
Nombre verdadero
Are You Kidding Me!
Sobre mi biblioteca
My library consists of every book that wasn't taken from me by family, schools/libraries (sorry, folks) and hurricanes. I have a children's sections complete with books I read when I was seven, a school section of everything I was asked to read in high school and my brief stints at college (no one in the neighborhood has to buy their "required" reading-hasn't changed much in 20 years), and anything I find interesting in the library's 25 cent sale.
Sobre mí
42 year old obviously frustrated book lover. Never owned a store. My books stayed in boxes for 7 years until I had a place big enough...which is now not big enough. I am married with two children and a dog and cat.

That stuff is old!!

Now, 50, divorced with grown children and it's time to update the collection! Some have been donated to worthy causes, some were sold (I still grieve, but the budget dictated, not me!) but the rest are coming out of moving boxes again in our new hometown, Charlotte, NC!
Charlotte, NC
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