Unclutter Things

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For LibraryThing members who want to live a clutter-free life, and maybe even thin their books a little!

This group was set up following on from a thread on ‘Keeping book clutter off the bookshelf’ on the Unclutterer blog (http://unclutterer.com/2011/04/12/keeping-book-clutter-off-the-bookshelf).

It’s open to anyone interested in both books and decluttering and the kinds of things we could perhaps discuss include:
• can books be ‘clutter’?
• ideas and strategies for thinning out books
• what to keep and what to get rid of?
• do e-books help keep down book clutter?
• borrowing rather than owning books
• where to get rid of books you no longer want
• books, articles and websites of interest to declutterers
• and indeed anything else related to living a clutter-free life.

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