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Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Nov 2, 2010
Nombre verdadero
John Florance
Sobre mi biblioteca
School - Mathematics/Science, University - Industrial Chemistry/Economics/Business Administration, Christian Conversion - Reformed/Baptistic/Anabaptism/Revivalism/Evangelism/Evangelicalism/Creationism/Missiology, Marriage & Family, University - Education/Teaching, University - Research - Computing/Engineering/Education, Lecturing - Physics/Materials Science/Electronics, Teaching - Primary/Secondary/Mathematics, Parenting, Reading - Novels/Classics, Homeschooling - Theory/Practice/Texts/Novels, Hobbies - History/Military History/Apologetics/Theology/Sport/Computing/Web/Networking, etc, etc. Ruth's Books, Family Reading, et al.

Started mostly with some theology and tertiary texts...
2013: Moved on to general, childrens', homeschooling texts, etc.
% done? A bookcase or three... Lots to go (but its not easy to work systematically in a busy/reading household!)
A dozen or so to go...

Visitors since: 5th January, 2014:
Sobre mí
Jesus' person, Husband, Father, Grandfather, Son, Brother, Grandson, Nephew, Uncle, Friend, Colleague...
Waygara, East Gippsland, Victoria, Australia
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