Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
My library is really the epitome of a Narcissist's work in progress. There are so many titles that I would like to add to my shelves; so I search online, local shops, and other random locations. And there are so many titles that I wish others would show the same interest toward as I. Of course, I've read more that I've posted on here - some stuck with me after all the years and some didn't.
Sobre mí
I enjoy reading the classics, stories prior to film, and science, evolutionary, and nature books; but indulge in the occasional horror or mystery novel by favorite authors or as recommended by a fellow reader. There is nothing more intriguing as a bookshelf to peruse. What was read and by whom? What did they enjoy or not of the stories?
Idaho Falls, ID
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Librerías: Book City, Hastings Books Music & Video - Idaho Falls

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