (1,107) Literatura brasileña (266) Literatura en alemán (493) no leído (326) Novela (1,448) Paulo Coelho (401) Por leer (3,709) Propio (418) Realismo mágico (294) Religión (986) romano (501) Siglo XX (321) Traducción (234)

Conocimiento común

Nombre legal
de Souza, Paulo Coelho
Fecha de nacimiento
Fecha de fallecimiento
País (para mapa)
Lugar de nacimiento
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Lugares de residencia
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Geneva, Switzerland
Colégio Santo Inácio-Rede Jesuíta de Educação
theater director
lyricist (mostrar todos 7)
Oiticica, Christina (wife)
United Nations (Messenger of Peace)
European Union (Ambassador for Intercultural Dialogue)
Shimon Peres Institute for Peace
UNESCO (special counsellor for “Intercultural Dialogues and Spiritual Convergences”)
Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship
Brazilian Academy of Letters
Premios y honores
Legion d'Honneur
Knight of Arts and Letters ( [1996])
Flaiano (1996)
Comendador de Ordem do Rio Branco ( [1998])
Crystal Award (World Economic Forum ∙ 1999)
Crystal Mirror Award ( [2000]) (mostrar todos 18)
Premio Internazionale Fregene ( [2001])
Planetary Arts Award (Club of Budapest ∙ 2002)
Order of St. Sophia (contribution to revival of science and culture ∙ [2004])
Order of Honour (Ukraine ∙ 2004)
Budapest Prize ( [2005])
Goldene Feder Award ( [2005])
International Author Award (DirectGroup ∙ [2005])
Wilbur Award (Religion Communicators Council ∙ [2006])
Cruz do Mérito do Empreendedor Juscelino Kubitschek ( [2006])
I Premio Álava en el Corazón ( [2006])
Las Pergolas Prize (Association of Mexican Booksellers ∙ [2006])
Distinction of Honour (City of Odense - Hans Christian Andersen Award ∙ [2007])
Sant Jordi Asociados, Barcelona
Biografía breve
The Brazilian author PAULO COELHO was born in 1947 in the city of Rio de Janeirom, and died in 2024 at the age of 77. Before dedicating his life completely to literature, he worked as theatre director and actor, lyricist and journalist.

Coelho wrote song lyrics for many famous performers in Brazilian music, such as Elis Regina and Rita Lee. Yet his most well known work has been done with Raul Seixas. Together they wrote such successes as Eu nasci há dez mil anos atrás (I was born ten thousand years ago), Gita and Al Capone, amongst other 60 songs.

His fascination with the spiritual quest dates back to his hippie days, when he travelled the world learning about secret societies, oriental religions, etc.

In 1982 Coelho published his first book, Hell Archives, which failed to make any kind of impact. In 1985 he contributed to the Practical Manual of Vampirism, although he later tried to take it off the shelves, since he considered it “of bad quality”. In 1986, PAULO COELHO did the pilgrimage to Saint James of Compostella, an experience later to be documented in his book The Pilgrimage.

In the following year, COELHO published The Alchemist. Slow initial sales convinced his first publisher to drop the novel, but it went on to become one of the best selling Brazilian books of all time.

Other titles include Brida (1990), The Valkyries (1992), By the river Piedra I sat Down and Wept (1994), the collection of his best columns published in the Brazilian newspaper Folha de São Paulo entitle Maktub (1994), the compilation of texts Phrases (1995), The Fifth Mountain (1996), Manual of a Warrior of Light (1997), Veronika decides to die (1998), The Devil and Miss Prym (2000), the compilation of traditional tales in Stories for parents, children and grandchildren (2001), Eleven Minutes (2003), The Zahir (2005), The Witch of Portobello (2006) and a compilation of texts gathered under the title Like a Flowing River (2006) published in a few countries for the moment.

He also adapted The Gift (Henry Drummond) and Love letters of a prophet (Kalil Gibran).

To date, Coelho has sold a total of 100 million copies and, according to the magazine Publishing Trends; he was the most sold author in the world in 2003 with his book Eleven Minutes – even though at the time it hadn't been released in the United States, Japan or 10 other countries!

Also according to Publishing Trends, The Alchemist was to be found in the 6th place of world sales in 2003. Eleven Minutes topped all lists in the world, except for England, where it was in second place. The Zahir, published in 2005, was in third place of bestsellers according to Publishing Trends, after Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons.

The Alchemist was one of the most important literary phenomena of the 20th century. It reaches the first place in bestselling lists in 18 countries, and so far has sold 30 million copies.

The book has been praised by different personalities ranging from the Nobel Prize Kenzaburo Oe to the singer Madonna, who considers it one of her favourite books. It has equally inspired many projects – such as a musical in Japan, theatre plays in France, Belgium, USA, Turkey, Italy, Switzerland. It is also the theme of two symphonies (Italy and USA) and had its text illustrated by the famous French artist Moebius (author of the sceneries for he Fifth Element and Alien).

His work has been translated in 67 languages and edited in more than 150 countries.



Juli 2013 : "Der Alchimist" von Paulo Coelho en Online-Lesekreis (agosto 2013)
Paulo Coelho en 1001 Books to read before you die (septiembre 2008)


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