Serie editorialHistory from the sources


Arthurian period sources, vol. 1 : Introduction, notes and index por John Morris 8 copiasArthurian period sources 1
Arthurian period sources, vol. 2 : Annals and charters por John Morris 8 copiasArthurian period sources 2
Arthurian period sources, vol. 3 : Persons por John Morris 12 copiasArthurian period sources 3
Arthurian period sources, vol. 4 : Places and peoples, and Saxon archaeology por John Morris 7 copiasArthurian period sources 4
Arthurian period sources, vol. 5 : Genealogies and texts por John Morris 7 copiasArthurian period sources 5
Arthurian period sources, vol. 6 : Studies in dark-age history por John Morris 6 copiasArthurian period sources 6
Arthurian Period Sources, vol. 7 : Gildas, The Ruin of Britain and other documents por Gildas 76 copiasArthurian period sources 7
History of the Britons (Historia Brittonum) por Nennius 181 copias, 1 reseñaArthurian period sources 8
Arthurian period sources, vol. 9 : St Patrick, his writings and Muirchiu's Life por St. Patrick 27 copiasArthurian period sources 9
Domesday Book: Hampshire por John Morris 9 copiasDomesday Book 4

Colecciones y Selecciones

