Primeros reseñadoresSimon Vance

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May 2020 Lote

Sorteo terminado: Mayo 25 a las 06:00 pm EDT

The House in the WoodsVista rápida
Audiolibro digital
Series: Atticus Priest (book 1)
Four murders. Two detectives. One mystifying crime. On Christmas Eve, DCI Mackenzie Jones is called to a shooting at a remote farmhouse. Ralph Mallender believes his father lies dead inside. When three more bodies are discovered, it's clear a festive family gathering has turned into a gruesome tragedy. At first it seems like an open and shut case: a murder suicide committed by Ralph's volatile brother Cameron. Then new evidence makes Mack suspect the man who reported the crime is in fact the perpetrator. But Mack isn't the only one with a stake in the case. Private investigator Atticus Priest has been hired to get Ralph acquitted. That means unearthing any weaknesses in Mack's evidence. Irascible, impatient, and unpredictable, Atticus has weaknesses of his own. Mack knows all about them because they share a past—both professionally and personally. This time round, however, they aren't on the same side. And as Atticus picks at the loose ends of the case, everything starts to unravel in a way neither of them could ever have predicted . . .
Audiolibro digital
Mystery, Fiction and Literature
Ofrecido por
Tantor Media (Editorial)
Información del libroPágina LibraryThing de la obra
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October 2018 Lote

Sorteo terminado: Octubre 29 a las 06:00 pm EDT

The Wish ChildVista rápida
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This internationally bestselling historical novel follows two children and a mysterious narrator as they navigate the falsehoods and wreckage of World War II Germany Germany, 1939. Two children watch as their parents become immersed in the puzzling mechanisms of power. Sieglinde lives in the affluent ignorance of middle-class Berlin, her father a censor who excises prohibited words ("promise," "love," "mercy") from books. Erich is an only child living a lush rural life near Leipzig, tending beehives, aware that he is shadowed by strange, unanswered questions. Drawn together as Germany's hope for a glorious future begins to collapse, the children find temporary refuge in an abandoned theater amid the rubble of Berlin. Outside, white bedsheets hang from windows; all over the city people are talking of surrender. The days Sieglinde and Erich spend together will shape the rest of their lives. Watching over them is the wish child, the enigmatic narrator of their story. He sees what they see, he feels what they feel, yet his is a voice that comes from deep inside the ruins of a nation's dream.
Audiolibro digital
General Fiction, Historical Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Ofrecido por
HighBridge Audio (Editorial)
Información del libroPágina LibraryThing de la obra
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September 2017 Lote

Sorteo terminado: Septiembre 25 a las 06:00 pm EDT

For Two Thousand YearsVista rápida
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This literary masterpiece revives the ideological debates of the interwar period through the journal of a Romanian Jewish student caught between anti-Semitism and Zionism. Although he endures persistent threats just to attend lectures, he feels disconnected from his Jewish peers and questions whether their activism will be worth the cost. Spending his days walking the streets and his nights drinking and conversing with revolutionaries, zealots, and libertines, he remains isolated, even from the women he loves. From Bucharest to Paris, he strives to make peace with himself in an increasingly hostile world. For Two Thousand Years echoes Mihail Sebastian's struggles as the rise of fascism ended his career and turned his friends and colleagues against him. Born of the violence of relentless anti-Semitism, his searching, self-derisive work captures a defining moment in history and lights the way for generations to come—a prescient, heart-wrenching chronicle of resilience and despair, resistance and acceptance.
Audiolibro digital
General Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Ofrecido por
Tantor Media (Editorial)
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March 2017 Lote

Sorteo terminado: Marzo 27 a las 06:00 pm EDT

The Whole Art of Detection: Lost Mysteries of Sherlock HolmesVista rápida
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Internationally bestselling author Lyndsay Faye became enamored with tales of Sherlock Holmes and his esteemed biographer Dr. John Watson as a child, and later, began spinning these quintessential characters into her own works of fiction—from her acclaimed debut novel, Dust and Shadow, which pitted the famous detective against Jack the Ripper, to a series of short stories for the Strand Magazine, whose predecessor published the very first Sherlock Holmes short story in 1891. In "The Lowther Park Mystery," the unsociable Holmes is forced to attend a garden party at the request of his politician brother and improvises a bit of theater to foil a conspiracy against the government. "The Adventure of the Thames Tunnel" brings Holmes's attention to the baffling murder of a jewel thief in the middle of an underground railway passage. With Holmes and Watson encountering all manner of ungrateful relatives, phony psychologists, wronged wives, plaid-garbed villains, and even a peculiar species of deadly red leech, The Whole Art of Detection is a must-read for Sherlockians and any fan of historical crime fiction with a modern sensibility.
Audiolibro digital
Fiction and Literature
Ofrecido por
HighBridge Audio (Editorial)
Información del libroPágina LibraryThing de la obra
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September 2016 Lote

Sorteo terminado: Septiembre 26 a las 06:00 pm EDT

IslandVista rápida
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In his final novel, which he considered his most important, Aldous Huxley transports us to the remote Pacific island of Pala, where an ideal society has flourished for 120 years. Inevitably, this island of bliss attracts the envy and enmity of the surrounding world. A conspiracy is underway to take over Pala, and events are set in motion when an agent of the conspirators, a newspaperman named Faranby, is shipwrecked there. What Faranby doesn't expect is how his time with the people of Pala will revolutionize all his values and—to his amazement—give him hope.
Audiolibro digital
General Fiction, Science Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Ofrecido por
Tantor Media (Editorial)
Información del libroPágina LibraryThing de la obra
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September 2011 Lote

Sorteo terminado: Septiembre 26 a las 06:00 pm EDT

Trackers AUDIO EDITIONVista rápida
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Read by Simon Vance.A Muslim attack in Cape Town? Too far-fetched. It can’t be true. So why is the Presidential Intelligence Agency so desperate to intercept a shipment? Why is the CIA bringing in its big guns? And why, if it’s only a rumor, is it having such violent consequences—on the life of Milla Strachan, a former housewife who just wanted to live a little dangerously; Lemmer, a freelance bodyguard turned reluctant smuggler; and former cop Mat Joubert, who’s working on his first case as a private eye? Before long, the trail of death stretches from the Chizarira to the Cape Waterfront.In his eagerly awaited seventh novel, Meyer moves deftly among a brilliantly rendered cast of characters—farmers, outlaws, gangsters, intelligence agents—and delves deeply into the people, problems, and landscapes of South Africa.
Audiolibro digital
Mystery, Suspense & Thriller, Fiction and Literature
Ofrecido por
HighBridge (Editorial)
Información del libroPágina LibraryThing de la obra
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June 2011 Lote

Sorteo terminado: Junio 30 a las 06:00 pm EDT

An ex-con is brutally murdered with an ax in Kaalbringen. Then the body of a wealthy real estate mogul is found, also the victim of a violent attack. There appears to be a serial killer on the loose, and Chief Inspector Van Veeteren is called in to help the local police. As details surrounding the grisly murders are collected, Van Veeteren finds little to go on. But then there’s another murder, and shortly thereafter one of Van Veeteren’s colleagues, a promising female detective, goes missing—perhaps because the criminal knows she has come too close to the truth. . . .
General Fiction, Mystery, Fiction and Literature
Ofrecido por
HighBridge (Editorial)
Información del libroPágina LibraryThing de la obra
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