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La historiadora

por Elizabeth Kostova

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21,739759198 (3.68)4 / 703
Fiction. Historical Fiction. Late one night, exploring her father's library, a young woman finds an ancient book and a cache of yellowing letters. The letters are all addressed to "My dear and unfortunate successor," and they plunge her into a world she never dreamed ofa labyrinth where the secrets of her father's past and her mother's mysterious fate connect to an inconceivable evil hidden in the depths of history.The letters provide links to one of the darkest powers that humanity has ever known-and to a centuries-long quest to find the source of that darkness and wipe it out. It is a quest for the truth about Vlad the Impaler, the medieval ruler whose barbarous reign formed the basis of the legend of Dracula. Generations of historians have risked their reputations, their sanity, and even their lives to learn the truth about Vlad the Impaler and Dracula. Now one young woman must decide whether to take up this quest herself-to follow her father in a hunt that nearly brought him to ruin years ago, when he was a vibrant young scholar and her mother was still alive. What does the legend of Vlad the Impaler have to do with the modern world? Is it possible that the Dracula of myth truly existed-and that he has lived on, century after century, pursuing his own unknowable ends? The answers to these questions cross time and borders, as first the father and then the daughter search for clues, from dusty Ivy League libraries to Istanbul, Budapest, and the depths of Eastern Europe. In city after city, in monasteries and archives, in letters and in secret conversations, the horrible truth emerges about Vlad the Impaler's dark reign-and about a time-defying pact that may have kept his awful work alive down through the ages.Parsing obscure signs and hidden texts, reading codes worked into the fabric of medieval monastic traditions-and evading the unknown adversaries who will go to any lengths to conceal and protect Vlad's ancient powers-one woman comes ever closer to the secret of her own past and a confrontation with the very definition of evil. Elizabeth Kostova's debut novel is an adventure of monumental proportions, a relentless tale that blends fact and fantasy, history and the present, with an assurance that is almost unbearably suspenseful-and utterly unforgettable.… (más)
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    La sombra del viento por Carlos Ruiz Zafón (GodOfTheAnthill)
    GodOfTheAnthill: Both mystery novels with a similar tone and atmosphere
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    El descubrimiento de las brujas por Deborah Harkness (clamairy)
    clamairy: Similar themes of magic and academia.
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    Drácula por Bram Stoker (Nubiannut)
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    Freedom and Necessity por Steven Brust (tessac)
    tessac: Freedom & Necessity is epistolic in nature so if that appealed to you in The Historian, I heartily recommend F & N. There are no vampires but, like The Historian, the fantastical is subtly woven into the story.
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    Drácula, el no muerto por Dacre Stoker (Joles)
    Joles: Both of these books share a great deal of research and they keep you speeding through one chapter to the next. Oh...and they both have Dracula....
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    QueenOfDenmark: I've just started reading The Vampyre but right from the start it put me in mind of Elizabeth Kostova's The Historian. Lord Byron is used as the main character in Tom Holland's The Vampyre to interesting effect while count Dracula is the more traditional vampire hero in Kostova's Historian.… (más)
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    vwinsloe: A well-imagined history with supernatural beings.
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Su nombre despierta terror en el corazón de los hombres. A lo largo de siglos, se le ha considerado un mito. Ahora, alguien se atreve a buscarlo a través de los rincones más oscuros de Europa y Asia y buceando en lo más remotos pasajes de la historia.
Durante años, Paul fue incapaz de contarle a su hija la verdad sobre la obsesión que ha guiado su vida. Ahora, entre sus papeles, ella descubre una historia que comenzó con la extraña desaparición del mentor de Paul, el profesor Rossi. Tras las huellas de su querido maestro, Paul recorrió antiguas bibliotecas de Estambul, monasterios en ruinas en Rumania, remotas aldeas en Bulgaria... Cuanto más se acercaba a Rossi, más se aproximaba también a un misterio que había aterrorizado incluso a los poderosos sultanes otomanos, y que aún hace temblar a los campesinos de Europa del Este. Un misterio que ha dejado un rastro sangriento en manuscritos, viejos libros y canciones susurradas al oído. Para Paul y su hija llegar al final dela búsqueda puede significar un destino mucho peor que la muerte. Porque a cada paso que dan, se convencen más de que él les está esperando. Y en sus corazones, retumba una pregunta angustiosa... ¿Es posible que la tumba de Vlad el Emperador esconda algo más que el cuerpo de un asesino legendario?
  Natt90 | Jan 31, 2023 |
Viene de un cambio del grupo de Facebook, pero ya me lo había leído, se lo envío a Conchi, abril de 2021
  Tatilake | Mar 14, 2021 |
  ERNESTO36 | Jan 21, 2020 |
Todo comienza cuando la hija descubre unas viejas cartas sin mucho sentido en el escritorio de su padre, en Ámsterdam. Éste no desea explicarle el significado del descubrimiento a su hija, pues teme que vaya a pasarle algo terrible. A pesar de ello, la niña no cede en su empeño y, tras muchas horas leyendo libros de torturas e historias escalofriantes a escondidas, consigue descifrar un poco qué oscuro secreto le oculta su padre, y por qué éste se niega a hablar del tema.

A m modo de ver es una mala historia, mal contada y mal escrita. Con muchas pretensiones ( )
  pferrando | Jan 6, 2011 |
Durante años, se le ha considerado un mito, una leyenda que llena de miedo el corazón de los campesinos supersticiosos. Pero ahora, alguien ha decidido descubrir la verdad. Paul, un profesor de Historia, revela por fin a su hija la tarea a la que ha dedicado tantos años. Tras la desaparición de su amigo el profesor Ross, Paul se sumergió en una angustiosa búsqueda que le llevó a través de antiguas bibliotecas en Estambul, monasterios en ruinas en Rumania, remotas aldeas de Bulgaria. Cuanto más se acercaba a Ross, más cerca estaba también de un ser que ha dejado un rastro sangriento a través de la historia, en viejos manuscritos olvidados, en canciones susurradas al oído. Un ser al que temían tanto antiguos sultanes otomanos como los actuales servicios secretos. Paul y su hija saben que él está cada vez más cerca. Y en sus corazones retumba una pregunta angustiosa... ¿Es posible que exista realmente... Drácula?
  kika66 | Dec 14, 2010 |
Mostrando 1-5 de 10 (siguiente | mostrar todos)
Vlad Lit: don't flirt with it, just sink your teeth right in
When, after many other allusions to historians and historicism, Kostova introduced a character whose last name is Hristova, I was tempted to run out to a pharmacy for some antihristomine.

What's unfortunate about this overload is that the book -- which seems to want to do for historians what ''Possession'' did for literary scholars -- is otherwise the kind of wonderfully paced yarn that would make a suitable companion to a deck chair, a patch of sun and some socklessness.
In a ponderous, many-layered book that is exquisitely versed in the art of stalling, Ms. Kostova steeps her readers in Dracula lore. She visits many libraries, monasteries, relics of the Byzantine and Ottoman empires, crypts, restaurants, scholars and folk-song-singing peasants. Every now and then a mysterious pale, sinister figure will materialize, only to vanish bewilderingly. The book's characters find this a lot more baffling than readers will.
Stuffed with rich, incense-laden cultural history and travelogue, The Historian is a smart, bibliophilic mystery in the same vein (sorry) as A.S. Byatt's Possession--but without all that poetry.
añadido por Shortride | editarTime, Lev Grossman (Jun 12, 2005)

» Añade otros autores (19 posibles)

Nombre del autorRolTipo de autor¿Obra?Estado
Elizabeth Kostovaautor principaltodas las edicionescalculado
Eyre, JustineNarradorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Michael, PaulNarradorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Ram, TitiaTraductorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Schroderus, ArtoTraductorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
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How these papers have been placed in sequence will be
made manifest in the reading of them. All needless matters have
been eliminated, so that a history almost at variance with the
possibilities of later-day belief may stand forth as simple fact.
There is throughout no statement of past things wherein memory
may err, for all the records chosen are exactly contemporary,
given from the stand-points and within the range
of knowledge of those who made them.

     —Bram Stoker, Dracula, 1897
What sort of place had I come to, and among what kind of
people? What sort of grim adventure was it on which I had
embarked? . . . I began to rub my eyes and pinch myself to see if
I were awake. It all seemed like a horrible nightmare to me, and I
expected that I should suddenly awake, and find myself at home,
with the dawn struggling in through the windows, as I had now
and again felt in the morning after a day of overwork. But my
flesh answered the pinching test, and my eyes were not to be
deceived. I was indeed awake and among the Carpathians. All
I could do now was to be patient, and to wait the coming
of the morning.

—Bram Stoker, Dracula,1897
There was one great tomb more lordly than all the rest; huge it was,
and nobly proportioned. On it was but one word,


     —Bram Stoker, Dracula, 1897.
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For my father,
who first told me
some of these stories
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A Note To The Reader

The story that follows is one I never intended to commit to paper.
In 1972 I was sixteen—young, my father said, to be traveling with him on his diplomatic missions.
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"To you, perceptive reader, I bequeath my history . . ."
"My dear and unfortunate successor . . ."
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(Haz clic para mostrar. Atención: puede contener spoilers.)
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Please do not combine with any abridged editions of The Historian.
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Fiction. Historical Fiction. Late one night, exploring her father's library, a young woman finds an ancient book and a cache of yellowing letters. The letters are all addressed to "My dear and unfortunate successor," and they plunge her into a world she never dreamed ofa labyrinth where the secrets of her father's past and her mother's mysterious fate connect to an inconceivable evil hidden in the depths of history.The letters provide links to one of the darkest powers that humanity has ever known-and to a centuries-long quest to find the source of that darkness and wipe it out. It is a quest for the truth about Vlad the Impaler, the medieval ruler whose barbarous reign formed the basis of the legend of Dracula. Generations of historians have risked their reputations, their sanity, and even their lives to learn the truth about Vlad the Impaler and Dracula. Now one young woman must decide whether to take up this quest herself-to follow her father in a hunt that nearly brought him to ruin years ago, when he was a vibrant young scholar and her mother was still alive. What does the legend of Vlad the Impaler have to do with the modern world? Is it possible that the Dracula of myth truly existed-and that he has lived on, century after century, pursuing his own unknowable ends? The answers to these questions cross time and borders, as first the father and then the daughter search for clues, from dusty Ivy League libraries to Istanbul, Budapest, and the depths of Eastern Europe. In city after city, in monasteries and archives, in letters and in secret conversations, the horrible truth emerges about Vlad the Impaler's dark reign-and about a time-defying pact that may have kept his awful work alive down through the ages.Parsing obscure signs and hidden texts, reading codes worked into the fabric of medieval monastic traditions-and evading the unknown adversaries who will go to any lengths to conceal and protect Vlad's ancient powers-one woman comes ever closer to the secret of her own past and a confrontation with the very definition of evil. Elizabeth Kostova's debut novel is an adventure of monumental proportions, a relentless tale that blends fact and fantasy, history and the present, with an assurance that is almost unbearably suspenseful-and utterly unforgettable.

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