Young Writers

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I'm a teen author (unpublished . . . *scowls*) and I was wondering how many fellow teens are trying to make their way in the world of writing. This is a way for us to all talk and share our experiences and ideas for getting discovered.

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I am a 14 year old author2 no leídos / 2Taphophile13, Febrero 2016
So, how'd you start writing?23 no leídos / 23Alfhiez, marzo 2015
Wattpad2 no leídos / 2Corsiva, abril 2014
self-publishing/e-publishing2 no leídos / 2CoverBistro, julio 2013
Hello to my fellow members!12 no leídos / 12Mahayla.Bainter, noviembre 2012
What do you write?24 no leídos / 24Mahayla.Bainter, octubre 2012
short story website1 no leído / 1sean2euro, junio 2008
turn your dreams into reality1 no leído / 1ananyasabarwal, marzo 2008
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