Book Title Stream of Consciousness Game

CharlasPlaying games and solving puzzles

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Book Title Stream of Consciousness Game

Ago 24, 2020, 4:53 pm

(copying over from

I had an idea over the weekend when I saw a set of books nearby one another (but not close enough such that it was intentional) at the grocery store: Watch Me and I Am Watching You. It made me think it would be fun to start a sort of little game we all could participate in.

The rules are simple: Someone gives a book title. You respond to that post with another book title that forms a sort of "complete thought" with respect to the first book. Examples:

1. The books I listed above
2. The Cat in the Hat Comes Back / To Kill a Mockingbird

You can respond to any previous post, just make sure to indicate which post you're referencing so it doesn't get too confusing.

Without further ado, please help me complete this thought:

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish.

Ago 25, 2020, 10:24 am

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Ago 25, 2020, 7:39 pm

Down the River unto the Sea/ Down By The River