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Carolyn Jourdan

Autor de Heart in the Right Place

19 Obras 804 Miembros 48 Reseñas

Sobre El Autor

Carolyn Jourdan is a best selling author of mystery, medicine and wildlife. She is a former U.S. Senate Counsel to the Committee on Environment and Public Works and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. She attended the University of Tennessee and earned degrees in Biomedical Engineering and mostrar más Law. She has written several best sellers including: Medicine Men, Bear in the Back Seat, Heart in the Right Place and Out on a Limb. (Bowker Author Biography) mostrar menos

Incluye el nombre: carolynjourdan

Créditos de la imagen: Carolyn Jourdan


Obras de Carolyn Jourdan


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Short stories by a daughter of a Appalachian physician in Tennessee. The short stories are about her dad and other doctors in the area - giving a flavor of what it is like to treat patients in the back woods.
bentstoker | Jan 26, 2024 |
OK read-a bit unbelievable. Google review:Phoebe McFarland has just moved back to her hometown of White Oak, Tennessee, a sleepy rural community nestled in the mist-shrouded ridges and isolated hollows of the Smoky Mountains. Now she spends her days working as a rural home health care nurse, making calls on a quirky roster of housebound characters she's determined to take care of whether they cooperate or not. She applies this same optimism to her love life, despite the fact that she's been dating for 38 years without locating any husband material. When she runs into her childhood sweetheart, Henry Matthews, a wildlife ranger for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, it looks like she might've found her man. But Phoebe and Henry's chance for romance has to be put on hold while they undertake a desperate search for a young woman who mysteriously vanished from the park during a gathering of world famous biologists and botanists, including a charismatic Frog Whisperer.… (más)
bentstoker | 7 reseñas más. | Jan 26, 2024 |
Short collection of stories about rural doctoring. Poignant gentle humor.
jemisonreads | 11 reseñas más. | Jan 22, 2024 |
Having spent time in eastern TN/western NC in and around the Smoky Mountains National Park, I loved the setting of this mystery. The mystery itself was OK -- a little predictable but with an interesting motive. I didn't much care for the scenes given from the culprit's perspective; the change in point-of-view was jarring and the information provided unnecessary. It would have been a better story without these bits in my opinion.

Another flaw, but a more tolerable one for me, was the explanations about slime molds. I found the information interesting but a less science-oriented reader may find them boring or overly long. Also, some of the information is given twice (once to Henry and then again to Phoebe) which seemed like padding.… (más)
leslie.98 | 7 reseñas más. | Jun 27, 2023 |

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