Together in 2018 we read nearly 4,000 of our own books and reached our goal for the fourth consecutive year! ROOT was successful but there are still books to be read. We will be Reading Our Own Tomes (those old books that deserve their time in the limelight). Join in the fight against unread books! But ROOT also says how we support each other in the effort and cheer each other to their own goal.
Many of us have mountains of books that are just waiting to be read and this is our way of making that decision to read those books. Newer and prettier books are always catching our eyes so older books fall farther to the bottom of the pile. This group is designed to help everyone see those books that have been hiding, and read them with the same joy as a new book arriving from the bookstore.
At the end of each month, we tally up the books that have been read by the members so far, so that we can see if we are still on target to reach our group goal.
To all our new members - When joining the group, please set a numerical goal and create a ticker and copy it into your own personal thread as well as the group ticker thread - ...please create a new ticker, do not reuse the current one After a certain period of time they stop functioning regularly so a new one is preferred.
tHE TICKER THREAD IS https://www.librarything.com/topic/300952
This will help tremendously at the end of each month when the totals are calculated to show our progress. As we watch the group tickers move, we will root on each other to reach our individual goals and win the fight against unread books.