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Frederick C. Schneid, Ph.D. (1993) in History, Purdue University, is Professor of History and Chair of the Department of History at High Point University. He has published extensively on the Napoleonic Wars and European warfare, including Napoleon's Conquest of Europe: The War of the Third mostrar más Coalition (Praeger, 2005). mostrar menos
Créditos de la imagen: Frederick C. Schneid [credit: High Point University]

Obras de Frederick C. Schneid


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One of Potomac Books' Essential Bibliograpic Series, this short book succesfully "examines the changing nature of Napoleonic warfare in the English-speaking world."
charbonn | otra reseña | Sep 25, 2016 |
There are some odd constructions in the text of this book, such as using the term "Rearguard" when meaning "Rearguard Action." While the maps for a good many Napoleonic battles are competent, there is a better set of details on the French armies than any else's forces. This has led to several gaps in the non-French information. The book also uses the colour red for the French in the maps, and all their opponents are printed in Blue. Non-traditional at best, and unsettling. The maps also are not printed with a directional arrow for north, so the alignment for the battlefields are often confusing.
The chapter on Naval Warfare also suffers from a curious idea that carronades were not used for firing cannonballs, but were strictly anti-personnel weapons, firing grape. The coverage of naval battles is limited to three, and this is much weakens the value of the book for navalists. Therefore, this book is a two star performance with a misleading title.
… (más)
DinadansFriend | Aug 23, 2016 |
Excellent bargain for those interested in the Napoleonic Wars. $10 for a well-constructed 100-page bibliographic essay analysing the era's literature. Six chapters examine the wars, the campaigns, the armies etc. Much food for thought and a great resource for bringing the reader up to speed with current research on the period.This book also inspires me to look into Potomac Books other Essential Bibliographies. Really a mandatory purchase for students of this subject.
Ammianus | otra reseña | Jan 11, 2013 |
Samma upplägg som boken för medeltiden: övergripande info blandat med berättelser om olika slag. Här fungerar det lite sämre, eftersom slagskildringarna blir lite väl långa och man tröttnar. Å andra sidan är varje enskilt kapitel mer logiskt uppbyggt med strikt kausalitet, även om det blir hoppigt mellan de olika kapitlen. Andra minus inkluderar just "stormaktstiden" (dubbelfel: dels kan begreppet bara användas för svensk historia (även om Sverige hade det tvivelaktiga nöjet att för en tid vara föregångsland inom det militära), dels skildrar boken en längre tidsperiod än så) och allmänt slarv (Moritz av Oranien får se sitt namn stavat med både z och s, ibland i samma stycke).… (más)
andejons | Mar 14, 2008 |

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