EtiquetaPadres de la Iglesia

Etiqueta en inglés: Church Fathers (mejora la traducción)

Incluye: Church Fathers, church fathers, Fathers of the Church, Church fathers, Fathers of the church, church-fathers, Padri della Chiesa, Kirchenväter, fathers of the church, CHURCH FATHERS, churchfathers, ChurchFathers, The Fathers of the Church, kerkvaders, The Church Fathers, FATHERS OF THE CHURCH, padri della chiesa, church Fathers, The fathers of the Church, fathers of church, fathers of the Church, CHurch Fathers, Padri della chiesa, chuch fathers, Church Fathers., the church fathers, Kerkvaders, padri della Chiesa, the Church Fathers, Churh fathers, Kirchenvaeter, Chruch Fathers, kirchenväter, THE FATHERS OF THE CHURCH, Churh Fathers, chruch fathers, churh fathers, the fathers of the church, CHurch fathers, Fathers of The Church, Chuch Fathers, kirchenvaeter
Traducciones: Айцы Царквы, Отци на Църквата, Kirchenvater, Padres de la Iglesia, Pères de l'Église, Crkveni oci, Padre della Chiesa, Egyházatya, Црковни Отци, Kerkvaders, Kirkefedre, Ojcowie Kościoła, Padres da Igreja, Отцы Церкви, Cirkevný otec, Црквени оци, Kirkkoisä, Kyrkofader

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