For the Love of Wilde!

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The Importance of Being 'WILDE': Anything and Everything about Oscar Wilde. True fans only!!!

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Thankyou & Introductions.8 no leídos / 8whpugmire, julio 2013
If you could be any one...14 no leídos / 14HarryMacDonald, enero 2013
Which one is your favorite of Wilde’s works?7 no leídos / 7Rosa_Saks, diciembre 2011
Poisoned by a book?5 no leídos / 5maxbolli, diciembre 2011
Oscar Wilde Open Discussion3 no leídos / 3Her_Appleness, junio 2008
Scholarly work on The Importance of Being Ernest2 no leídos / 2Janisdoll, Febrero 2007
Out of Action1 no leído / 1literary.elitist, enero 2007
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