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Rob Sheffield was born on February 2, 1966 in Boston, Massachusetts. He attended Yale University and the University of Virginia. He is a music journalist and author. He acts as a contributing editor at Rolling Stone Magazine where he writes reviews and commentaries on current music culture. Before mostrar más this, he was a contributing editor at Spin Magazine. He is also a DJ at the radio station WTJU in New York. His first book is Love is a Mix Tape: Life and Loss, One Song at a Time. The sequel to this is a book entitled Talking to Girls About Duran Duran: One Young Man's Quest for True Love and a Cooler Haircut. (Bowker Author Biography) mostrar menos

Incluye el nombre: Rob Sheffield

Créditos de la imagen: Credit: David Shankbone, Sept. 2007

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my favorite book in a while. I love the way he writes. Quick, awesome read. Easy to relate to.
bsuff | 33 reseñas más. | Apr 6, 2023 |
Subtitled “The Love Story of One Band and the Whole World” I was expecting this to provide insights into the Fab Four’s cross-cultural international appeal.

It isn’t that. In fact it’s the exact opposite in that it’s a personal reflection of one individual’s relationship with The Beatles and their music.

Rolling Stone writer and music critic Rob Sheffield uses Beatle songs, albums, and Beatles moments as springboards for a series of stream of conciseness essays that come together to provide a loose history of the band and its ongoing legacy. As a personal account Sheffield makes several remarks that you may not agree with (he clearly does not like Paul), as well as some insightful observations that will get you nodding your head.

The style is very conversational and flows well. It was almost a single sitting read for me (my flight home needed to be just 30 minutes longer).

Perhaps the best summary of this book comes it’s final chapter “The Beatles story keeps taking new turns on the personal level as well as the public one.”
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gothamajp | 9 reseñas más. | Jun 16, 2022 |
This is a terrific book from music writer Rob Sheffield. He approaches Bowie's career as a fan, not as a critic. For those of us who admired and loved Bowie's music, but might not have been aficionados of his every musical and cultural nuance, this book hits the sweet spot. It never dives into minutiae or feels heavy handed. It's like coffee with a Bowie fan who wants to share a fair assessment of his hits and misses, his humanity and his struggles.

The book, chaptered by albums and eras, takes us from his early days as David Jones to his passing in 2016 and the luminous "Lazarus" that capped off his career. I'd recommend it to anyone who is looking for an introduction to Bowie, or a high-level appreciation of his life and artistry. If you know the lyrics and session players for every album from "Low" to "Never Let Me Down", this might be a deep enough dive for you, but you'll appreciate Sheffield's honesty, respect, and awareness of Bowie and his impact on our culture.… (más)
TommyHousworth | 6 reseñas más. | Feb 5, 2022 |
I suppose it's nostalgia. Or maybe it's the fact that my son will never possess a mix tape the way technology is changing the way we listen to music – as I type this, I'm currently using my Pandora One account. Whatever the reason, however, there's something that tugs on the heartstrings between the lines of Rob Sheffield's writing.

Much like Sheffield, I spent the better part of my youth making mix tapes. Mix tapes for the girls I had crushes on. Mix tapes for my friends. Mix tapes for people I was getting to know. Mix tapes for my friends' sexual activities. Mix tapes to play while I was writing bad poetry and shitty short stories. Christmas jams 1999. Summer of Love '97. Songs to Kill Yourself To. Songs to be Reborn To. Life's soundtrack on tiny spools of magnetic tape. When CDRs came about, I segued in that direction. The latest shared playlists I made were on Second Life, back when I DJ'ed as Blaspheme Baxton. Nothing, however, can amount to the sweat and blood poured into the mix cassette tape.

And every mix tape tells a story, or part of one. It maps the path of good times and bad ones. It shows us that everything has its time, everything will pass. And isn't that what Sheffield is telling us? Each song brings him closer to his wife, while aiding him through the world without her.

One can only wish to possess Sheffield's musical insights, and his ability to write about experiences so beautifully. If not for responsibilities, I would have allowed the book to suck me in and not resurface until it was finished with me. If you haven't read it, I suggest you put down that current bestseller and pick up a copy of this baby.
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ennuiprayer | 63 reseñas más. | Jan 14, 2022 |



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