Spiritual Life & Living (11), 屬靈生命、生活操練 (11), 夫妻生活 (9), Testimonies of Triumph Over Sufferings (9), 勝過苦難的見証 (9), Love & Marriage (9), Essays (8), 散文 (8), Christianity & Science (7), 宣教士、屬靈偉人傳記 (7), 基督教與科學 (7), Novels & Fiction (7), Biographies of Missionaries & Godly Servants (7), 小說 (7), 健康、情緒 (6), Prayer (6), New Testament Exposition (6), 新約註釋 (6), Renewal & Revival (6), 靈命復興 (6), Testimonies of Faith and Life (6), 信仰生活見証 (6), 家庭教育 (6), Health & Emotions (6), 散文 Essays (6), Family Education (6), 禱告的操練 (6), 014 LAI 初信造就 Basic Beliefs (5), 家庭教育 Family Education (5), 差傳、宣教 (5), Missions & Missionaries (5), 021 LAI 禱告的操練 Prayer (4), Book-by-Book Biblical Studies (4), 分卷查經材料 (4), 宗教比較 (4), Christianity & Other Religions (4), 052 LAI 釋經學 Hermeneutics (3), 024 LIN (3), 一般性 (3), Christianity & Culture (3), General Apologetics (3), 宣教士、屬靈偉人傳記 Biographies of Missionaries & Godly Servants (3), 051BAI 研讀聖經 Exploring the Bible Yourself (3), 053 MA 研經參考書 Commentaries & References (3), 健康、情緒 Health & Emotions (3), 051 HUA 研讀聖經 Exploring the Bible Yourself (3), 基督教與文化 (3), 023 YAN 屬靈生命、生活操練 Spiritual Life & Living (3), Personal Devotion (3), Male & Female Roles (3), 092 SHI (3), 男女角色 (3), Trials & Sufferings (3), 試煉、苦難 (3), 071 KEL 一般性 General Apologetics (3), 個人靈修默想 (3), 研讀聖經 Exploring the Bible Yourself (3), 038 BUF 年齡與生活 Typical Problems of Various Age Groups (2), 092 BRA (2), 073 GON (2), 教會歷史 (2), 023 WIL (2), 0621 CAR 神論 Theology (2), 027 CHI (2), 073 LAR (2), 032 OMA (2), 034 WET 家庭教育 Family Education (2), 佈道要訣 (2), 024 HOR 靈命復興 Renewal & Revival (2), 092 LEE 散文 Essays (2), 092 ZHO 散文 Essays (2), 奉獻、委身 Dedication & Commitment (2), 045 ELL 宣教士、屬靈偉人傳記 Biographies of Missionaries & Godly Servants (2), 034 SU (2), 071 MCD 一般性 General Apologetics (2), 076 HUA 基督教與文化 Christianity & Culture (2), 著名傳道人傳記、見証 Testimonies of Well-Known Chinese Ministers & Others (2), 兒童讀物 Nonfiction (2), 091 OU 小說 Novels & Fiction (2), Christian Education (2), Testimonies of Well-Known Chinese Ministers & Others (2), 045 CAR 宣教士、屬靈偉人傳記 Biographies of Missionaries & Godly Servants (2), 0164 SAN 領袖塑造 Spiritual Leadership (2), 014 FAN 初信造就 Basic Beliefs (2), 021 NIC 禱告的操練 Prayer (2), 著名傳道人傳記、見証 (2), 045 TAY (2), 奉獻、委身 (2), Practical Theology (2), Holy Spirit (2), Church History (2), 屬靈生命、生活操練 Spiritual Life & Living (2), Theology (2), 046 HOW 著名傳道人傳記、見証 Testimonies of Well-Known Chinese Ministers & Others (2), Evangelism (2), 021 WIL (2), 023 LAW (2), 032 SMA (2), 神論 (2), 044 CHE (2), 宗教教育 (2), 教會本質、增長、崗位 (2), Dedication & Commitment (2), Church Management (2), 092 SO, 散文, Essays (2), 聖靈論 (2), 013 YAN 信仰生活見証 Testimonies of Faith and Life (2), 071 STR 一般性 General Apologetics (2), 年齡與生活 Typical Problems of Various Age Groups (2), 023 PAC 屬靈生命、生活操練 Spiritual Life & Living (2), 022 COW 個人靈修默想 Personal Devotion (2), 074 STR 基督教與科學 Christianity & Science (2), 037 KWO (2), Man/ Sin (2), 人論、罪論 (2), 032 WHE (2), 042 SUW 教會本質、增長、崗位 Church Management (2), Pulpit Homiletics (2), 應用神學 (2), 講道學 (2), 075 LEW 基督教/哲學/人文科學 Christianity/Philosophy/Liberal Science (2), 035 STE 學業、職業、理財 School / Employment / Money Management (1), 0162 POO 帶領查經小組 Leading Bible Studies & Small Groups (1), 075 BEC 基督教/哲學/人文科學 Christianity/Philosophy/Liberal Science (1), 021 KRI 禱告的操練 Prayer (1), 075 SID 基督教/哲學/人文科學 Christianity/Philosophy/Liberal Science (1), 0162 ARN 帶領查經小組 Leading Bible Studies & Small Groups (1), 054 KAI 舊約註釋 Old Testament Exposition* (1), 051 KAS (1), 023 MAT 屬靈生命、生活操練 Spiritual Life & Living (1), 041 NEI 教會歷史 Church History (1), 021 MUL 禱告的操練 Prayer (1), 032 FOR 夫妻生活 Love & Marriage (1), 054 EZR AU 舊約註釋 Old Testament Exposition (1), 032 MER 夫妻生活 Love & Marriage (1), 034 HUA 家庭教育 Family Education (1), 044 TEN 差傳、宣教 Missions & Missionaries (1), 013 THA 信仰生活見証 Testimonies of Faith and Life (1), 054 ZEC MA 舊約註釋 Old Testament Exposition* (1), 0431 PEN 協談/輔導 Counseling (1), 034 ECK 家庭教育 Family Education (1), 046 CO 著名傳道人傳記、見証 Testimonies of Well-Known Chinese Ministers & Others (1), 044 LI 差傳、宣教 Missions & Missionaries (1), 092 HEA 散文 Essays (1), 0163 DIX 門徒訓練 Discipleship Training (1), 023 WIL 屬靈生命、生活操練 Spiritual Life & Living (1), 054 EZR FYA 舊約註釋 Old Testament Exposition (1), 071 DUN 一般性 General Apologetics (1), 054 EZR RAT 舊約註釋 Old Testament Exposition (1), 023 BUF 屬靈生命、生活操練 Spiritual Life & Living (1), 032 WIL 夫妻生活 Love & Marriage (1), 023 HYB 屬靈生命、生活操練 Spiritual Life & Living (1), 032 ALL 夫妻生活 Love & Marriage (1), 0161 SCA 佈道要訣 Evangelism (1), 051 HE 研讀聖經 Exploring the Bible Yourself (1), 076 PHI 基督教與文化 Christianity & Culture (1), 025 PAY 明白神旨意 Understanding God's Will (1), 074 DAW 基督教與科學 Christianity & Science (1), 076 TEY 基督教與文化 Christianity & Culture (1), 023 AND 屬靈生命、生活操練 Spiritual Life & Living (1), 035 TRA 學業、職業、理財 School / Employment / Money Management (1), 042 STI 教會本質、增長、崗位 Church Management (1), 042 LEE 教會本質、增長、崗位 Church Management (1), 013 DUN 信仰生活見証 Testimonies of Faith and Life (1), 073 RAP 宗教比較 Christianity & Other Religions (1), 023 PAL 屬靈生命、生活操練 Spiritual Life & Living (1), 023 MCK 屬靈生命、生活操練 Spiritual Life & Living (1), 013 ZAC 信仰生活見証 Testimonies of Faith and Life (1), 023 WAX 屬靈生命、生活操練 Spiritual Life & Living (1), 024 PLA 靈命復興 Renewal & Revival (1), 102 BAT Nonfiction (1), 102 TAY Nonfiction (1), 071 LEE 一般性 General Apologetics (1), 042 TAN 教會本質、增長、崗位 Church Management (1), 076 XIN 基督教與文化 Christianity & Culture (1), 靈命復興 Renewal & Revival (1), 054 JON LAI 舊約註釋 Old Testament Exposition* (1), 054 EST SHU 舊約註釋 Old Testament Exposition* (1), 034 YEP 家庭教育 Family Education (1), 066 LIT 應用神學 Practical Theology (1), 0161 ONE 佈道要訣 Evangelism (1), 034 DOU 家庭教育 Family Education (1), 066 WAL 應用神學 Practical Theology (1), 076 NEL 基督教與文化 (1), 045 JUD 宣教士、屬靈偉人傳記 Biographies of Missionaries & Godly Servants (1), 044 PIP 差傳、宣教 Missions & Missionaries (1), 045 FRA 宣教士、屬靈偉人傳記 Biographies of Missionaries & Godly Servants (1), 035 ELD 學業、職業、理財 School / Employment / Money Management (1), 051 LON 研讀聖經 Exploring the Bible Yourself (1), 076 CAT 基督教與文化 Christianity & Culture (1), 075 ALC 基督教/哲學/人文科學 Christianity/Philosophy/Liberal Science (1), 013 PUL 信仰生活見証 Testimonies of Faith and Life (1), 035 WIL 學業、職業、理財 School / Employment / Money Management (1), 0622 MCD 基督論 Christ (1), 044 PIR 差傳、宣教 Missions & Missionaries (1), 025 SJO 明白神旨意 Understanding God's Will (1), 074 JON 基督教與科學 Christianity & Science (1), 045 TER 宣教士、屬靈偉人傳記 Biographies of Missionaries & Godly Servants (1), 035 SHE 學業、職業、理財 School / Employment / Money Management (1), 032 CUT 夫妻生活 Love & Marriage (1), 075 MYE 基督教/哲學/人文科學 Christianity/Philosophy/Liberal Science (1), 058 HAM 專題查經材料 Topical Bible Studies (1), 037 HAR 健康、情緒 Health & Emotions (1), 051 RAB (1), 038 URB 年齡與生活 Typical Problems of Various Age Groups (1), 092 GRA (1), 046 WU 著名傳道人傳記、見証 Testimonies of Well-Known Chinese Ministers & Others (1), 066 LEE 應用神學 Practical Theology (1), 051 SI 研讀聖經 Exploring the Bible Yourself (1), 066 PAO 應用神學 Practical Theology (1), 055 MAT MOR 新約註釋 New Testament Exposition* (1), 055 MAR MOR 新約註釋 New Testament Exposition* (1), 067 LIN 神學思想 Theological Trends (1), 055 JOH MA 新約註釋 New Testament Exposition (1), 054 ZEC MA 舊約註釋 Old Testament Exposition (1), 0621 PAC 神論 Theology (1), 014 WON 初信造就 Basic Beliefs (1), 舊約註釋 (1), 051 NIC 研讀聖經 Exploring the Bible Yourself (1), 027 ZHA 勝過苦難的見証 Testimonies of Triumph Over Sufferings (1), 091 SO 小說 Novels & Fiction (1), 091 AYA 小說 Novels & Fiction (1), 051 WON 研讀聖經 Exploring the Bible Yourself (1), 061 LIT 系統神學概論 Systematic Theology (1), 0163 WEI 門徒訓練 Discipleship Training (1), 055 1CO WON 新約註釋 New Testament Exposition (1), 042 WON 教會本質、增長、崗位 Church Management (1), Old Testament Exposition (1), 054 LIN (1), 046 WAR 著名傳道人傳記、見証 Testimonies of Well-Known Chinese Ministers & Others (1), 034 WRI 家庭教育 Family Education (1), 026 YAN (1), 092 MAX 散文 Essays (1), 032 HUA 夫妻生活 Love & Marriage (1), 011 LIT 福音性 Evangelism (1), 011 CHE 福音性 Evangelism (1), 061 HOF 系統神學概論 Systematic Theology (1), 0163 HUO 門徒訓練 Discipleship Training (1), 0164 ZIG 領袖塑造 Spiritual Leadership (1), 076 CHA 基督教與文化 Christianity & Culture (1), 013 FAN 信仰生活見証 Testimonies of Faith and Life (1), 024 SPA (1), 042 AND 教會本質、增長、崗位 Church Management (1), 034 MEY 家庭教育 Family Education (1), 011 ZHA 福音性 Evangelism (1), 0165 BUF 奉獻、委身 Dedication & Commitment (1), 034 BAS (1), 071 MCD (1), 034 CHE (1), 092 Ai (1), 024 CYM (1), 046 CHA (1), 042 DEV 教會本質、增長、崗位 Church Management (1), 034 LIU (1), 092 SIM (1), 092 YUE 散文 Essays (1), 023 GRI 屬靈生命、生活操練 Spiritual Life & Living (1), 021 LIN 禱告的操練 Prayer (1), 092 SU 散文 Essays (1), 022 TIA 個人靈修默想 Personal Devotion (1), 032 DOB 夫妻生活 Love & Marriage (1), 091 PER 小說 Novels & Fiction (1), 034 GIN (1), 034 DOB (1), 046 ELL (1), 051 PEL 研讀聖經 Exploring the Bible Yourself (1), 031 ELL (1), 交友、戀愛 Dating & Courtship (1), 045 YOH (1), 102 HAL (1), 102 SIL (1), 037 Hay (1), 037 DET (1), 027 LIA (1), 勝過苦難的見証 Testimonies of Triumph Over Sufferings (1), 011 LIU 福音性 Evangelism (1), 075 SCH 基督教/哲學/人文科學 Christianity/Philosophy/Liberal Science (1), 038 HYB 年齡與生活 Typical Problems of Various Age Groups (1), 076 HIL 基督教與文化 Christianity & Culture (1), 023 FOS (1), 038 ALE (1), 038 REE (1), 0163 WAN (1), 門徒訓練 Discipleship Training (1), 022 REE 個人靈修默想 Personal Devotion (1), 102 HUR 兒童讀物 Children’s Books Nonfiction (1), 026 CAR (1), 試煉、苦難 Trials & Sufferings (1), 025 LIU 明白神旨意 Understanding God's Will (1), 057 DEU LIU 分卷查經材料 Book-by-Book Biblical Studies (1), 038 KOE 年齡與生活 Typical Problems of Various Age Groups (1), 053 ARN 研經參考書 Commentaries & References (1), 034 CLA 家庭教育 Family Education (1), 052 LUC 釋經學 Hermeneutics (1), 0433 CHA 宗教教育 Christian Education (1), 051 CRO 研讀聖經 Exploring the Bible Yourself (1), 051 MIL 研讀聖經 Exploring the Bible Yourself (1), 051 WAR (1), 025 SIT 明白神旨意 Understanding God's Will (1), 075 GOU 基督教/哲學/人文科學 Christianity/Philosophy/Liberal Science (1)
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Jun 20, 2010
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