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Cargando... Leah (edición 1990)por James R. Shott
Información de la obraLeah por James R. Shott
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Leah is the other sister. She is awkward, introverted, almost blind, and in love with Jacob. He marries Leah by mistake and she becomes his companion, advisor and closest friend, as well as the mother of his children. Jacob values Leah's sensitivity and intelligence, her guidance in business affairs, and her leadership abilities. She has everything except what she wants most - Jacob's love. No se han encontrado descripciones de biblioteca. |
Discusiones actualesNingunoCubiertas popularesGénerosSistema Decimal Melvil (DDC)813.54Literature English (North America) American fiction 20th Century 1945-1999Clasificación de la Biblioteca del CongresoValoraciónPromedio: No hay valoraciones.¿Eres tú?Conviértete en un Autor de LibraryThing. |