Love and Death: for Woody Allen fans

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Even if you don't own a copy of Without Feathers or Getting Even, maybe you like stories that are as neurotic and romantic as his films. Or perhaps you happen to own a copy of Denial of Death. If not to discuss, let's at least see what the group zeitgeist looks like.

"Millions of books written on every conceivable subject by all these great minds and in the end, none of them knows anything more about the big questions of life than I do ... I read Socrates. This guy knocked off little Greek boys. What the Hell's he got to teach me? And Nietzsche, with his theory of eternal recurrence. He said that the life we lived we're gonna live over again the exact same way for eternity. Great. That means I'll have to sit through the Ice Capades again. It's not worth it. And Freud, another great pessimist. I was in analysis for years and nothing happened. My poor analyst got so frustrated, the guy finally put in a salad bar. Maybe the poets are right. Maybe love is the only answer. "
- Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)

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Quiz5 no leídos / 5KatrinkaV, julio 2008
new book by Woody coming out soon3 no leídos / 3shearrob, marzo 2007
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