
Mar 31, 2013
Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
My library has over 3000 hard cover and approximately 500 ebooks in it of all types in an eclectic collection of ranging from literature, science fiction, mystery, fantasy, historical fiction, historical non-fiction, romance, modern fiction, and almost everything in between. I have read each one of these books at least once, and some multiple times. What I appreciate most are fascinating stories no matter what genre.
Sobre mí
I am a voracious reader with an unstoppable appetite for a thumping good read. I have been fortunate to find a few new indie authors who are actually quite excellent at what they do, and enjoy their books immensely. I am not a fan of the New York Times Best Seller List - as most of what is on it I consider mass marketed pablum. I find my own authors and books, and while I'm not always spot on, my radar has become tuned over the years to find those that I will enjoy.
Somewhere outside Austin, Texas
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